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Whoop Whoop [No proofread]


Am I crazy? Was the first question, that flushed my mind as I stood in front of the red door.

The hall was still dipped in darkness, only small lights dozing on the sides of the floor gave enough light to see the vague surroundings.

Am I crazy for standing in front of a hospital door at 2.33 in the morning? I asked myself.

My fingers clenched around the box in my hands, breath getting heavier as I thought about what I was doing here.

Yes, I probably was crazy.

But still I stood here and pondered about if I should open the door or not.

It'd been one day since the news sprouted that Jimin woke up again. And I knew that he'd already been visited by all of the others. Shortly after Taehyung had gotten the message in the café he'd lost no time to jump off and make his way to Seokjin in the hospital.

I knew that the others had joined as soon as possible as well, but for me... I was a coward. I didn't dare to come with my friends into the hospital, visiting Jimin with smiles like nothing had happened, like I wasn't one of the reasons he was lying there in the first place.

I didn't even know if he wanted to see me at all...

And so I stood here, still torn if I should enter or not. I thought about what I'd told Taehyung in the café. That he should start to act mature and stand straight for the things he'd done. And I guessed, this was the perfect moment for me to proof that I meant it like I'd said it.

So I took a deep breath, straightened my back and reached with my hand for the cold doorknob, opening it slowly.

I didn't know what I'd expected from my quick visit. Maybe that Jimin would be asleep, the lights turned off and the beeping machines surrounding him just like the last time I'd been here.

But it was different this time.

There was steady silence in the room, the only noise that rushed in my ears was my heartbeat, that lingered in my chest. A street lamp standing right in front of the window illuminated the room vaguely just like the last time.

But the thing that caught my attention the most was the thin boy, who sat in his bed, looking dreamily out of the window, a play of light and shadows flushing over his face.

I stared at him in silence, my lips were dry and no words dared to leave my mouth. But they didn't have to. It was like a silent string, that tugged on Jimin's head as he turned slowly around, eyes meeting mine.

And for a second we just gazed at each other, silence hugging both of us tightly. The atmosphere in the room was gloomy, only thin rays of light seeped through the window, playing hide and seek with the shadows.

We were only a few feet apart, but it felt like a whole world to me.

I didn't know what to say or what to do, but in this moment I could only feel relieved to see him awake and healthy. And I guessed exactly this emotions were mirroring in my face right now because I could see how Jimin's face softened, the corners of his mouth tugging into a weak but honest smile.

I felt my heart melting.

Do you want to stand there for the rest of the night? He asked all of a sudden, his bruised but soft voice resonating in my ears, making my knees go weak.

I could only respond with a short shake of my head as relieve and happiness were flushing over me in a matter of seconds, I was only able to barely hide the big smile, that wanted to crack across my face at this very moment.

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