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I felt happy.

So unexpected happy as I went into the company. I couldn't control the wide grin which remained on my face since I woke up. Especially because it was Jimin who laid beside me as I've opened my eyes and spotted him.

I liked the sight on his sleeping face. Relaxed features, closed eyes, slightly opened mouth and orange hair which covered his forehead. I liked how his warm breath hit my collarbone, how he was curled up in my arms and how our legs were tangled.

This was the perfect way to wake up.

I walked happily into the practice room. But the best was that I finally know the feelings which roamed inside me for the last weeks.

I never thought I could feel something like love to someone else. And I never thought I would feel that good.

I hummed happily a cheerful melody as I greeted Hoseok and changed my casual clothes to my training clothes. Good morning, hyung! I shouted full of happiness as I sashayed past him with a wide grin on my face.

Hoseok gave me a confused look but laughed and went to the stereo. Okay, Jungkookie, why are you so uncommon happy?

I smiled at him and shrugged. I don't know. I just said teasingly and continued smiling.

I never saw you that happy, Jungkook. Hoseok said and looked at me suspiciously. Did something good happen? Do you won a price at a music show or something like this?

I shook my head and started some music. No, I'm just really happy.

Hoseok laughed and exhaled loudly. It's okay, as long as we can continue the training.

I was full of energy and motivation during the training. I saw this kind of things in dramas and other TV shows. Seeing how the people went nearly insane because of the happiness. And I always thought how weird this people were. Being so happy and needy for one person.

But now I experienced it myself. And it felt amazing.

I was even happy as I walked to the cafeteria. I didn't even know why I was so happy or what happened with me. But it didn't matter as long as I felt this happiness inside of me.

I looked around for a place to sit and spotted Namjoon. I walked towards him and sat on the chair across him. Morning, hyung. I smiled widely and tilted my head to the left.

So happy, Jungkook? He responded with raised eyebrows.

I frowned but it didn't need long before it switched into a smile again. Why is everyone saying this? It's not like I'm never happy.

Right, you're just always grumpy.

I'm not. I sneered and looked around. Are you alone? I asked then.

No, Jinnie is just getting something to eat for us. Why are you asking?

I bit my lip and observed again the whole room before focusing on Namjoon in front of me. You remember our talk, don't you?

Namjoon nodded and looked at me curiously. I blushed as I looked down and smiled. I... think you were right.

Right with what? He asked with an amused smile on his face and raised eyebrows.

Right with the things you said. Last night I realized... that I fell for this boy... I admitted and sighed. I looked up and into Namjoon's eyes, seeing him smile.

That's great, Jungkook. He said. Thank god you realized your feelings. He laughed roughly. And what are you doing now? Confessing?

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