The Waiting Game

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   Tord watched as Tom and the researcher disappeared into the researcher's office. Tom had asked him to wait for him, but why would he? He was a natural leader, he didn't receive orders, he gave them. He could do whatever he pleased... Okay, well maybe he wanted to wait, but that was his decision! Not Tom's! Tord decided to lean against the wall and stare at the floor for a bit, zoning out. Why was he so willing to wait for Tom? Sure it was in his best interest to make Tom feel comfortable, but there was nothing physically stopping Tord from walking away right now despite Tom's request.
"Sir? Are you alright?" A voice asked. Tord looked up from the floor to see a blonde man staring back at him, ah, the medic.
"I'm just fine medic," Tord rolled his eyes.
"Sorry sir, you just seemed very out of it so to speak, and it's my job to make sure everyone around here is healthy, physically and mentally!" The medic declared.
"No offense medic, but being near you has done nothing to improve my sanity," Tord sighed.
"Well that kind of thing does take time I suppose, is there anything on your mind sir?" The medic asked.
"Nothing I'd like to share with you," Tord scowled.
"Sorry sir, things have just been very tense around here lately, I'm just trying to make sure everyone stays in good spirits," The medic shrugged.
"I told you, I am perfectly fine medic, now go back to your post or something, I don't know,"
"I would if I could sir, while we were boarding up some of the windows, Paul accidentally boarded up the door to the infirmary," The medic explained.
"Ah, yes, accidentally," Tord chuckled.
"Ugh... He'll never forgive me," The medic whispered under his breath. Despite his best efforts to hide what he had just said from his leader, he still heard him.
"He will eventually," Tord shrugged.
"No, he won't, and he shouldn't," The medic sighed.
"I was careless, Patryck could've died and it was because I couldn't double check a stupid bandage, I don't deserve to be forgiven,"
"There were many injuries that day, I'm sure you were swamped with work, if you had no time to check, you had no time to check, and that's the end of it," Tord shrugged.
"Still," The medic frowned.
"Honestly, I think Paul's being a huge baby about this whole thing, so what if Patryck almost died? Big deal, he's fine now," Tord laughed.
"Sir, I'm not sure if you've noticed this yet, but Paul cares for Patryck... a lot, in fact-"
"Ha! You think I haven't noticed?! Listen, I've known those two for a long time, long before I even had thoughts about becoming the leader of an army, they've always been like that, seriously I've never seen so much romantic tension between two people," Tord was hysterical.
"Then you should understand why Paul's so mad at me,"
"Medic, I can't really help you here, I'm not like Paul or Patryck, I don't get attached to people, I don't let emotions cloud my judgement," Tord explained.
"Really? No offense sir, but tell me, what's the first thing you're going to do once we turn Tom back to normal?" The medic asked, a doubtful look on his face.
"Duh, easy! Kiss him- kill him! I meant kill! freudian slip!" Tord blushed profusely.
"Uh sir? Do you even know what a freudian slip is?" The medic chuckled nervously.
"It's when you mispronounce something right?" Tord asked.
"Uh... sure! Let's go with that!" The medic honestly didn't have the guts to tell his leader what a freudian slip really was at that point.
"Anyways, as I was saying, what's your point?" Tord sighed.
"Sir, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but I believe you're getting just a little too close to Tom," The medic explained.
"I am aware of that issue medic, however I can promise you that I have everything under control, if it becomes a major issue, then I should be able to easily seperate myself from him," Tord crossed his arms.
"The point is sir, you have a connection with Tom whether you realize it or not, and I guarantee that if Tom had been in Patryck's place, you would've executed me by now," The medic replied.
"That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!" Tord argued.
"Whatever sir," The medic frowned and began to walk away.
"And where exactly are you going medic?" Tord growled.
"I'm going to set things right," He replied, walking back down the hallway. Tord couldn't believe what had just happened, the medic had just argued with him, the medic never argued with him! Not just that, but to think he had the nerve to accuse him of actually caring for Tom? Never! Tord growled and went back to leaning against the wall, impatiently tapping his foot. Seriously? How long did it take to interview a child? The researcher was normally dependable on any given day, so Tord simply wrote it off as her being thorough. A rotten stench suddenly reached Tord, making him want to vomit.
"Oh god, what is that?" Tord quietly asked himself. He followed the scent down the hallway. The scent grew stronger and stronger until Tord had been lead to his own office. There was a rotten pineapple on the floor in front of his office door. Tord made a mental note to execute whoever was in charge of cleaning the place next time he saw them. Tord hardly wanted to touch the thing, it was disgusting! Tord made sure there was no one nearby, and decided to use a method of cleaning he had learned from Matt years ago. He carefully pushed the rotten remains of the pineapple under the chair with his foot, silently praying that no one would find it.
"Mister Tord? Mister Tord?!" Tord heard Tom shout. Tord quickly ran back to the researcher's office, an angry looking Tom stood in front of it.
"Sorry, there was an emergency," Tord lied.
"Still, you promised!" Tom pouted.
"Well now I promise that it won't happen again," Tord chuckled. He looked up from Tom to see the researcher, a horrified look on her face.
"Red Leader sir? May I have a word with you?" She stuttered.
"Um sure?" Tord was very confused at this point. The researcher was normally such a calm and collected woman, what could've shaken her so badly? Tom watched as Caroline and Tord huddled together, she seemed to be frantically explaining something to him, but Tom couldn't hear them. He watched Tord's face fall completely, then immediately change into something more sinister looking. Once the researcher was done, Tord nodded and walked over to Tom.
"Mister Tord? Is something wrong? You look like you're-" Tom was unable to get the rest of his sentence out... Tord had slapped him across the face. The researcher bit her lip to hold back a gasp, while Tom seemed frozen. A red handprint had already begun to form on Tom's face, tears slowly began to flow, and Tom was in complete and utter disbelief.
"Shut up you waste of space," Tord growled. Tom said nothing, he couldn't move or speak, he was in shock.
"Red Leader?" The researcher asked.
"Take him to a cell," Tord scowled.
"Yes sir..." The researcher saluted. She carefully took Tom's hand and began leading the frozen boy down the hallway.
"He... Mister Tord..." Tom squeaked.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," The researcher whispered, holding back tears. Tord watched them leave, and then looked down at the hand he had used to slap Tom with. Tears began welling up in his eyes, or... eye technically.
"I'm a monster... and that's all I'll ever be, I don't need anyone... god I don't even believe myself anymore!" Tord cried, clenching his fist.

Muahahaha yeah, I'm an evil little nugget. So if you guys don't hate me now, wait until you hear this, see... I released all of these chapters so quickly to commemorate twenty thousand reads, and honestly these things took a lot out of me, so this will be probably be the last update this week, I might do a short update over the weekend, but I just need to take a break for the rest of the week. Sorry! I know you're all probably screaming right now, but you're still here, and I appreciate you're determination  to see this book all the way through, thank you all for reading!

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