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Two weeks later and I was still angry at Hoseok.

I was angry that he talked to me in that way. Nobody ever dared to be that mean to me. I was angry that he yelled at me, saying that I'm a bastard. But I was the most angry about the fact that he was actually right. And I hated myself for knowing the truth.

I looked at Hoseok who was sitting across from me and drinking water. We practiced my new choreography and stopped for a break.

Hoseok had smiled at me like nothing happened. Like he didn't yell at me those things and insult me. I never saw him that mean and angry as in the karaoke bar. I didn't even know he could get so furious.

I think we're done for today. Hoseok said and got up. We can practice tomorrow. He stretched his arms and smiled at me with his typical grin.

The night in the karaoke bar was already two weeks ago. I went home after Hoseoks eruption on that day. Jimin got home really late. Yoongi brought him home. Jimin didn't even look at me when he walked past me while I throw angry glances at Yoongi.

Hoseok didn't talk about our discussion again. And I wasn't going to remind him of that.

See you tomorrow. I said when I went out of the practice room. I sighed deeply and inhaled the cold and fresh air. Only few days and the start of winter begun. It was the end of November. Christmas would be really soon and I was sure Jimin would like to celebrate it. But I wasn't the type for that kind of silly traditions.

I looked around and searched for Jimin. Maybe I should say it now. So the disappointment wouldn't be that big. And Hoseok wouldn't yell at me again like this. I didn't know why but I didn't want him to be that mean again. He was a little bit scary when he got mad. And I didn't want him to say mean things about me I already knew but oppressed it.

I sighed and started to search Jimin. I was sure the trainees had lunch break at the moment. So I headed to the cafeteria. I looked around but didn't find him there.

I shrugged. Okay, I would talk to him when he got home. So I went out of the building and walked to my car. When I heard weird noises.

I turned around and looked at the street in front of me. I saw an alley and walked towards it. The noises got louder and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. What was going on there?

I inhaled harshly as I noticed the six trainees. The same six trainees that beat Jimin up and set me up for that. The same guys I needed to train in the next time.

They surrounded Jimin who pressed his bag on his chest and looked down on the ground. He bit his lip and clawed his fingers into the fabric of his bag.

Look at this faggot! Someone yelled and laughed. He pushed Jimin and the small boy hit the wall behind him. His bag fell on the asphalt and everything scattered on the ground. The pens rolled over the ground and some of the boys kicked them into the gully. They burst into laughter when they saw Jimins shocked face. He tried to pick the remaining pens up but two boys kicked him and he fell on his butt.

Being gay is disgusting! A boy said and stepped him. You're disgusting! The biggest of them kicked Jimin again. But this time into his face.

Jimin whined as the foot hit his cheek. A mark of mud and dirt remained in his face.

The boy laughed loudly. He's attracted to boys. Ew, that is so abnormal and kinky! A boy laughed so grossly that I wanted to punch him into his face to make this ugly and perverted grin disappear.

One of the trainees walked towards Jimin who looked at him with fear in his eyes. We should rather kick him into his gay balls! Huh, faggot, did you hear this!?

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