#58 - Before
It was like a story in a book.
It began with a look,
Followed with a smile,
And came with a talk for awhile.
That was our beginning.
It was our first meeting.
It was followed by so much more.
How funny we were still happy before.
Heights and weights didn't bother.
Shades of colors didn't matter.
Differences weren't important.
Being with you was more important.
I was happy as you were too.
It was always just us two
Until you found someone new.
That broke my heart into two.
It was cold and empty for I was left.
I was left with nothing left.
All I could do was to look at you
For I've realized, that I loved you.
From Me To You (a compilation of poems)
Poetry🐝 Since 2016 🐝 In the past, it is titled as "Hugot Poems (English and Tagalog)." This is a compilation of Tagalog, and English poems. If you need to copy some pieces from my works, please do consult me by private messaging. If you just WANT my poe...