Hidden In Plain Sight

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   Matt was trying his best to help the lead scientist, but considering the height difference, it was more than a little difficult. Edd was the perfect height in this situation, and he tried his best to make up for Matt's errors.
"It should be that door over there on the left... Or is it the right?" The lead scientist mumbled. As they approached the door on the left, they noticed a small handwritten sign next to it that read "infirmary" written in cute handwriting with hearts dotting the I's.
"This must be it," Edd chuckled.
"Mm-hm! I'd recognize the medic's handwriting anywhere! He loves this infirmary more than himself, but enough rambling, you can just walk on in, he won't mind," The lead scientist shrugged. She shifted all of her weight onto Edd as Matt went to open the door, fortunately she was relatively light. The door swung open, revealing a very tidy looking area clearly used for medical purposes. Matt went back to helping Edd, trying his best to help the lead scientist limp into the room.
"Um... Hey medic," The lead scientist sighed, nodding towards the short man sitting in a chair facing a large desk against the wall. He didn't reply. Edd and Matt helped boost the lead scientist onto one of the makeshift beds in the room, allowing her to take some weight off of her ankle. Even the crinkling sound of the paper attached to the bed failed to gain the attention of the man. He seemed to be shaking and... whispering to himself?
"He has no emotions! You know that! Not to mention he's dangerous, intimidating, tall, misunderstood... No! He's not misunderstood! You're probably just another torture project to him!" He whispered. Edd and the lead scientist didn't want to bother him since he was clearly going through something, Matt on the other hand... He walked over to the man sitting in the chair and lightly poked his shoulder.
"Hey-" Before Matt could finish his sentence, the man whipped around in his chair, clearly startled.
"STAY AWAY!" He shouted, holding out a cotton swab as if it was a weapon. They stared at each other for awhile, not really sure what to do. The man was super embarassed, sweating and blushing.
"Hey uh... Is this a bad time?" Matt chuckled. The man dropped the cotton swab and sighed.
"I am so sorry! I've just been distracted lately, what can I do for you?" The man asked.
"Medic, I think I might have twisted my ankle," The lead scientist chimed in. Oh, so this guy was definitely the medic, they probably could've figured that out much earlier, but whatever, duly noted. The medic walked past Matt, visually inspecting the lead scientist. Sure, he told himself he wouldn't talk to her or the researcher for a bit, but broken heart or not, he still had a job to do.
"You don't mind if I roll up your pant leg for a moment right?" The medic asked.
"Of course I don't mind," The lead scientist smiled. The medic kneeled down.
"Wait, which ankle is it?" The medic sighed.
"The left," The lead scientist replied. The medic rolled up her left pant leg, revealing a bruised and swollen looking ankle.
"Ow, there's no doubt about it, it's sprained," The medic whistled, it was pretty bad, but nothing he hadn't seen before.
"Of course," The lead scientist frowned.
"How did you sprain it anyways?" The medic asked.
"I was running through the hallway and I ended up tripping over these two gentlemen, it isn't their fault though! I should've been more careful," The lead scientist shrugged. The medic looked over at Matt, and then at Edd... Something wasn't right. It made sense for the lead scientist not to know who they were, she rarely talked to anyone besides him and the researcher, and she had only just met the ripper. However, the medic had met everyone in the red army, it was part of his job. When he first became the medic, he had to give everyone a physical just to get familiar with each person's specific health needs, it was mandatory since the last medic hadn't recorded any of his medical observations out of pure spite. The medic examined everyone from the researcher, who kept it very professional, to the ripper, who inadvertently made everything awkward, to the seamstress, who kept trying to show off her body to see if the medic, quote, "swung her way" apparently. The point was, he didn't remember either of the so-called soldiers standing next to the lead scientist. Edd noticed that the medic was suspicious, and he knew he had to act fast. Tord probably told all of his soldiers about the giant robot incident, so using their real names was out of the question... Fake names... Fake names.
"Uh my name is Eduardo and this is my associate Mark!" Edd shouted. Edd wanted to either punch himself, or ask someone to do it for him. Meanwhile Matt was staring off into space, not really paying any attention to what was going on around him.
"Okay..." The medic trailed off. The medic knew something was up, and he was sure he had seen that one ginger guy somewhere, but he wasn't too sure. Honestly though, he already had enough on his plate, and he couldn't care less at this point.
"So what do I do?" The lead scientist asked. Oh right, the ankle.
"Stay here for a second," The medic nodded. He walked over to a cabinet and pulled out some crutches.
"Ugh," The lead scientist groaned. She knew how to use crutches, she had to use them back in highschool, still, they were annoying.
"Look, you only have to use them if movement is absolutely necessary, now I'm going to wrap something around it, and it may feel tight and hurt a little, but compression is important when it comes to a grade one sprain such as this, I'll also give you some ice, but you shouldn't put it directly on your skin, at least put something between you and the ice and only apply it twenty minutes at a time, you should try to rest as much as possible while elevating it, oh and if the ice melts and the swelling hasn't gone down, send... The researcher here and I'll give her some more to deliver to you, if you want I can notify Red leader so he knows that you aren't fit for strenuous activity right now, but don't worry, I won't tell him HOW you sprained it," The medic finished.
"That was a lot of information," The lead scientist grinned.
"Okay, but did you get it all?" The medic rolled his eyes.
"I think so," The lead scientist nodded. Fortunately for Matt, neither of them were paying attention to him as he quietly shuffled over to the medic's desk and snatched the keys sitting there. Edd noticed and mentally thanked Matt for coming through when it really mattered.
"Thank you both for helping her get here safely, you can go on about your day," The medic sighed. Edd nodded and grabbed Matt's arm, quickly pulling him along.
"Thanks again!" The lead scientist called after them. Edd and Matt stood in the hallways, processing everything that had just happened and growing huge grins as they realized what they had just accomplished.
"Matt that was amazing!" Edd squealed.
"Thanks! Now let's go free Tam!" Matt cheered.
"I'm right behind you!" Edd smiled. They began confidently marching down the hallways, but stopped once they saw someone walking towards them... It was Tord! They kept their heads down and only offered a small nod as they passed him, speeding up the moment they did. Tord stopped himself in his tracks. Was that...? No, it couldn't have been, Tord had to have been seeing things.

Sorry if this chapter seems a bit late, I'm a bit sick but I realized that's no excuse for laziness! So here we have another chapter posted in the middle of the night... For me at least!... Wait... You smell that? Smells like...

ANCHOVIES!!! Oh wait, nah it's just some really good Jack x David fan art made by the spectacular IAMPROBABLYUNSURE who has made some equally as spectacular art on their account, and since it IS just a screenshot, better quality awaits on their ac...

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ANCHOVIES!!! Oh wait, nah it's just some really good Jack x David fan art made by the spectacular IAMPROBABLYUNSURE who has made some equally as spectacular art on their account, and since it IS just a screenshot, better quality awaits on their account as well! I actually kind of like this chapter since I demonstrated some of the medic's knowledge, so I'm feeling pretty confident... I was going to make a RANDOM pun here, but I forgot what it was...(lol that wasn't funny and no will get it besides I actually did forget the original pun oh also, 40 CHAPTERS) anyways, thank you all for reading!

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