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I took the bottle and the glass and went into the living room. I turned the TV on and sat on the ground. I wasn't an alcoholic or something like this. But sometimes I drink when everything is too much.

I wasn't addicted. It was more like an emergency solution when I didn't know what to do. And today was one of this days.

It was already dark outside. I could see the blinking lights of Seoul and the tall skyscrapers with their individuell patterns of gleaming windows.

I fill my glass up, leaned back against the couch and watched TV. It was a nice mood. Jimin wasn't home yet and I was alone.

That's nice. I mumbled to myself as I sipped at my drink and exhaled loudly. I watched a show on TV and relaxed a little bit.

I was good at drinking alcohol. I could drink a lot without getting too drunk.

It was around 11pm when I heard the sound of the door. I heard Jimin walking around until he came to this room. He opened the door and looked at me with big eyes as he spotted the alcohol.

Good evening. I said casually and continued watching the show.

Are you drinking? Jimin asked with widened eyes.

No, it's just apple juice. I responded and rolled my eyes. Of course I do. I'm an adult so don't look this shocked. I'm really good at drinking. I rolled my eyes again and looked at my glass. Take a glass and I'll give you something. I said and raised my eyebrows.

Jimin looked and the ground and played nervously with his fingers. I've never been drunk. he said shyly and looked away.

I'm not surprised. I said and sneered. I pointed at the cupboard with the glassware. Take something, I'm in a good mood. Maybe I was a little bit primed but still not too much.

Jimin sat next to me on the ground and looked a little bit uncomfortable as I took the bottle of alcohol. Don't think about it. Just drink. I said as I fill his glass up. I took my glass and clinked it with Jimins before I drunk the rest of the alcohol in one go.

Jimin looked still suspicious as he took a shy sip at the glass. I laughed loudly as I saw his disgusted face. It's horrible. he muttered and grimaced.

I giggled and fill my glass again as I looked at him. Drink more. It'll get tasty.

Jimin had still a suspicious look on his face as I drunk again and signified him to do the same. He bit his lip when he placed the glass on his lips and tried to drink it in one go like I did. But he stopped after the half and coughed loudly with a disgusted expression on his face. Ew, this is poison! It's burning my throat!

I laughed loudly and leaned back against the couch. You're still a child. I laughed and looked at him. I thought you're already 17. But that's obviously wrong.

I'm not a child anymore. Jimin mumbled and pouted. He tried to drink the rest but failed and ended up coughing. I laughed loudly, shook my head slightly and continued watching TV for the next twenty minutes. But I didn't notice Jimin pursuing drinking next to me.

I was looking the variety show when I felt the hand on my biceps and turned around to face Jimin. His cheeks were flushed from the alcohol and his lids half closed. Hm... Jungkookiiie~ he blabbered slurry and leaned against me.

What are you doing!? I asked surprised and pushed him away. I looked around and saw the nearly emptied bottle beside him. Did you drink all of that? I asked shocked.

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