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I don't know what I should doooo~ Hoseok whined and laid his head onto the surface of the table. I sighed deeply and leaned back.

Don't sigh like that, Jeon Jungkook. he said and looked up. It's a real problem. What is it? Am I too ugly? he asked loudly and pointed at his face.

I took a sip from my smoothie and nodded coldly. Hoseok grimaced and hit me playfully. You're supposed to be nice!

I laughed and hit him back. Nope. And who said this?

I'm saying this! he told me. I don't know what to do anymore. Does he think I'm only playing a game? I'm not. I'm really not.

I sighed again and crossed my arms. Did he say something like this to you? I asked. Hoseok shook his head slightly. It's not like that. Taehyung is just ignoring me. And I don't want to be like an obtrusive girlfriend or some shit like this. So I'm not forcing him. I'm just... I don't know what I should do anymore. He sighed desperately.

What did you do? I asked him and looked into his eyes.

I just texted him sometimes and I ate with him together in the cafeteria... yeah...

And that is wrong! I answered immediately. Hoseok widened his eyes and looked at me. Why? he asked.

Because most of this happened in the company. There are a lot of people and work and things like this. Maybe he's just shy and uncomfortable in this surroundings. I looked at him. Just ask him out for a date.

I-i should ask him if we should go on a date? Hoseok asked shocked. I nodded. Just do it. You can't get more than a rejection.

Hoseok hummed in response and leaned back. Yeah... why not.

I smiled a bit. Maybe I was a loser in my own mess of feelings but this doesn't mean I couldn't help others. Normally I would never help Hoseok. But I didn't know... it was a little bit fun to open up myself and help him.

But as soon as I thought about this I remembered my own worries and problems. I sighed deeply and leaned forward. Hyung, I should go now. I said tiredly and stood up.

Me too. Hoseok responded and got up. We looked out of the window where a heavy downpour raged. I sighed and grabbed the umbrella I took with me.

You're lucky. I forgot mine. Hoseok sighed deeply and put his jacket on. We went outside and got hit by the heavy gusts of wind. I don't like rain. I mumbled to myself as I popped the umbrella up and said bye to Hoseok. Then I ran into the rainfall. Wind and rain hit me and I squinted my eyes. Ah, I hated this.

I ran trough the city but walked normally after a long sprint for the last ten minutes. I gasped heavily and walked in a normal pace. Puddles in front of me while walking. I looked at them and saw my own deformed reflection in them.

I looked up into the gloomy sky. All clouds were dark and grey, wind raged trough the city and the rain drummed onto my umbrella. The street was full with cars, water was splashing when they drove and the people tried to flee into the opened shops. I saw cafés which were crowded with people with wet hair and clothes.

I looked yearningly into the shops. They seemed so warm and nice. I wished I could go in one but my apartment wasn't so far away anymore, so it would be pointless.

I sighed and walked through the emptied streets when something caught my attention. I turned around and had a bad vision through the closeness of the rain which poured heavily down. But I could clearly see the orange hair not far away.

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