#78 - Thread
Spin, spin, spin.
The thread becomes thin.
Spin me with your lies.
Spin me with more lies.
Smiling in dizziness.
Laughing with craziness.
Dizzy with your lies.
Crazy for our ties.
Tries to handle the thread.
Keep my hands on its end.
I will never let go.
Pain, I will not show.
I know the truth and the lie.
I know how to live and to die.
With you, I can deal with both.
You're the lamp, and I'm the moth.
Happy is I when you touched the thread.
You hold the shears to put an end.
Still, I hold on and never let go,
Watching you and her go.

From Me To You (a compilation of poems)
Puisi🐝 Since 2016 🐝 In the past, it is titled as "Hugot Poems (English and Tagalog)." This is a compilation of Tagalog, and English poems. If you need to copy some pieces from my works, please do consult me by private messaging. If you just WANT my poe...