Small Talk

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It had been about an hour since the whole "tackling" incident and things had dissolved into a whole bunch of awkward silence. Tord kept looking over at Tom, who seemed to have become a nervous wreck from the sound of thunder. It just didn't seem to want to let up.
"We can just chat if you want, it might take your mind off of the thunder," Tord suggested.
"Why would I-" Yet another clap of thunder. "Uh... Sure... Why not?" Tom gave in. At this point he'd do anything just to distract himself from the sound of death echoing in from outside.
"So... Um..."
"Commie if you don't have anything to say then why offer to chat?"
"I don't know! I don't know why it's so hard for me to talk to you!" Tord growled to himself. Tom had a confused expression on his face.
"You had no trouble threatening me last time I was here," Tom chuckled.
"Right... Sorry about that..."
"No offense but you were holding me prisoner and you had me tortured by a real life horror movie villain, sorry isn't going to cut it," Tom frowned.
"Okay well what do you want from me?"
"I don't want anything from you! That's the whole point! Why are you suddenly trying to get some sort of redemption?! I'm not going to forgive you, so you might as well stop trying!" Tom shouted. Tom's words seemed to have struck Tord. Why was he looking for redemption? Is that even what he wanted? What did he want?! Tom noticed the uncharacteristic reaction Tord had in response to Tom's words. His visible eye was full of sorrow. It was something that made Tom feel a tad guilty. It was almost as if he had just kicked a puppy. "I... Sorry, I shouldn't have raised my voice like that," Tom apologized. This was something that surprised the other man. Tom rarely apologized to anyone, much less to Tord.
"It's fine... You're right, I don't deserve redemption, not after everything I've done to you, I don't even know why I'm doing all this to begin with but... Let me just help you until we can figure out if you're overly wounded or not alright? I'll leave you alone after that, we can go our seperate ways, and I'll never contact you again, just let me do this for you?" Tord asked. Tom let out a small sigh.
"Thank you!"
"Don't thank me, I'm just agreeing so you'll leave me alone," Tom huffed.
"Right," Tord nodded. The awkward silence was back. Tom figured he might as well break it this time.
"It smells like smoke in here," Tom chuckled.
"Oh... Yeah..."
"Never got over that habit?"
"Nope, the medic keeps trying to get me to stop since my lungs are weak as it is from all my surgeries, but I don't really care," Tord shrugged.
"Your injuries were that bad?"
"Kinda lost an arm Thomas," Tord rolled his eyes.
"Whoops?" Tom smiled.
"Yeah, whatever, I can't blame you for doing what you did, not anymore at least," Tord hummed.
"What do you mean by not anymore?" Tom asked.
"Oh come on, you're gonna leave me hanging like that?" Tom pouted.
"Don't pout like that, it's weird," Tord mumbled.
"What? Is my pouting making you uncomfortable somehow? Is it?" Tom teased.
"Shut up Thomas," Tord sighed.
"Make me," Tom grinned. As if on cue, another clap of thunder echoed through the room. Unsurprisingly, Tom lunged forward, wrapping his arms around Tord's waist yet again.
"Well that couldn't have been timed better," Tord smirked. Tom looked up at the taller man in horror upon realizing he had done it yet again. Be went to pull back, but he was stopped this time. Tord had wrapped his robotic arm around Tom's shoulders, keeping Tom nice and snug at his side.
"H-Hey! What are you doing?!" Tom squeaked. Another clap of thunder followed the previous one, stopping Tom's rational thoughts and instead leading him to snuggle closer to Tord.
"Not so against cuddling now are you Thomas?" Tord laughed. Tom wasn't really listening, he was too focused on the sound of thunder. He knew this would be one of those embarrassing moments that would haunt him randomly in the night, but he couldn't find it in him to care. He was scared and a warm embrace was appreciated, even if it was from Tord.
"Don't think this changes anything!"
"I wasn't expecting it to lo- Tom," Tord's face became bright red upon realizing what he had almost called Tom.
"What was that?"
