#86 - Almost
I always knew that I loved you
But I hid the truth from you.
If I knew that you've felt the same way,
I should've took the risk for it to say.
It should be us, we should be.
Why didn't I say that I could be
Your girl, your love, yours?
Too late, she locked all your doors.
You let her in, you took her in.
I couldn't accept what I had seen.
Your warm hugs, sweet kisses
Those were my secret wishes.
It should have been me in her shoes
But no, this was the game where I lose.
I lose you bit by bit.
I slipped into the darkest pit.
I should've got out from where I was hiding
For me to be the girl you were loving.
Now, I could only watch you from afar.
I could only watch my almost, my dead star.

From Me To You (a compilation of poems)
Poetry🐝 Since 2016 🐝 In the past, it is titled as "Hugot Poems (English and Tagalog)." This is a compilation of Tagalog, and English poems. If you need to copy some pieces from my works, please do consult me by private messaging. If you just WANT my poe...