#46 - Fear Of Heights
I closed my eyes so there was no sight
Of the only one thing that caused me fright.
I shut my pale lips quite so tight.
My shaking knuckles started to turn white.
I felt hot and cold at the same time.
Sweat started to trickle from time-to-time.
My stomach felt like turning upside-down.
I swore under my breath to never look down.
They said I was afraid of heights.
I couldn't stand to be on any high sites.
What they said, wasn't worth of believing.
I know that I was just afraid of falling.
I was afraid to fall,
I was afraid to be left by all.
I was afraid to be hurt.
I was afraid of a broken heart.
"Never again," I said.
I have once reached the painful end.
I would never let myself to fall again.
I would never hurt myself once again.
From Me To You (a compilation of poems)
Poetry🐝 Since 2016 🐝 In the past, it is titled as "Hugot Poems (English and Tagalog)." This is a compilation of Tagalog, and English poems. If you need to copy some pieces from my works, please do consult me by private messaging. If you just WANT my poe...