The Truth

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   The researcher sat with Paul and Patryck on the floor, patiently waiting for the medic to come back. He had said something about hearing someone at the door, but that was just crazy. No one in their right mind would be out during a storm like this, but the medic simply insisted. Patryck suggested he take a gun with him in case it was someone dangerous, but once again, the medic refused.
"Remind me, what is the point of this game again?" The researcher asked. Before they were interrupted by the supposed knock on the door, they were playing a cliché game of truth or dare.
"Heck if I know," Paul shrugged, reaching into his pocket for a cigarette. Patryck leaned over and smacked Paul's hand.
"We can't open any windows moron! You're going to suffocate us all if you do that!" Patryck scolded.
"We've survived worse," Paul mumbled.
"Seriously, who suggested this game in the first place?" The researcher asked.
"The meat shield," Paul chuckled.
"I do not understand why you insist on calling him that," The researcher frowned.
"Well if we're ever stuck in a battle situation, that's all he is, a meat shield," Paul growled.
"No offense, but what is your problem?! The medic is a kind man who only wishes to maintain our safety, he is a highly capable medic, so why do you hate him?!" The researcher snapped, she refused to listen to Paul insult her friend any longer.
"If he's such a great medic, then why couldn't he help Pat?!" Paul yelled in her face. Patryck sighed, knowing exactly what Paul was talking about. Their last battle against a rebel group caused many casualties and hundreds of injuries, and the medic could barely keep up with it. At one point, the medic had accidentally bandaged one of Patryck's wounds improperly, and the wound ended up getting infected. It was absolute torture, and Patryck could feel himself slowly dying the entire time. Paul had tried his best to support Patryck, but nothing he did seemed to work, their leader even took pity on him at one point, offering to assist in amputating the infected limb. Patryck couldn't imagine life without a leg, and refused immediately, leaving him in excruciating pain. Fortunately, before the infection could kill him, the researcher and the head scientist managed to develop a special cure for him, saving his life. Rather than look on the bright side of things however, Paul decided to stay submerged in anger, placing all of the blame on their poor medic.
"Will you two just cut it out?! Paul, for the last time, it wasn't his fault! Researcher, I apologize for Paul's actions, just please understand that he still feels bitter about the whole thing," Patryck shouted, trying his best to stop them before it got out of hand.
"I understand," The researcher nodded, calming herself down.
"Whatever, I'll keep my mouth shut for now, but that doesn't mean I forgive him," Paul practically growled.
"That's better, now where were we? Oh yeah, researcher, truth or dare?" Patryck chuckled. "We're not waiting for the medic?" The researcher asked.
"We are, I'm just bored," Patryck shrugged.
"Fine, truth," The researcher replied.
"Alright... oh! Who do you think is the most attractive person in the red army?" Patryck asked.
"Lame," Paul chuckled.
"Shut up!" Patryck rolled his eyes.
"Hm, well the lead scientist is very attractive, not to mention she is very clever, she has helped me with my research on multiple occasions, and I can honestly say I'm grateful for-"
"PAUL! PATRYCK!" The researcher was interrupted by loud shouting coming from the entrance.
"Is that Red leader?" Paul asked himself. His question was answered for him when Tord came stomping into the room, the medic and Tom trailing behind him.
"Sir!" Patryck exclaimed, quickly standing up and saluting. Paul saluted as well, but refused to stand up.
"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME EDD AND MATT ALMOST TOOK TOM BACK?!" Tord screamed. "Wait, what?!" Patryck shouted. Paul and Patryck exchanged a concerned look, clearly this was news to them.
"Mister Tord? I don't think they actually know," Tom spoke up.
"What do you mean?" Tord lowered his volume so as not to scare Tom.
"I didn't actually tell them, I didn't want them to worry," Tom admitted. Paul, Patryck, and the researcher prepared themselves for the worst, they patiently waited for Tord to snap on Tom, but to their surprise, nothing happened. Tord simply sighed and gently patted Tom's head.
"Please don't scare me like that Tom, next time just tell me the whole story first okay?" Tord sighed. Tom nodded and shrugged, going back to messing around with his bear.
"I'm truly sorry sir, we had no idea," Patryck apologized.
"It's fine, just don't let it happen again!" Tord growled. Paul and Patryck were surprised with how calm their leader was being, but they silently agreed not to say anything.
"Who are you?" Tom suddenly asked, his interest being shifted towards the researcher.
"Ah, yes, I do not believe we have formally met, hello Tom, my name is the researcher," The researcher explained. The medic had a worried look on his face, he was silently praying that Tom wouldn't attack the researcher in any way.
"Hi!" Tom waved. Seriously? So Tom only hated him? Great. The medic rolled his eyes.
"Red leader, would you like me to interview Tom now?" The researcher asked. Tord looked down at Tom, who was blissfully playing with his bear.
"Tom? The researcher is going to take you to another room and ask you a few questions okay?" Tord grinned. Paul chuckled, either their leader was a fantastic actor, or he had completely forgotten his entire purpose for kidnapping Tom.
"Okay! Wait... but where will you be Mister Tord?" Tom whined.
"If you want, I can wait outside the door for you," Tord suggested.
"Alrighty!" Tom agreed.
"Come with me Tom," The researcher held out her hand, which Tom happily took. They walked down the hallway, Tom skipping along.
"You two, I will say that I'm glad you managed to fortify the base so quickly, well done, however, I need you to make sure no one tries to sneak in while we're vulnerable," Tord began.
"And?" Paul asked.
"I need you two to guard the entrance," Tord finished.
"WHAT?! We have to stand outside in this storm?!" Paul was clearly freaked out.
"No, you can stay inside, I just need you two to stay by the door," Tord corrected.
"Oh," Paul let out a sigh of relief.
"Medic?" Tord turned around to face the medic.
"Yes sir?" The medic quickly saluted upon hearing his name.
"Where is everyone else?" Tord asked.
"Oh, they are all in the barracks I believe," The medic replied.
"Good, at least we know where everyone is, any injuries to report?" Tord asked again.
"No, none to report, everyone is accounted for, and no one is in the field, so injuries are highly unlikely right now," The medic explained.
"Good, you wouldn't know how to handle them anyways," Paul scowled. The medic frowned and just walked away, not even listening to the rest of their leader's commands.
"Okay, this has gone on long enough Paul, I wasn't going to get involved since it was a personal matter, but now he is becoming disobedient, and I can't have that, Patryck, please talk to your boyfriend and keep him in check, I have buisness to take care of," Tord growled, following after Tom and the researcher.
"He's right you know, you need to learn to forgive him, I'm fine now," Patryck sighed.
"I don't care... wait... what did he just say I was?" Paul blushed.

Baaaaaackstooooory~! And what? Another chapter?! So soon?! Why yes, I have noticed that this book is getting dangerously close to twenty thousand reads, and being the slow chicken nugget I am, I figured something would prevent me from updating once I actually hit that mark... so here we are, a quick little update to keep people from hunting me down and glueing me to a chair until I update :D! Anyways, here we have some backstory as to why Paul hates the medic so much, his little krabby patty almost died because the medic was so swamped with work, he didn't bandage a wound properly... in case that wasn't clear... thank you all for reading!

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