Slight Misunderstanding

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   Edd sighed, watching as Matt carefully positioned his ladder so that it lined up perfectly with the window.
"Matt, remind me again, why do you have a ladder?" Edd asked.
"I found it while I was out buying a picture frame for my newest addition to my 'gallery' it was just sitting there next to a construction site!" Matt grinned.
"You stole it from a construction site... I'm not even surprised at this point, and let me guess, by 'newest addition' you mean another self portrait,"
"Yeah! Wow, you're good!" Matt laughed.
"Let's just get this over with," Edd groaned. Matt nodded and climbed up the ladder, eventually getting to their planned entry point. He boosted himself over an especially sharp piece of glass that was sticking out from the bottom of the window. Edd climbed up after him, barely making it through without a scratch. They took this moment to get a feel for their new surroundings. They seemed to be on some sort of walkway that was at least a story high off the ground. From where they stood, Matt could clearly see another open window directly across from them, three hopefully sleeping silhouettes sat in front of it.
"Huh," Matt mumbled to himself. He didn't want to point out the obvious, but they could've gone through the other window, saving them from having to dodge all of that shattered glass they narrowly avoided.
"We need to be careful, we have no idea where Tom is, not to mention the fact that we have no idea if anyone is awake or not," Edd trailed off, listing millions of possible places Tom could be.
"Hey Edd? Does Tim have really spiky hair?" Matt asked, his eyes still focused on the silhouettes across from them.
"What? Oh, yes, he does, anyways like I was saying..." Edd went back to his rambling.
"Is he really short?"
"Oh, well he was short to begin with, but yeah I guess he's even shorter now, why?" Edd was obviously confused. Matt pointed to the silhouettes he was so focused on. One of them stood out like a sore thumb, it seemed to be laying down, it was short and a little bit of spiked hair was visible.
"Do you think that's him?"
"Definitely!" Edd silently cheered. They snuck over towards the other side of the walkway, all three silhouettes could now be clearly seen as two random guys, and Tom sitting between them. Fortunately, they were all asleep. Edd motioned towards Tom, trying to get a silent message across to Matt, who clearly didn't get it. Edd sighed and pointed to Tom and then back to Matt.
"Oh," Matt chuckled. He walked over to Tom and picked him up, being extremely careful so that he wouldn't wake up Tom, or worse, the two men sitting next to him. Once Matt was sure Tom was secure, he broke out into a sprint towards the other window, Edd quickly following behind him.
"Hm?" Matt and Edd froze, Tom had woken up. Matt, unsure of what to do, put a finger over Tom's mouth. Edd motioned towards the two sleeping men by the open window, Tom saw this and nodded, understanding that whoever these two guys were, they were nice enough to let Paul and Patryck sleep.
"Don't want to wake them up," Matt chuckled, confirming Tom's previous thoughts.
"Can you put me down?" Tom asked.
"Sorry!" Matt set Tom down, not wanting to upset him.
"Who are you two? Oh! You must be mister Tord's friends! Like Paul and Patryck! I bet he sent you," Tom smiled. Edd and Matt shared a confused look, mister Tord?
"Uh, not really," Edd shrugged.
"Huh? Then who are you?" Tom was confused, and a little afraid.
"Don't worry Tim!" Matt began.
"It's Tom,"
"Right, anyways, we're not here to hurt you! In fact, we're here to save you!" Matt grinned.
"Save me?" Okay, if Tom wasn't confused before, he definetely was now.
"Well yeah! I can't even imagine the horrible things you've been through!" Matt sighed.
"Tom, this is Matt, and my name is Edd, we just want to help you," Edd explained.
"Wait... Edd?! Matt?!" Tom gasped. Edd couldn't fight the wide smile that appeared on his face.
"You know us?!" Edd was thrilled to hear that Tom remembered him.
"What? No! Sort of, I know what mister Tord told me! You two just want to take me away from him!" Tom growled. Edd's face completely dropped after hearing the harsh tone in Tom's voice.
"Why do you sound so angry?" Matt asked.
"Duh! I don't want to leave mister Tord! He's nice, and if you two want to take me away from him, then clearly you're just mean!" Tom whined.
"What? Tom, Tord isn't nice, he's evil!" Edd fought back tears.
"No! He is nice! Sure he can be scary sometimes, but he cares about me, so when he says someone's mean, then I believe him!" Tom was standing his ground.
"Tom... please... you have to come back with us..." Edd was losing it, tears began cascading down his face.
"No! I won't do it! I don't want to leave, I want to stay with mister Tord!" Tom was officially throwing a temper tantrum.
"Ted, come on, you're overreacting," Matt tried to reach for Tom's hand, but Tom slapped him away.
"My name is Tom, and I said no! I'm not leaving mister Tord, Paul, or Patryck, I'm staying here where almost everyone is kind!" Tom shouted. Matt panicked a little when he saw the two men from earlier shift slightly, Tom had almost woken them up.
"Careful you're going to wake them up!" Matt whispered.
"Good!" Tom shouted again.
"Matt... What do we do?" Edd had fallen to his knees, sobbing into his sleeve. Matt's brain felt like it was about to explode.
"Tam, if we leave, will you please be quiet?" Matt begged.
"Mm-hm," Tom pouted.
"Okay, just know that if you ever feel like you're in danger, try to get into contact with us," Matt sighed.
"I doubt I will, but fine, if it'll get you to leave," Tom snarled.
"Edd... there's nothing we can do for now, let's just go, we can come up with a plan B later," Matt went over to Edd to help him up. Edd nodded and followed Matt back to the window.
"Ow!" Matt unfortunately cut his hand a little on a piece of glass on the way out.
"Heh," Tom chuckled, sticking his tongue out at Matt.
"Well... that could've gone better," Matt chuckled once they had gottten to the bottom of the ladder.
"Matt... he's... Tom's barely himself anymore," Edd cried. The look on Edd's face just completely broke Matt's heart, he hated to see Edd so distraught. Once again his instincts took over and he ran to hug Edd, who accepted it immediately. It was then that Matt took a deep breath and kissed the top of Edd's head, causing the shorter man to look up at him in confusion.
"Um... let's uh... let's just head back home and come up with a plan B," Matt cleared his throat, quickly releasing Edd, a small blush on his face.
"Heh, okay, let's do that," Edd laughed, wiping away some of his tears using his sleeve, correction, Matt's sleeve, but it still had the same comforting effect nonetheless.

Whaaaaat? Another update?! Yeah, I figured another one wouldn't hurt, however since I have to go back to school pretty soon, I doubt I'll be able to update this much anytime soon. Still, within the short time it took me to get this update out, this book hit another thousand reads, and that's not something that I'm taking lightly, I actually screamed into a pillow when I read that! Thank you all SOOOOO much! Also, the lovely AgentSeiko sent me a little something after reading my story, apparently she loves TomTord but hasn't written anything for the ship herself, but supports this book quite a bit, so shout out to her for being a supportive cinnamon roll! I'll probably put her art in after this little author's note. However, I still want to thank EVERYONE who has read and enjoyed this book. Seriously, thank you for reading!

 Seriously, thank you for reading!

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