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I walked happily into the building of my company. Still laughing about Jimin. He looked so miserable and lonely at the parking lot. It was really funny.

I got into the practice room and stretched a little bit. I was completely in thoughts when someone opened the door and came in.

I stopped breathing as I recognized Hoseok walking into the room. I turned around and stared at him. He just smiled and started stretching too.

My boss came after him and smiled at me. Ah, Jungkook-sshi. As I see you know him. he said with a wide smile.

Um... why is he here? I asked irritated and looked at Hoseok on the other side of the room.

I forgot to tell you. my boss answered. He's going to train our new trainees in dancing. Today the new trainees are coming here.

I gulped and forced a smile. Ah, really...

Yeah, you can help too if  you want. I'm sure the newcomer will be really happy to see you.

N-no thanks. I refused quickly. I'm not so interested in this job.

Okay, but you can still make another decision. he reminded me as he walked out of the room.

I sighed deeply and looked at the ground when someone neared me.

Hey, I guess we'll see each other a lot in the next time. he said with excitement in his voice.

I controlled myself really hard to not let a sigh come out my throat as I thought of it.

Yes. I responded silently.

Hoseok was still smiling at me and I thought about if he had maybe muscle cramps in his face. Because he was smiling like every time I see him.

I heard you're living together with Yoongi-hyung. I tried to start another topic and pursued stretching.

You know him? he asked surprised.

Sure. He was the producer of my first tracks. I answered with disinterest in my voice and looked at myself in the mirror reflection.

Oh, I didn't know. He smiled again. Yeah, Hyung and I are really good friends for a long time. He started to ponder and counted something on his hands. We know each other for five years now. he answered then and continued stretching too.

He looked at his watch after a while. Oh, I think I need to start my lesson now. The trainees must be here. Hoseok said and smiled at me again while he was walking out of the room.

Hm, if Jimin was under them. Did he come on time? I'm sure he didn't.

I grinned and followed Hoseok. I couldn't miss how Jimin is going to come late for his first lesson.

Jimin came after twenty minutes after the lesson had started.

I was sitting on the side of the practice room and watching the new trainees under the pretense to be curious about the new singer generation.

Jimin was completely wetted by the rain. Strands of hair were clinging onto his forehead as he rushed into the room and mumbled some incomprehensible things.

I grinned at the unlucky facial expression of Hoseok.

I-i'm s-so sorry... Jimin stuttered out of breath.

Hoseok sighed and took a pencil and a list out of his bag. Can someone give him a towel please. 

A boy with brown hair immediately jumped off and gave Jimin one. He smiled at my roommate and helped him drying his hair.

Hoseok looked at the list. I'm going to check the list again. he said. Cha Youjin.


Kim Jihyun.


Park Jimin.

Here. he said quickly.

Kim Taehyung.

Yes. the brown haired boy, who helped Jimin with the towel yelled. I looked at him. He had a wide grin and energetic eyes as he talked with Jimin.

Jimins eyes met mine and his mouth opened in shock as I grinned at him maliciously. He quickly averted his gaze and looked shy and introverted on the ground.

I guessed he was scared of me. But I found it funny.


Jungkook is so bad in this ff ;-;

Anyway hope you like it :D

(I'm still sorry for typos and mistakes)

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