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You lied. I said and placed my phone on my ear.

Wow, slow down, Jungkook. I only picked up and you already criticize me. Jin said on the phone.

I scoffed and walked into the kitchen, taking my food out of the fridge. And why I'm lying? he asked.

I sighed and leaned against the table behind me. I hugged hi-... her when she was sad. I said quickly and furrowed my eyebrows. And I felt still bad in that moment.

Jin laughed on the other side and I narrowed my eyes. Why are you laughing? I'm serious! I asked confused.

Jin chuckled and exhaled loudly. Ah, Jungkook. You're already 21 but you're still acting like a child.

What are you saying? I'm not! I yelled quickly.

Jin giggled and sighed. I wasn't lying. It's just that making someone happy is a long process when there is a big problem that bothered this person. It isn't solved with a short hug, Jungkook. You need to find the problem and help the person with it until she's happy.

I pouted and gritted my teeth. Why does it need to be so complicated? I asked with a pouty look.

You call it life, Jungkook. Jin responded and I groaned. Yeah, yeah, I know. I sighed and grabbed a fork to eat my food but it fell out of my hand as I tripped over my own feet. I caught myself in time and groaned in relieve that I didn't fall.

I bent down to pick the fork up but spotted an orange post-it note under the table. I grabbed it and crumpled it, throwing it into the trash. Why let Jimin his trash laying around? I asked myself and gritted my teeth in annoyance. Aish, this boy.

Hey, Jungkook? Jin asked. Are you still on the phone?

Yes. I responded shortly and sighed. Sorry, I just tripped. I opened the box with my food and sat on the chair. So I'm hanging up now. I said.

Okay, Jungkook. Bye.

Bye. I responded and hung up, laying my phone away and starting to eat my food. Why was making a person happy so difficult!? Everything I wanted to do was making Jimin happy to make myself feeling better. Everything I did was selfish. As in this situation. I only wanted to feel better and not so guilty anymore. So I would make Jimin feel happy. This was the plan.

I ate up and took a look at the clock. It was already 10pm and Jimin wasn't home yet. He often stayed longer than me in the company but when it got late he always told me. But there was no message from him. And I couldn't deny but I was quiet worried. What if this dumb trainees were bullying him again? What if he had an accident? Or maybe he was kidnapped!?

I sighed deeply and tried to calm down. Ah, I only had dumb thoughts. I'm really sure he wasn't kidnapped. But I was still worried.

So I took my phone and called him. It rang and rang but nobody picked up. I groaned in frustration and gave my phone a mean glance. Park Jimin I'm going to kill you if you don't pick up! I mumbled quietly and called him again. But still happened nothing. I groaned again and narrowed my eyes. I hate you, Park Jimin. I whispered quietly to myself and massaged my temples in frustration. When the phone suddenly rang and I flinched. I grabbed the phone quickly and picked up.

Jimin? I asked loudly.

Y-yeah. It's me. he mumbled quietly.

Where are you!? I asked worried and nearly yelled at him. You can't just go without telling me! Did you hear this!?

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