"Nothing!" Tord replied quickly. Stupid feelings. He could feel Tom snuggle closer and closer to him until he could feel the heat radiating off of Tom. Tord allowed his head to rest on top of Tom's. His messy spikes actually feeling pretty soft against the side of his face.
"Comfy commie?" Tom smirked.
"You're the one who initiated this whole thing, I don't want to hear it!"
"Whatever," Tom smiled to himself. He felt protected. A feeling that for whatever reason brought him some nostalgia. Perhaps Tord had taken care of him like this while he was his prisoner and Tom just couldn't remember? Nah, there was no way Tord would do that. Then again, here they were. His own actions were perplexing him. Why not just pull away? Well for one there was the strength of the robotic arm holding him to Tord's side, but it wasn't just that. Tom didn't want to pull away. He was comfortable, and he had a happy feeling in the pit of his stomach.
"Hey uh... Tom?" Tord lifted his head off of Tom's.
"Hm?" Tom looked up at the other man. Their eyes met and Tord seemed to grow tense.
"I... Um I- uh um... I... Nevermind, I had this whole stupid speech prepared for the day you escaped but you escaped before I could ever tell you the thing," Tord chuckled, his nervousness growing.
"What was it? A victory speech? I mean... You go on with it if you want, although it can't exactly be classified as a victory speech anymore," Tom replied.
"It wasn't a victory speech, kinda the opposite? More like a forfeiting speech... Although I guess admitting that stuff wouldn't really be considered forfeiting, if anything it would just be a tad embarassing, then again-"
"Commie, you're rambling," Tom chuckled.
"Right, anyways... Ugh what was the term I used? Reverse Stockholm syndrome?" Tord continued rambling.
"Why are you asking me?"
"I'm not I'm just trying to remember, this is too hard!" Tord grunted in frustration. His visible eye met Tom's confused voids once again, and he was frozen once more. His body decided to move without consulting his brain first. He slowly reached a hand up to Tom's cheek, caressing it slightly and keeping it there. Tom's cheeks were dusted pink, and he found himself to be frozen as well. They sat there for awhile, motionless. Tord leaned in slightly, expecting Tom to either push him away or quickly pull back. This, however, was not what happened. Instead, Tom slowly began to lean forward as well until their lips met, sending sparks throughout both of them. Tord kept his hand on Tom's cheek the entire time, even bringing his other hand up to hold the other side of Tom's face. Tom responded by draping his arms over the taller man's shoulders. Neither were fully aware of what was happening around them. It was as if they were both caught in a daydream that neither wanted to end. The sound of Tord's door slamming open brought them back into the real world.
"RED LEADER! THE RIPPER CAME- OH MY LORD!" Pat shouted, quickly covering his eyes. Tom and Tord both separated and stared at the man with wide eyes. Pau rubbed his sleepy eyes and tried to focus in on what it was Pat had just seen.
"Hm, is this one of those hentai recreation moments we aren't supposed to interrupt?" He asked in a monotone voice

Welp that was pretty gay. Not that that's a bad thing ;D. Alright, so, I wasn't planning on writing another chapter so quickly, but Blue_Lightbulbs sorta talked me into it. So here it is! The TomTord has happened... Officially... After 61 chapters lol. Way to push through! Oh and uh... Sorry if this chapter is... Odd or lower quality. I don't know why but it felt a tad off to me but I could not figure out what it was that bothered me. I hope you enjoy nonetheless. Now, because I wasn't planning on uploading so quickly after the "Concussion" chapter, I only have one piece of fan art to show you today, but it is a very nice piece of fan art regardless. -w-

ClassicStupidMinny Sorry if it looks a bit off. The screenshotting thingy on my phone was being a bit annoying. Oh! I wanted to tell everyone this since so many people ask. If you have fan art you would like to send in, you can either dm me a link to it if it is posted on another site or something of that sort, or you can post it in a book and either tag me so that it shows in my notifs, or dm me that you put it in a book. From there I can screenshot it and credit you. ^-^ Figured I'd explain the process so as to avoid confusion. Thank you all for reading~!

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