Awake and Confused

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   Tord watched Tom as he slept, which honestly made him feel like a creep, but at this point he really didn't care. Tord sighed and grabbed something from his pocket. Tord managed to grab something from Tom's cell earlier without anyone noticing... Tomme bear. He placed it next to Tom and he immediately cuddled up to it.
"I swear Tom, you are obsessed with that bear," Tord chuckled. Tom suddenly jerked, waking himself up, and accidentally dropped Tomee bear, Tord just froze from shock.
"Ugh," Tom groaned, immediately grabbing his leg and wincing. He then looked over at Tord, a look of surprise on his face.
"Uh... hey?" Tord greeted, not entirely sure how he was supposed to go about this.
"What. The heck. Is going. On?!" Tom had an enraged look on his face.
"Okay, before you freak out, just know that your leg is barely being held together right now, so I wouldn't suggest moving around too much," Tord explained. Tom knew Tord was right, but he was way too angry to admit it.
"Commie, answer me," Tom growled. Tord rolled his eyes at the spiteful nickname and the horrible intimidation attempt.
"Well maybe you could make your question a bit clearer?" Tord sighed.
"First off, how are you alive? I thought I shot you through the heart," Tom scowled.
"Hate to be the one to tell you this, but you didn't, in fact you just barely missed," Tord replied.
"Still, you survived the explosion?"
"Survive? Yes, Intact? No," Tord motioned towards his eye and then proceeded to roll up his sleeve, exposing his robotic arm.
"Oh," Tom replied, anger diminishing a little.
"And before you ask you're at red base," Tord shrugged.
"Okay... but why?" Tom asked, trying to remain calm. Tord desperately tried to come up with a lie, if I had told Tom the truth, he knew that he'd start panicking and he'd end up reopening his wounds.
"How much do you remember?" Tord asked.
"Why should I tell you?" Tom replied. Tord glared at him and Tom began getting flashbacks to his earlier torture session.
"Seriously? You're going to try that again?" Tord rolled his eyes. Tom winced from the sudden resurfacing of bad memories.
"Fine, I remember getting hit with something while I was at the Magic shop with Edd and Matt, and then the next thing I know, I'm waking up on a cold metal table with an insane man threatening me, I don't remember much after that, the pain was unbearable," Tom groaned.
"Yeah... the ripper went way too far," Tord sighed. "What? How did you know his name?"
"Oh my god! You told him to do this to me! Didn't you Commie?!" Tom growled.
"Y'know what? Yes, I did Thomas, because you're my prisoner," Tord smiled maliciously, giving up on trying to hide anything. If Tom panicked, then he panicked, the medic could just put him back together again. Tom tried to move, but the pain in his leg came back, lingering and making him incapable of movement.
"Ow!" Tom exclaimed. Tord could see some blood staining the bandages.
"Careful Thomas, you're opening your wounds again,"
"I don't give a crap! And stop calling me Thomas!" Tom shouted. Tord's mind blanked for a second, he didn't see Tom in front of him, well he did, but not the Tom he was used to. He could only see young Tom, and that honestly scared him. Tord was about to say something else, but he was interrupted by the infirmary door slamming open, a slightly damp looking medic standing in the doorway, a folded dark green umbrella at his side
"Sorry sir, I forgot to make sure-" The medic stopped himself when he saw Tom sitting up. He panicked and instinctively threw his umbrella, letting out a very girly shriek.
"Watch out!" Tord quickly shouted, but he was too late. The umbrella had hit Tom directly in the head, knocking him out.
"Oh dear," The medic began shaking in fear of his leader, who looked furious.
"MEDIC I SWEAR TO GOD!" Tord shouted, stomping towards the medic. As Tord got closer to the medic, he began to notice a large bruise on the side of the medic's face.
"I'm so sorry sir! I just panicked and I didn't know what to do so I-"
"Shut up, just... shut up... how did that happen?" Tord asked, referring to the bruise.
"The bruise? It uh... let's just say that Jack- ugh, the ripper, is upset right now, so I would not suggest trying to talk to him right now," The medic sighed, a sad look on his face.
"Wow, what did you do this time?" Tord chuckled, making fun of the medic.
"No offense, but you had to have done something pretty terrible to offend a guy like the ripper, he doesn't let too much get to him, hey... how did you two get into a conversation anyways? I thought you were scared of him," Tord asked.
"Um..." The medic trailed off, clearly not wanting to tell his leader about the researcher and the lead scientist's new relationship. Tord could see that the medic wasn't going to answer him anytime soon, so he just rolled his eyes and walked back over to Tom, instinctively checking the stitches on the back of his head first.
"You have had way too many lucky breaks lately medic, maybe that bruise will teach you something," Tord chuckled, secretly relieved to see that the stitches were fine. Tord wanted to make fun of the medic more, but he just couldn't find the right words as he looked down at Tom's face... he seemed so peaceful considering how angry he just was a second ago. Of course that was because of the unconsciousness, but it was still nice nonetheless... huh, who knew the medic could throw? Tord stared at Tom for awhile, feeling his chest get warm and his body relaxing, he had never felt something like that before, and it was irritating him. He could barely comprehend other people's feelings, why his own?! Tord clenched his fist, punching a wall with his robotic arm, creating a noticeable dent in the wall.
"S-Sir?" The medic stuttered, horrified at the scene in front of him. As if on cue, the ripper walked in.
"David... could you come into the hall for a second? We need to talk," The ripper sighed, completely ignoring his clearly enraged leader.
"Sure," The medic replied, desperate to get away from his leader. Tord simply let the medic leave with the ripper, not wanting to deal with either of them in the first place. He sighed and stood next to Tom, the same feeling returning. Tord's brain decided to take a step back, giving his body a manual override. He leaned over and softly kissed Tom on the lips, relishing in the feeling. He pulled back after a good minute, realizing what he had just done.
"CRAP!" Tord shouted, turning as red as his hoodie.

Dat update tho. I had major writer's block, but I would like to thank bluethedorito for helping me out with that, alright so I have an important announcement, but I need to get through the crap ton of fan art I got. I'll put the creators names under each piece.

 I'll put the creators names under each piece

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bluethedoritoThank you to them! Alright, so I'm actually making an ask book for Jack and David, so if you're a fan of them, you can check it out and possibly ask something if you'd like! Thank you all for reading!

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Thank you to them! Alright, so I'm actually making an ask book for Jack and David, so if you're a fan of them, you can check it out and possibly ask something if you'd like! Thank you all for reading!

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