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When I woke up I felt something really clingy on me. It was warm and really near me. I didn't know what it was but it felt really comfortable.

The end of my blanket tickled on my nose, I could hear the cars outside and everything seemed calm and relaxing. I sighed in satisfaction and cuddled under the soft blanket.

The warmth on my back was still there. But now I realized that it came from another person. I didn't like skin ships, hugs or something like this. But this touch made me feel like a child who was embraced by his mother. I missed this feeling. So I enjoyed every second of the unknown warmth.

I breathed out and fell asleep again.

When I woke up the next time I opened my eyes and looked out of the window in front of me. I saw the cloudy sky and the high buildings covered in clouds. I yawned and rubbed my eyes sleepily. The warmth was still there. I could hear the breath of another person. It sounded melodic and beautiful. I smiled and closed my eyes again, still half asleep and not fully awake. When I noticed the arms that were wrapped around my waist.

I froze and widened my eyes in shock. Why was there an unknown person in my bed? And who was it?

I gulped and turned slowly around to see who the owner of this arms was. As soon as I saw him I remembered on yesterday. I remembered the bullies, his bruises, the deal we made.

I looked at Jimin whose arms were still wrapped around my body. His cheek was pressed on my back while he was sleeping. His eyes were closed, his mouth half opened while I heard his calm breath.

I stared at him in shock. He was the warmth at my back and the first one who hugged me since years beside my parents. I took a shaky breath as I tried to understand the situation.

I hated hugs. I hated Jimin. I hated to sleep with him in one bed. But his hug felt still really comfortable.

I tried to calm down as I freed myself from his arms and got up. I staggered to the window and leaned against it. The warmth was gone and I started to shiver from the sudden cold that embraced my body. I stared at the small boy who was still sleeping in my bed.

God, that didn't happen! He didn't... did he? I groaned and tousled my hair while I tried to calm down.

I went out of the room and into the bathroom. I propped at the sink and exhaled loudly. It was weird. Really weird. Normally I hated every personal contact. I didn't like it when people touch me or lean on me. I was really sensitive. But strangely I was comfortable with Jimins hug. It was really warm... and comfortable... and on a really strange way calming.

I shook my head and sighed deeply. Ah, you're going to lose your mind because of this boy. I said to myself and rubbed my eyes tiredly. I took a hot shower to wake myself completely up.

When I got out of the bathroom Jimin was already awake. He made breakfast when I went into the kitchen. He handed me my daily coffee. I looked at him with piercing eyes but he didn't even noticed it while he was busy with preparing the food.

I was sure he couldn't remember the hug. He did it while sleeping and I got out of the hug before he had awakened. I sighed and leaned against the door.

Jimin. I said and he looked up. Last night was an exception. You're going to sleep in the living room as always.

I know. he answered and continued his work. He bit his lip as he looked at me again. I-i should ask you from Hoseok-hyung if you want to meet him and some friends. He said a Yoongi is also there.

You'll be also there, won't you?

He nodded shyly. Hyung said I should take Taehyung with me.

I sighed and smirked when I remembered how Hoseok gushed about Taehyung. I looked at Jimin who was standing in front of me. Tell Hoseok-sshi I'll be there. I said. I didn't know but a strange part of me wanted to go there. A really weird and strange part of me. The one which I actually tried to oppress. Jimin nodded.

I dressed up and drove to the company. Jimin needed to walk as always. I went into the practice room and started to practice. It was just a normal day and I already forgot Jimins hug from this morning. But something didn't seem right when my boss commanded me to his office. He looked really angry and bugged when I walked in.

I bowed  in front of him and sat on the chair. His eyes were piercing me while I still didn't know what he wanted from me.

Jungkook-sshi. he grumbled and clenched his hands. Do you know why you're here? he asked.

I shook my head. No, I don't know.

Do you remember something bad you did in the last days? Something you should have been thinking about before you act. His voice sounded like a sharp knife.

I shook my head again and looked at him with widened eyes. I really don't know...

Maybe it's something like beating some trainees up! he yelled furiously.

I needed to take a moment to remember yesterday and gasped when the realization hit me. Yeah... but... I didn't beat them up. They were beating an other trainee up. I just stopped them. I pleaded and narrowed my eyes.

But the six boys were telling me something different! He stood up and glanced at me. You know this is a big scandal when netizens find out about this.

But I didn't punch them causelessly! They were beating a smaller boy up.

Don't lie, Jungkook-sshi! Six trainees told me another story. I know you have a strict schedule but that doesn't mean to react like this!

I scoffed in disbelief. This little bastards... They were beating Jimin up and saying I punched them causelessly. I was about to kill them!

I could convince them to forget the story. My boss said and sat on his chair. But you're going to train the trainees instead.

What!!! I yelled in shock and gasped. I-i should train them!?

Exactly. You'll help Hoseok-sshi with the dance lessons.

I scoffed and clenched my hands as I stood up. You can't do this to me! I'm Jeon Jungkook. I'm a star!

Yeah and I'm really sure the fans and the other trainees will be really excited about your new job. My boss smiled innocently.

I bit my lip and groaned in disappointment. So I was going to be the trainer of Jimin and the bullies. Really ironic.

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