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I went out of the shop with a proud grin plastered on my face.

Now I was the proud new owner of a digital camera which I was going to give Jimin as a christmas present.

I smiled happily to myself as I walked down the crowded street, the bag with the present in my hand. The mood in the city was as always busy and cheerful. The street was painted in the colorful lights of the ads and street lamps. Booths were crowded with people, the tasty steam of food floated through the people, tempting new ones to visit them.

Everything was already prepared for christmas. Shops were still opened, showing the bright christmas trees and presents in them.

I walked randomly around, looking for nothing particular as I stopped in front of a shop and watched through the window inside. I smiled as I looked at the small representation with small little figures from the nativity play.

I didn't know since when I've been so soft-heartened but I guessed it happened after I let it happen. After I let this short little moment of togetherness between Jimin and me in the park happen.

I was still really cautious of the thing in my heart I couldn't even really name. But on the other side I felt... happy.

I also didn't know since when I've been feeling happy but it just happened. The feeling of happiness became rare for me in the last few years. Especially when it was because of a person. So this new feeling of happiness was really special and precious for me.

I was still looking at the small figures in front of me as someone bumped rudely into me. I staggered backwards and the bag with the camera slipped nearly out of my hands but I caught it in the right moment.

Watch out! I yelled after I had the present in a safe grasp again.

Oh, I'm so sorry. The person responded immediately. I hissed and looked up but widened my eyes as I recognized the person.

Haneul!? I exclaimed loudly. She was the last person I thought I could bump into.

J-jungkook-sshi. She said with big eyes and bowed quickly. Oh, I'm really sorry! She apologized again.

I grimaced and sighed. It's okay. Nothing is damaged. I just responded and looked at her. What are you doing here?

She smiled slightly and plucked gently on her red scarf which covered her neck and the half of her chin. Her cheeks were rosy from the cold and she smiled at me with the same honey-sweet expression as always. I'm buying a christmas present for Taehyungie. She responded and her smile widened.

I nodded and raised my eyebrows. Oh yeah, I'm sure "Taehyungie"will be really happy. I just replied and sighed again. I was still uncomfortable with the cringy attitude of the two. Especially because of Hoseok who was unfortunately every time present when it became really cheesy. Taehyung was still acting like an asshole and I didn't know why. I still guessed it was because Haneul was his first girlfriend and he needed to prove something for himself but I didn't have the intention to speak with him about that yet.

Is this... for Jimin by any chance? Haneul asked and pointed at the bag in my hand.

I looked at her and nodded. Yes, it is. I'll give it to him at the first snowfall of this year. I replied and raised my eyebrows. Why are you asking?

Oh... I was just curious... She answered and shrugged.

Alright, I'm going now. See you, Haneul. I said and started walking down the crowded street. I didn't even wait for her response as I walked towards my car. But my loneliness didn't last long as I heard the clicking sounds of heels behind me.

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