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I woke up because of the downpour outside. I looked out of the window but could only see the raindrops rushing down the glass.

I rubbed my eyes tiredly and yawned while I stretched my arms.

The rain hit the glass as if it was trying to break it. The sound got louder and rang in my ears. I wasn't that type for rain and snow.

I didn't like it anymore. Since my biological mother loved it.

I stood up and walked sleepily into the kitchen. When something other took my interest. The door for the living room was opened and I saw the neon green sleeping bag. A little figure had cuddled into it and looked really peaceful while sleeping. He looked younger and smaller in his improvised bed. Maybe a little bit cute too.

I quickly averted my gaze and got into the kitchen as planned. I slowly took a mug out of the cupboard and placed it under the coffee machine as I pressed the button and the well-known smell of coffee hit my nostrils. I went to the window while the machine was working and leaned against it.

I could feel the cold glass on my cheek and closed my eyes slowly as I focused of the sound of the rain.

You see this, Jungkookie? my real mother said and smiled at me. She pointed out of the window to the orange and brown trees outside. There were bowing into the harsh wind. The leaves flew trough the sky and the rain.

Yeah, mom. I said and smiled at her. My two front teeth were missing after they fell out two days ago. I was really proud. My mom said I will be a grown boy soon.

She held my hand tightly and neared the window until her nose touched the cold glass.

Rain is really beautiful. she told me with a dreamy glance outside. It's like all the pain and sorrow will be washed away. It is like a shower. Sometimes it can be a little bit cold and uncomfortable. But after the storm the world looks like newborn. The sun is coming out, birds are going to chirp again and the air smells so fresh and sweet. Like everything is new.

She smiled widely. Rain is one of the most beautiful things the nature gave us. My mother looked at me. You need to appreciate the rain and you'll be the person who see the good in every raindrop.

I nodded with a wide grin and hugged her. Okay, mom. I looked out of the window. Can I go out play now? She kneeled down in front of me to be on the same eye level as me. Sure, Jungkookie. As long you wear your raincoat.

I nodded well-behaved and she gave me a kiss on the forehead. Go play now, my dear.

M-morning. someone mumbled and I heard almost inaudible foot steps behind me.

I quickly turned around and looked with big eyes at Jimin. My cheek tickled from the cold glass and I slowly touched it. My coffee was almost done. It wasn't even hot anymore.

Hm. was the only sound that escaped my throat as I thought of the memory from a really long time ago. I bit my lip and looked down. I gave myself just a moment to breath. Then I looked up again. My eyes were mean as every time. I looked at the clock and frowned.

I'm late. I said shocked and ran into the bedroom to dress up.

After that I ran out of the apartment to the parking lot. The rain drummed onto the car.

I didn't notice Jimin was following me. Also dressed up. He stood outside the car as the rain hit his body. I sat behind the wheel and looked at him.

Do you think I'm gonna take you with me because my mother said so? I gave him a sneering glance.

I-i...r-ra... he stuttered incoherently and clenched his hands tightly in shame.

I laughed at him. Why should I take you with me!? I asked sarcastically.

It's storming a-and so cold. he jittered and enlaced his arms around himself while he was shivering.

Sorry, I can't do anything against the weather. I scoffed with a shrug and started the motor.

I don't even know where the building is. he stumbled shyly as he looked at me with his big and brown puppy eyes. I searched for something manipulative and bad in it. But everything I found were real feelings and the reflection of myself in them.

A gust of wind hit him brutally and he flinched while he ducked his head. The rain wetted his hair and floated over his face. He looked uncomfortably and a little bit terrified.

Are you going to be disrespectful? I asked sternly and looked at him with narrowed brows.

He quickly shook his head.

I sneered and buckled up. I'm sure there're some nice people who can tell you the way.

I closed the door before he could react and drove backwards as I turned the car and drove towards the street.

I took a short look trough the driver mirror and looked at Jimin. He was standing lonely and exposed at the parking lot. The wind and the rain hit him with all their power as he watched after me.

I laughed at his pitiful look and sped up until he wasn't in my sight anymore.

What an idiot, I thought as I drove to the company.

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