#68 - Can I?
Can I be the one who holds your hand?
Can I be the one you chase on the sand?
Can I be the one who is beside you,
Watching the sunset, just me and you?
Can I share a small moment with you?
Just one moment, it will do.
I won't care if it means nothing to you.
I will treasure it just like you.
Can I be the one whom you care so much?
Can I be the one whom you love very much?
Can I be the one whom you spend time with?
Can I be the one you want to spend your life with?
Can I be the one you're happy with, now?
Just like what I am seeing right now?
You smile every time you look at her.
How I wish I was her.
I close my eyes and let out a sigh
As I gaze upon the orange sky
Repeating the same question over and over.
Can I be her?
From Me To You (a compilation of poems)
Poetry🐝 Since 2016 🐝 In the past, it is titled as "Hugot Poems (English and Tagalog)." This is a compilation of Tagalog, and English poems. If you need to copy some pieces from my works, please do consult me by private messaging. If you just WANT my poe...