Be Careful

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The medic and the ripper had gotten to the infirmary. The ripper had been following closely behind the medic the entire time, claiming that he was only doing it for the medic's protection. The medic didn't believe that for a second of course, but he decided not to dwell on it. Mostly because if the ripper wasn't doing it for his protection, then what was he doing it for? That single thought sent a shiver down the medic's spine, and he did not like it at all.
"Well we're here, thanks for protecting me from red leader once again," The medic smiled, clearly uncomfortable.
"You are welcome David," The ripper nodded. They stood there, the silence filling the hall.
"I'm just gonna go now," The medic began to slowly back away. Before he could, someone bumped into him as they ran past. The medic tried catching himself on the door of the infirmary, but failed spectacularly. He closed his eyes and embraced for impact... Nothing happened. He opened his eyes. The ripper had apparently acted fast, quickly catching the medic. Great, the ripper had saved him twice today, now he owed him even more than before.
"Are you alright David?" The ripper asked, his arms still wrapped tightly around the freckled man in front of him.
"I'm fine... Um... Would you mind letting me go?" The medic mumbled.
"Yes, of course, my apologies," The ripper cleared his throat and helped the medic get back into a standing position.
"Oh I am so sorry!" A worried voice cried out. The medic recognized that voice... It was the lead scientist, one of two people that the medic really didn't want to see today. The ripper looked over and nodded at the lead scientist, silently greeting her. The ripper wasn't too familiar with the lead scientist, he had heard of her impressive work, but he had never met her personally.
"Hello lead scientist," The medic stuttered. The ripper was confused. He knew that the medic was trying to avoid the researcher for some reason, but why would he be so shaken from seeing the lead scientist?
"Hey medic! I'm so sorry for running into you like that, red leader told me to get back to my lab, and I guess I got a little too nervous, red leader scares me," The lead scientist admitted.
"He is a highly respectable man," The ripper shrugged. The lead scientist held out her hand.
"Hello! You must be the ripper! I've heard your name around the base, but I don't think we've ever formally met, what's your official job around here anyways?" The lead scientist asked, patiently waiting for the ripper to accept her handshake. He frowned and took her hand.
"I specialize in the art of torture," The ripper replied, lightly shaking the lead scientist's hand.
"Oh uh... Interesting, I'm sure you already know this because of my nametag, but I'm the lead scientist, my name is more than a little self explanatory... My real name is Amelia though," The lead scientist chuckled.
"I do not recall asking for your real name, and frankly, I do not care," The ripper growled, baring his teeth a little. The lead scientist cowered away from him. The medic gave the ripper a disapproving look. He didn't have any hateful feelings towards the lead scientist, or the researcher for that matter, they were still his friends, and a broken heart can recover it just... Needs time. He certainly didn't want anyone threatening them, especially not the most threatening person in all of Great Britain. The ripper noticed the slightly angry look the medic was giving him, and immediately stopped his intimidation technique.
"Sorry," The lead scientist whispered, ready to run away. The ripper grabbed her arm.
"Wait! My apologies, I did not mean to frighten you," The ripper sighed. The lead scientist nervously looked towards the medic, waiting for some kind of confirmation of the ripper's sincerity.
"He does that sometimes," The medic shrugged. The lead scientist nodded, shaking where she stood. The ripper realized that saying something was practically mandatory in this awkward situation. He then remembered something.
"I nearly forgot, have you seen my sister around?" The ripper asked. The lead scientist shook her head slowly, still afraid to speak.
"Wait, you haven't seen her?" The medic asked the ripper. The lead scientist had taken this as her chance to escape. She sprinted down the hallway, neither of the two men noticing her.
"I am afraid I have not," The ripper sighed.
"That's weird, you told me that you wanted to ask her something, so I asked her to go find you," The medic explained.
"Hm, that is quite peculiar,"
"What was it you wanted to ask her anyways?"
"I suspect she is getting herself into something dangerous,"
"Like what?"
"I am not at liberty to say, however it does involve Red leader, so needless to say, she is in trouble," The ripper grimaced.
"Oh wow, that is bad," The medic gasped. Everyone knew that you didn't mess with Red leader. Paul and Patryck seemed to be an exception, but only because they were personal friends of Red leader. The ripper was also an exception, but this was because of how threatening the ripper was.
"David, I will tell you this, do not do anything embarrassing around here, it will more than likely get around," The ripper mumbled.
"And you know this how exactly?" The medic asked. The ripper sighed and lightly grabbed the medic's left hand. He took his other hand and lifted the medic's chin with it, forcing the medic to look up at him.
"I just do David, trust me, embarrassment leads to pain, emotional or otherwise, and who knows where I- this army would be without you?" The ripper smiled. It was... A kind smile. The medic was blushing, suddenly realizing how uncomfortably close they were.
"Uh... Thank you for the warning Jack, however I must get back to my work, you never know when someone might get hurt y'know?" The medic laughed, sweating from how nervous he was. He quickly backed away and dashed into the infirmary, slamming the door behind him. The ripper stared at the infirmary door for awhile, his smile refusing to disappear as long as he had the medic on his mind.
"Now, where is that madwoman I call a sister?" The ripper whispered, rolling his eyes.

Another chapter that strays from the main story?! WHAT?! Sorry, I've had a hard time concentrating lately. Anyways, guess what I got? If you guessed emotional issues, you're wrong! Well... No you're right, but I also have fan art! :D

We have this great piece from JustAnotherFan0w0

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We have this great piece from JustAnotherFan0w0. It won't let me tag them unfortunately, which sucks because I forgot to put this fan art in here, I AM SO SORRY I PROMISE YOU I LOVE THIS ART! >~<

And here we have some adorable fan art created by Zeckmin who it WILL let me tag. They worked hard on this, and I can't begin to thank them enough! You have all been super supportive, and I'm sure you're sick of me saying so, but I love every single one of you, and know that I want you all to suceed in everything you do! ^-^ Thank you all for reading!

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