The Almost Flawless Escape

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   Tord was stomping towards the basement door. He thought talking to the medic would help, but no, it just made him angry. How dare he? He had no idea what Tord was going through! He had no right to try and sympathize with him. Tord got to the basement doors and stopped. Why did he come here again? He had wanted to visit Tom but... He wasn't sure why. For whatever reason, the medic frustrating him had only made him want to talk to Tom more. Tord shrugged and opened the basement door, descending down the dark staircase. He walked towards the cell, but heard nothing from within it. Tord didn't think much of it, Tom was either asleep or being difficult, either way, it wasn't going to stop Tord.
"Tom, I need to tell you something... Look, I hate you, you hate me, that's how it's always been! It's the reason I kidnapped you in the first place but... What if we didn't hate each other? I mean... I used to see you and only want you to suffer, but now? Tom... I don't know if it's reverse stockholm syndrome or something but I think I... Tom?" Something was off. Tom should've interuppted him by now, cut him off and called him a stupid commie. Tord ran back up the stairs, grabbing a candle from the storage room and lighting it. He walked back down the stairs, trying not to panic. Was something wrong? Was Tom hurt? Did his stitches come out?! Oh god what if they did and he had bled out?! Tord was shaking, nearly dropping the candle a few times as he neared the bottom of the stairs, his heart pounding. He held the candle up to the cell, the first thing he noticed? The cell door was wide open, a noticeable dent in it. Had Tom kicked it down?! He couldn't have... No... Someone unlocked it?! Tord dropped the candle, the flame going out and hot wax spilling all over the floor. Tord ran back up the stairs, not even bothering to close the basement door. He dashed down the halls to his office, tears running down his face.
"Red leader?!" The researcher shouted as he passed her. He didn't respond, not wanting to accidentally show weakness in front of her. Tord got to his office and practically broke down the door. Paul and Patryck turned towards the door, they had been hiding in his office making out, not expecting him to be back so soon.
"Red leader! Uh... We can explain-"
"I don't care, where's the microphone?" Tord asked, referring to the microphone that controlled their makeshift intercom.
"Oh um... It's right there on your desk sir," Paul chuckled. Silently glad Tord wasn't questioning anything. Patryck suddenly realized something, Tord had taken off his eyepatch, and tears were streaming down his face.
"Tord... Are you alright?" Patryck asked. This was serious, their leader never showed any emotion, however their friend Tord? He was a different story. Tord looked up at them, his right eye still scarred and bloodshot, his left eye full of tears.
"Tom's gone," He replied. Paul went over to the microphone on Tord's desk and set everything up, he knew this was bad.
"It's all set up for you," Paul sighed, putting his hand on Tord's shoulder.
"Thank you," Tord mumbled. He sat down at his desk, fruitlessly trying to calm himself down.
"You're alright Tord, just breath," Patryck grinned, putting his hand on Tord's other shoulder. Tord nodded and cleared his throat, leaning forward and talking into the microphone.
"Attention all red army members, as you know we are currently on lockdown due to the storm, however I'm afraid we'll have to stay on lockdown, in fact I need at least two people at the entrance at all times, we have a prisoner on the loose, I repeat, prisoner Thomas has escaped," Tord sighed and backed away from the microphone, tears still spilling, but slower now.
"If you want, Pat and I can head down to the entrance," Paul suggested.
"No... I know this will seem a bit odd, but I would like it if you two stayed here for awhile," Tord sighed. Paul and Patryck were his closest friends, and having them by his side was honestly comforting.
"Of course," Patryck nodded. Meanwhile, Edd, Matt, Tom, and the seamstress were frozen after hearing Tord on the intercom.
"Ugh, stupid commie! How did he notice so quickly?!" Tom growled. Edd and Matt glared at the seamstress, as if this was somehow her fault.
"Okay, we'll have to speed this up, from here the entrance is down this hall and around the corner," The seamstress began.
"Then what are we waiting for?" Matt asked.
"Did you not just hear Red leader? He's sending soldiers to guard the entrance, considering how urgent the message was, they're probably already there," The seamstress explained.
"Alright, well how do we get past them Catherine?" Tom sighed.
"You used my name!" The seamstress smirked.
"Yeah whatever," Tom scoffed. He wasn't sure why he used it, it sort of came out naturally, as if he secretly preferred calling Tord's soldiers by their real names.
"I'll go ahead and try to distract them, once they're distracted, I'll use a code word to let you know when to run, so try to listen okay?" The seamstress giggled.
"Catherine was it? Thank you," Edd smiled. He was always the polite one, and he honestly felt bad for doubting her in the first place.
"No problem," The seamstress smiled back as she skipped away.
"Well she seemed nice," Matt chuckled, stating the obvious. The seamstress got to the entrance, confirming her previous assumption. Two soldiers stood at the entrance, one random guy and... Jack?!
"Bro?! Hey!" The seamstress giggled. The ripper sighed and walked over to her, the random soldier following behind.
"What do you want Catherine?" The ripper groaned.
"I just wanted to show you something!" The seamstress began.
"Uh... We're kind of busy," The random soldier scoffed.
"Catherine he is right, Red leader specifically said he needed us to guard the entrance," The ripper nodded.
"Well he never specifically said he needed you two to do it, he just said two soldiers," The seamstress pouted.
"Catherine it does not matter, the point is, we need to be on the look out for that prisoner," The ripper scowled.
"That's just it! I found him!" The seamstress lied.
"You did?! Where?!" The random soldier gasped.
"Near the mess hall! He might still be there!" The seamstress grinned. The ripper and the soldier walked past her, heading towards the mess hall.
"You better be right," The ripper mumbled as he walked past her.
"If you RUN you might be able to catch him!" The seamstress shouted after them. Edd, Matt, and Tom heard their cue, dashing through the entrance as the seamstress pushed the doors open.
"There he is!" The seamstress heard someone shout. She whipped her head around. The soldier and her brother must have heard her push the large doors open. She could see them in the distance charging down the hall. Edd had gotten out, Matt following close behind him, Tom was about to run. The seamstress squinted, seeing the unmistakable shine of a gun in the soldier's hand. He was aiming it right at Tom! The seamstress practically shoved Tom out of the entrance.
"GO!" She screamed. She turned around to- BANG! Everything seemed to move in slow motion. Tom tried to turn around and help her, but he was unable to since Edd and Matt had practically begun dragging him away. The seamstress fell onto her knees, clutching her side and eventually falling backwards flat onto her back, blood staining the concrete floor as her quiet whines echoed down the hall.
"CATHERINE!" She heard her brother scream... Right before she blacked out.

Whew ain't that some depressing crap right there? Welp... On that note... Fan art!

Awesome scene recreation made by the wonderful ever00567 sorry the text is practically unreadable, I blame my sucky phone

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Awesome scene recreation made by the wonderful ever00567 sorry the text is practically unreadable, I blame my sucky phone.

Awesome scene recreation made by the wonderful ever00567 sorry the text is practically unreadable, I blame my sucky phone

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Adorable child Tom by the amazing INFINITYTICCIWAFFLE I da'wwed (heh I read that as weed) way too much at this. So idk if ya'll know or not but I'm goin' through a bunch or emotional biz, I'm sure you're sick of my excuses by now. I know I am. Just know I apologize if it starts to show in my writing quality. You guys have given me so much support throughout this fic so far and I've said it so many times, but I really do appreciate it and that hasn't stopped being true. Thank you all for reading!

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