First things first

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  Matt stood there, silently confused. Edd had just finished his explanation as to who this 'Tord' person was and why he had the motive to kidnap Tim... or was it Tam? Oh who cares? The point is, Matt had no idea what Edd was talking about.
"Matt he's literally the reason we live in seperate apartments now instead of just one house," Edd sighed. Matt looked down at Edd's tired face, and simply shrugged.
"Well that all sounds like nonsense to me, but if you believe in imaginary people, then I guess I'm along for the ride!" Matt grinned. Edd wasn't sure whether he should feel disappointed that Matt's memory was getting worse, or happy that his friend wants to stay by his side despite having no recollection of anything around him.
"Thanks?" Edd shrugged.
"No problem! Now let's get going!" Matt grinned, marching up the pavement.
"Matt! Where are you going?!" Edd ran after him, grabbing his sleeve, stopping him in his tracks.
"Hm? Oh, well you said he went towards those warehouses at the end of town,"
"We can't just show up there without a plan!"
"Why not?"
"Matt, Tord is dangerous, I feel terrible for having to treat him like he's our enemy, but... I don't really have a choice at this point,"
"Well it's like you've said, everyone deserves a second chance!"
"I said that?"
"I appreciate the support, I really do, but that still doesn't change the fact that Tord could easily kill us both, the odds of us getting close enough to even offer him a second chance are just too small... I don't want to risk losing another friend," Edd sighed.
"Another friend? You mean Tim? Because we're going to get him back,"
"No Matt! I mean you! Tord almost killed us, we don't know if Tom is okay, and at this point... you're the only one left," Matt stared at Edd for awhile, unsure of how to respond to his random outburst. I mean, he could hug him again, that helped last time. Before Matt could really react, tears began welling up in Edd's eyes. Upon seeing the normally upbeat man so sad, Matt's entire personality shifted slightly. This always seemed to happen whenever one of his friends was having any kind of emotional distress, he'd go from being his goofy and oblivious self, to his still a little oblivious but caring other self. He kneeled down slightly so that he was eye level with Edd, and ruffled his hair playfully, somehow making it messier than it already was. Edd looked up at Matt, his eyes seeming deceptively bigger due to the hefty amount of tears threatening to pour from them.
"Edd, I'm fine, you're fine, and I'm sure Tom is fine! Even as a kid he was able to hold his own if it was necessary, come on... let's just go back to the apartment and make a plan," Matt smiled.
"You... you remembered Tom's name, alright, let's just go back for now," Edd smiled back, tears falling from his eyes.
"Oh no! You're still crying! What do I do?!" Matt panicked, slowly transitioning back.
"Calm down Matt, I'm fine now, these are more like happy tears," Edd chuckled. Matt stood back up, watching Edd wipe away some of his tears with Matt's jacket sleeve. Matt sighed, now he had to wash that thing once Edd was done with it, but for some reason, he didn't really care, as long as Edd was okay, then so was he. Matt zoned out for the hundredth time that day, thinking about what they'd do once they found Tam, wait no, Tim! Ugh, why could his caring self remember and he couldn't? Before Matt could get too deep into his thoughts, Edd grabbed his hand and, quite literally, yanked him from his thoughts.
"Whoa! Uh, where are we going?" Matt asked.
"Back to the apartment to come up with a plan, remember?"
"Of course you don't remember," Edd sighed. He was no longer dragging Matt towards the apartment complex, instead they just walked faster than normal, however, Edd was still holding Matt's hand as they walked, a detail that neither of them wished to point out or comment on.
"Maybe we should talk about the plan on the way?" Matt suggested.
"Good idea, well... honestly I don't even know where to start! If Tord didn't die in the explosion, then that means he's had plenty of time to recover, so he's probably prepared for anything," Edd began.
"Including a mini Tim?" Matt chuckled.
"I doubt he's THAT prepared," Edd grinned, laughing a little at Matt's joke.
"Huh... Maybe he's hiding out in one of those abandoned warehouses? I mean, it's all that's out there," Matt shrugged.
"You're right, there isn't any other place to hide... wow, good thinking Matt!" Edd complimented the taller man. Matt wasn't used to being complimented on being smart, and he kind of liked it, of course he preferred being complimented on his good looks, but the sentiment was still there nonetheless.
"We could try sneaking in," Matt thought out loud.
"We could, but it might be difficult, we'd probably have to sneak in at night while his guard is down," Edd added.
"Smart," Matt nodded.
"I just don't get how Tord's kept Tom captive this long, he's not exactly known for being good with children... wait, maybe he isn't alone!"
"What do you mean?"
"Think about it! There's no way Tord can handle a child on his own! Much less Tom! He must be getting help from others," Edd finished.
"Others? How many people does it take to take care of a child?"
"If Tord is one of them, then a lot, it takes a lot of people," Edd sighed.
"Uh oh, that makes things a lot harder,"
"Oh... and uh... there might be just one other thing I forgot to mention,"
"What is it?"
"The manager told me that Tom probably has no memory of us,"
"There's a chance he won't even want to come back with us, it'd be more like... a double kidnapping to him,"
"Hm, well that sucks,"
"Yes, yes it does,"
"But... you told me that Tad hates Tem, he's probably subjecting him to all kinds of torture, even if he doesn't remember us, he'll probably prefer anyone other than Tad,"
"Tad? Tem? Oh, you mean Tord and Tom, sometimes it can be so hard to translate what you're saying, but... you're probably right, I doubt Tord would even try being nice to Tom, there's no way Tom could be attached to him!" Edd grinned.

I know you guys are probably sick of my excuses, but I've genuinely had writer's block, which has just added to my busy schedule, long story short, I'm a turd who never has time to update. Also... can we just take a second to process... I have more than one thousand reads... one. Freaking.  Thousand. I barely had four hundred, two chapters ago, how the heck?! I have never felt so appreciative in my life! Seriously! Thank you for being so patient with me, I know it's difficult! I'll probably transition back to Tord in the next chapter, I'll try updating soon, but unfortunately I can't promise anything! Thank you all so much for reading! One thousand... just... how?

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