사십 [40]

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I see. Hoseok said and bent down to me.

W-what? I asked and looked up as I was actually sitting on the ground and tying my shoelaces for practicing.

Hoseok crouched next to me and smirked. You can be actually really nice. He laughed and poked my forehead with his index finger. Our Jungkookie has a hearteu. Jimin told me you drove with him to this overlook to watch the first snow with him.

I sneered and pushed his hand away, averting my gaze quickly. He told you that... Did he say more about me? I couldn't resist to ask.

Hoseok shook his head and smiled. No, but it was still really nice from you. He said. Even if the snow didn't come last night you two still were together, huh. He nudged me with his elbow and winked.

I just scoffed and pushed him, causing him to fall on his butt. I stood quickly up and gave him a stern glance. Ah, go away, Hyung.

Hoseok just responded with a snorting laugh. Aish, this boy. He mumbled and shook his head a bit.

Do you want to talk to yourself or practice with me? I asked to sidetrack from the last topic. I raised my eyebrows and placed my hands on my waist before giving him a teasing glance.

Hoseok sighed and stood up. There something between you two, right? He asked and looked at me with a smirk.

I just shot him a bugged glance and grimaced. Hoseok laughed and seemed finally to notice that I didn't want to talk with him about Jimin.

Alright, Kook. He sighed. Where did we stop last time?

I was bathed in sweat when our training finally ended. I grabbed a towel and rubbed my hair with it. The training with the trainees was right afterwards and I didn't want to smell bad while teaching them.

So I went to my locker and pulled the new shirt out, I'd brought with me. But I looked up as I heard the slight knock on the door. Hoseok was already at the cafeteria to eat, so I was alone in the room.

I waited until someone cracked the door a little open and glanced inside. I smiled as I noticed that it was Jimin.

Come in. I said and my smile widened as I watched the small figure which shuffled shyly into the room.

It's lunch time. Jimin mumbled quietly. I wanted to thank you for taking me out yesterday, so I cooked you something this morning. He smiled a bit and held the lunch box with both hands towards me.

I looked surprised at the box and back at him, before my lips curled up into a smile. He really cooked me something as a "Thank you" for yesterday.

He cooked always at home, making breakfast, lunch and dinner and eating it subsequently together. But I felt still touched that he made this extra for me. He surely thought that I only felt sorry for him because of his mother and did it only out of commiseration. That's why he brought me the food. But he didn't know that I did it for him to make him happy, to cherish the time between us, to be together.

I smiled as I took the box and placed it in my locker before pulling the new shirt out. Thank you, Jimin. Let's eat it together. I just need to change my clothes quickly, alright?

I didn't wait for his response as I stripped my shirt quickly off and grabbed the new one, but stopped in my movements as I noticed the switch of Jimin's expression. His smile turned into shock opened eyes before he blushed and covered quickly his eyes with his hands.

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