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I looked out of the window and bit my lip. Today was the first day of December. The first day of the month I hated the most.

I sighed deeply and laid my head on the cold glass of the window. The sky was cloudy and everything seemed gray and depressed, like my mood. I looked at the skyscrapers which were half covered in thick clouds, the cars on the streets and the people who walked there.

I'm sure the most of them were going to prepare everything for christmas. I scoffed as I thought about this day.

Christmas. The day I hated the most in the month I hated the most in the season I hated most. Really ironic, wasn't it?

I hated this time of the year the most, more than the rain which reminded me of my mother every time. But Christmas was the worst. Because this was the day my mother left me. My biological mother who didn't left this world. She only left me.

She wasn't really alive but also not dead. She was in coma since the accident on the day before Christmas nearly ten years ago.

I've never celebrate Christmas since that day. Never. I would never do it again. Because it felt like I would betray my mom. It was because I missed her. Because she was the only human on this world I loved. And the only person on this world that hurt me so badly with leaving me.

I smiled sadly as I thought about her. I still love you, mom... even if you hurt me so badly. I laughed sadly and bit my lip.

I hated December because it was the time I thought about her. The only time in the year I allowed myself to mourn.

Nobody knew about my real backstory beside my adoptive parents and the company. And the company gave me a new identity. The person I was still today.

Jeon Jungkook, the man who killed fangirls with one wink and was popular in whole Korea. But unofficially the boy who hated himself the most but was still strong enough to play the role someone gave him.

I laughed roughly as I thought about this and scratched my head. I was weak, really weak. Even if I didn't want to admit this.

Jeon Jungkook was the shield that saved me from getting hurt again. The shield that helped me to protect myself. A shield that nobody could destroy.

This was me. Jeon Jungkook.

Jungkook-sshi, your lesson starts. A staff informed me.

I nodded and stood up but threw a last glance through the window before I left the room. My first lesson with the trainees. I sighed and ran with my hand trough my hair before I went in.

Hoseok was already there. But only for the first lessons to help me. He started the lesson and I just stood beside him and tried to observe his steps carefully. Even if I hated this job already I didn't want to mess up.

I sat on a chair when the trainees practice something for a while. I looked at Jimin who stood beside Taehyung. The two were laughing while they did what Hoseok told them. I glanced to the six ugly bastards aka the trainees that liked to beat smaller and weaker people up.

How should I train them with the knowledge that they would beat Jimin up as soon as possible and set me up for this again? How should I treat them nicely when I knew that my mother was going to kill me for this?

I sighed in desperation and waited until the lesson ended. Hoseok said bye to everyone and I did too. But he stopped when the six trainees wanted to go out. He called everyone by his name and commanded them back.

They stood in front of us and looked really bored and bugged out. Hoseok smiled at them with his widest smile but I saw in his eyes that it was fake. He leaned against the wall behind him and crossed his arms.

So... he started. I heard you like to beat defenseless people up? He asked still smiling. His smile was sweet but his words sounded like poison. I stared at him in awe as I saw his cold aplomb. And I needed to say that he looked really cool.

The boys looked at each other and remained quiet.

I don't like it when people hurt other people. I could swear Hoseok glanced at me as he said this but I did nothing. Especially when they are my friends.

A boy shrugged and looked tiredly at Hoseok. He didn't deserve something other. We needed to beat this little faggo-

The trainee stopped immediately as he saw Hoseoks angry glance. Ah, this is how you call people who are more intelligent than all of you together.

The boys seemed a little bit angry. We can go to your chef and make sure you get fired! They menaced.

But Hoseok only laughed. He raised his brows and chuckled, obviously really amused. You think you are in the position to menace me? He laughed again. You forgot I'm your dance teacher. I'm in charge to rate yours dancing. And I could easily rate everybody of you with 0 points. Do you think someone of the company would ask how it came like that? He shrugged. They would only kick you out. And this means "bye, bye, fame and fans". Do you still want to menace me?

The boys seemed to boil in anger but they responded nothing just clenching their fist and looking defeated.

So I think this is a no. Hoseok said and placed the same sweet smile on his face as before. You can go now. See you tomorrow.

The boys went out, mumbling and quietly cursing at Hoseok. When the door closed Hoseok and I burst into laughter. I looked at him in awe. Wow, you were so cool! I said loudly, really impressed by his speech.

I know. Hoseok chuckled and smiled. I'm a cool hyung.

I'm wondering why Taehyung didn't notice it yet.

Hoseok eyes widened in agreement. I know! I asked myself the same. He sighed deeply and his amused expression turned into a mean one. The same count for you, Jungkook. If you hurt Jimin or Taehyung I can't let you pass with this. I don't want them to be hurt. It doesn't matter if it's physically or mentally.

I know. I answered and looked at him. But please don't look that creepy when you're mad at me.

Hoseoks eyes widened. I look creepy when I'm mad? He groaned.Maybe this is the reason why Taehyung is ignoring me.

I laughed and stood up. No, I'm sure this isn't the reason.

I hope so. Hoseok responded and laughed. I looked at him and smiled.

I didn't know why but I started slightly to like him.

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