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   It had gotten dark, barely any light illuminating the inside of red base. Tord was still out, supposedly he was out gathering supplies, but the more likely assumption was that he had decided to take a late walk. Most of the Red army was asleep by now, however, Paul and Patryck didn't want Tom to accidentally wake up anyone while they were in the barracks, so they decided to take a stroll around red base with him to tire him out. So far, it wasn't working.
"Aren't you tired Tom?" Paul groaned.
"Nope!" Tom grinned, skipping alongside Paul and Patryck.
"Heh, how can you be so energized?" Patryck chuckled.
"I dunno, I got a lot of sleep last night, so that's probably why," Tom shrugged.
"Where did you sleep anyways? We don't exactly have guest rooms," Paul asked.
"Mister Tord let me sleep in his bed while he slept in his stupid chair," Tom explained. Paul and Patryck were shocked. Their leader would never do something like that.
"Um... what do you mean by he 'let' you sleep in his bed?" Patryck asked.
"He wanted me to sleep in his chair, but I fell asleep in his bed instead, I argued with him until he gave up!" Tom smiled. Their leader lost an argument? Wow, that was probably even more surprising.
"Dang," Paul replied.
"What's wrong?" Tom asked.
"Oh it's nothing Tom," Patryck assured.
"Just out of curiosity, what do you think of Red leader so far?" Paul asked.
"Red leader? Oh! You mean mister Tord! I like him, he's really nice!" Tom giggled. Paul wanted to laugh as well, but Patryck sent him a look that stopped him from doing so.
"Well I'm glad you're comfortable at least, and I'm sure as time passes you'll warm up to the medic as well," Patryck sighed.
"Ew no," Tom replied.
"Ha! I like this kid, he's funny," Paul laughed.
"That medic was rude! He hurt me!" Tom complained.
"Tom, he didn't have a choice, there was no other way he could've helped you," Patryck explained.
"It's not just that! He promised me a lollipop and then he didn't give me one!" Tom whined.
"How cruel!" Paul gasped, he was joking of course, but clearly Patryck wasn't laughing.
"Paul! You're not helping!" Patryck growled. Paul simply shrugged in response.
"Still, I'm glad mister Tord brought me to you two! I like you guys!" Tom chuckled.
"Really?" Paul was thrown off guard a little.
"Yeah! Patryck, you're nice! And Paul, you're funny!" Tom nodded.
"Huh, thanks kid," Paul smiled. He actually kind of liked Tom, even if Red leader openly despised him, he was a good kid. Judging by the smile on Patryck's face, he had a similar feeling.
"Thank you Tom," Patryck smiled.
"You're welcome! Hey... when do you think mister Tord will be back?" Tom frowned.
"I'm sure he'll be back soon, he's just a very busy person," Patyck explained.
"Oh... okay..." Tom sighed.
"No offense or anything kid, but why are you so attached to Red leader?" Paul asked.
"Well... I guess I lost my memory or something, I'm not too sure, I sorta blacked out I guess, but after I did the first person who found me was mister Tord! He seemed like he knew me, and he was being so nice to me! He said I could stay here and that he'd protect me, he's awesome! Why wouldn't I be attached to him?" Tom grinned. Paul and Patryck exchanged a worried look. Tord was their leader, and they'd follow him until the very end, but they couldn't help but feel bad for Tom. He was Tord's most hated enemy and he didn't even know it! Tom shot down their leader's robot and inadvertently put Tord through thousands of unbearable surgeries, it was only natural for Tord to want revenge and yet... here they were, feeling horrible for the supposed enemy. After a long moment of silence, Patryck finally let out a shaky breath.
"That's nice Tom..." Patryck mumbled.
"So... you uh... feeling tired yet?" Paul asked.
"You wish!" Tom laughed. They eventually got to the second floor of red base, well it was more like a walkway that Tord referred to as the second floor. To save money, Tord had managed to set up their base in an abandoned warehouse outside of town, it was big and close to civilization so that they could gather supplies when needed. Of course it wasn't a perfect situation, the right side of the warehouse had a broken window, and because of the heat, they had to leave one of the windows on the left side open at night to let some cold air through. Patryck and Paul decided to use that to their advantage.
"Hey Tom, want to see something cool?" Patryck asked.
"Sure!" Tom replied. Patryck led both Tom and Paul over to the left side of the walkway, the part that was so close to the open window, a person could fall out if they weren't careful enough. This made Tom a little worried.
"Don't worry, as long as you watch your step, you'll be fine," Patryck chuckled. They got to where Patryck was leading them and sat down, dangling their feet over the edge of the walkway.
"So what is it?" Tom asked. Paul poked his shoulder to get his attention, and then pointed out in front of them. Tom's jaw dropped at the sight in front of them. From where they were, they could see the entire night sky, lit up with millions of stars, the only other visible thing being where the sky met the trees that bordered the woods, adding to the true beauty of the scene laid out in front of them.
"It's nice isn't it?" Patryck sighed.
"Wow..." Tom was still dumbfounded.
"Most of the people here fall asleep at this hour, so Paul and I are the only ones who have ever seen this," Patryck explained.
"Really? No one else? Not even mister Tord?" Tom asked.
"Not even mister Tord," Paul grinned.
"Paul! We're not supposed to use the 'T' word!" Patryck whispered.
"Calm down Pat, he isn't even here," Paul rolled his eyes.
"Still..." Patryck crossed his arms.
"How did you two find this?" Tom asked, curiosity getting the better of him.
"I'm the one in charge of making sure this window stays open at night, Pat here decided to stay up one night and help me out, he was the one who noticed this," Paul shrugged.
"Seriously though, how is it that you had to watch this window for several months, and you never noticed anything outside of the window?" Patryck laughed.
"Rude, sorry for being responsible!"
"If by responsible you mean that the whole reason you volunteered to watch the window was so you could smoke without having to leave the building, then yes, you should be sorry for being responsible," Patryck replied. Tom giggled, still focusing on the stars in front of him.
"Hey, what are you laughing at?" Paul chuckled, ruffling Tom's hair.
"Nothing," Tom smiled. They sat there in a comfortable silence for awhile, Tom letting out the occasional yawn. Paul zoned out for a bit. Suddenly realizing the lack of sound, he turned his head and smiled at what he saw. Tom had fallen asleep with his head in Patryck's lap, as for Patryck, he somehow fell asleep while sitting up. Paul felt tired himself, and finally he let himself drift off.
"Night Pat, night kid," Paul mumbled as his eyes fluttered shut.

Four thousand reads, and three hundred votes... look, I know you guys are probably sick of me freaking out over these kinds of things, but I just can't contain my excitement! I feel like a child... uh... no pun intended... okay maybe a little intended. Anyhow, I finally got this out before spring break ended! I mean... as long as you count 12:33 as not over... can we not? Please? Sorry? Ehhhhh... rawr. So yeah, I still have writer's block, but hopefully crap will go down soon, it all depends on when my brain decides it wants to mess with you guys, welp thanks for reading!

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