Well Isn't That Just Convenient?

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  Tom stared at the wall of his apartment bored out of his mind. There was nothing good on Tv, Susan was broken again, and Matt and Edd weren't answering his texts for some reason. The wall seemed to be the only item of interest at the moment. Tom was just about to give up and try taking a nap, when a sudden pounding on the door distracted him. He trudged towards the door and opened it hesitantly to reveal an excited looking Edd and a spaced out Matt.
"Tom! Hey! We're heading to the Magic Shop! Wanna come with us?" Edd practically squealed.
"The magic shop? You mean the same place Matt got that weird mirror?" Tom asked.
"That's the one!" Matt replied, suddenly snapping back to reality.
"Well... alright, what the heck? It's not like there's anything else to do around here," Tom finally sighed. On any normal day, Tom probably would've said no immediately, but at this point he was desperate to do something. It was go to the Magic Shop or just drink until he passed out again... actually that second option didn't sound too bad, but Edd just looked so happy, and it would suck to see him sad. Tom was so lost in thought that he hadn't even realized they were already out the door. By the time he did realize this, they were already halfway there.
"I meant to ask you, why haven't either of you responded to any of my texts?" Tom asked out of the blue.
"You texted us? Sorry, Matt dropped his phone out of his window, so I let him borrow mine... He ended up doing the same thing..." Edd explained.
"Sorry!" Matt apologized.
"Matt how did you?... never mind," Tom shrugged. Matt did weird things in his spare time, everyone knew that, and asking him about it was a lost cause, something that everyone also knew. Tom had once again zoned out, not even realizing they had gotten to the Magic Shop and were standing in front of the aisles. Tom looked around and was very unsurprised to see that the shop hadn't changed at all since they last visited. He was leaning against a wall, noting the very unstable looking shelf above him that had a singular bottle of some mysterious glowing fluid on top of it. One of the shopkeepers saw him eyeing the shelf and went over to assure him.
"Sir if you're so concerned that the potion will fall on you, then I suggest you go lean on a different wall, however if you're that lazy, than I can assure you that the chances of that shelf breaking are highly unlike unless you were to viciously beat it with a hammer," Tom simply glared at the shopkeeper, who shrugged and went back to his 'work' which just seemed to be pretending to sweep.
"Tom! Check this out!" Edd shouted. He ran up to Tom with a dusty looking rolled up carpet.
"It's a flying carpet! Do you think it actually works?!" Edd grinned. Before Tom could give his input, Edd quickly unrolled the carpet, making Tom sneeze uncontrollably from the dust cloud Edd had created. Edd quickly sat on the torn up carpet and tried desperately to get the thing to fly, even going as far as sweet talking it.
"Edd I don't think it-"
"Edd! Tom!" Matt shouted from across the store. Both of them turned to see Matt running towards them with some type of small creature chasing after him.
"Matt! What did you do?!" Edd screeched.
"Mini unicorn. Cage. Do not touch. Opened it. Gah!" Matt gasped, trying to catch his breath as he ran.
"Watch out!" Tom warned. Unfortunately he was too late. Matt had tripped over Edd and his carpet, kicking Edd in the stomach, and ramming his face into the wall. Both Edd and Matt heard a crash and something shatter before they snapped back to reality.
"Ow..." Edd groaned.
"My face! Oh no! Edd does it look okay?!" Matt panicked.
"You look fine Matt, you didn't get hurt, right Tom?" Edd asked, still clutching his stomach. There was no response.
"Tom?" Edd asked again. After getting no response, they turned to see that they had created quite a scene. Customers and storekeepers alike were gathered around where Tom had previously been standing. There was a huge crack in the wall that started from where Matt had hit his face, Edd would later blame Matt's chin for that. The crack lead all the way up to a now broken shelf that Edd had not noticed was there before. Matt helped Edd up and they desperately tried to push through the steadily growing crowd to get a look at their hopefully not injured friend. Edd gasped at what he saw but Matt just looked confused.
"I don't get it, where's Tom?" He asked, tilting his head slightly for effect.
"Matt... that IS Tom..." Edd gasped. In front of them were shards of broken glass, what looked like spilled cola, and a young eyeless child in an oversized blue hoodie, looking just as scared as Edd. Everyone was frozen for awhile until the child quickly ran out of the Magic Shop.
"Should we go after him?" Matt asked.
"Oh no, you two aren't going anywhere until you clean up this mess!" The store owner practically growled.
"Please miss, let us go after our friend! He got hit with whatever was in that bottle," Edd begged.
"The time reversal potion?! Dang it! It'll take us forever to get more in stock! Ugh, fine, but I expect you two to pay for this!" She sighed.
"Thank you!" Both Matt and Edd shouted. They ran out the door and saw that Tom was nowhere in sight.
"Where'd he go?" Matt mumbled.
"Okay, we just need to calm down, I mean, how hard can it be to find an eyeless child running around?" Edd chuckled.

Holy crap I just did that 0-0 Sorry this is really sucky, I've never done anything like this, I just couldn't get this idea out of my head! I'll tell ya, I had to fix my grammar big time for this! Anyways, thanks for reading! I will update as soon as I can!

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