Regrets Galore

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   Tom woke up on the concrete floor of his cell, head pounding. Memories of the night before came flooding back to him, making him want to burst into tears. Tom looked down, expecting to see Tomee bear's discarded pieces in his arms, instead however, Tomee bear sat in his arms looking as if nothing had ever happened.
"Tomme bear!" Tom cooed, hugging the bear tighter than ever before.
"Careful, you don't want to ruin the stitching," A soft voice chuckled. Tom looked up from Tomme bear to see a woman standing outside of his cell.
"Who are you?" Tom asked hesitantly. The woman chuckled and waved.
"Hi Tom, I'm the seamstress," She greeted.
"What's your real name?" Tom asked. The whole title thing was just ridiculous to him.
"Catherine, thanks for asking," She smiled.
"Why are you here?" Tom began slowly backing away from the bars, still a little wary of people after what had happened.
"Don't worry little one, I come in peace," She laughed.
"What does that mean?"
"Why aren't you the curious one? You see Tom, I am the one who makes all of those uniforms you've seen people wearing around the base, so I consider myself quite handy when it comes to a needle and thread, in fact, I was the one who fixed your bear for you," The seamstress explained.
"Why?" Tom suddenly became aware of how many questions he was asking, and became admittedly a little embarrassed.
"I'm not allowed to say," The seamstress shrugged.
"Oh..." Tom had a distraught look on his face.
"Is something wrong? Did I stitch something incorrectly?!" The seamstress panicked.
"Oh! No! Sorry, Tomee bear is fine, thank you for fixing him but..." Tom trailed off.
"Mister Tord did this... he was the one who hurt Tomee bear... Why did he do that?" Tom sniffled.
"I dunno," The seamstress shrugged, playing dumb.
"He's been so mean lately..." Tom whined.
"Don't cry little one, I'm sure everything will get better soon enough," She smiled. Tom clutched Tomee bear even tighter in his hands, a determined look on his face.
"No... not this time," He mumbled.
"What was that?" The seamstress asked.
"Not this time! I hate Mister Tord! I hate him!" Tom screamed, tears pouring down his face in a familiar fashion. Tom suddenly began glowing, his shape beginning to change slightly and grow.
"Oh dear..." The seamstress stuttered. Before her stood Tom, an adult Tom. Upon changing, Tom passed out, Tomee bear landing next to him. The seamstress sprinted up the stairs, frantically looking around for her leader. Tord had already begun walking towards the cells that morning. He had made up his mind the night before after hearing Tom cry himself to sleep, he was going to release him. Tord just couldn't do it, he couldn't watch Tom suffer anymore, at least not in his current form. He was going to release Tom and pray that Matt and Edd would find him, then they could change him back using some alternative method or something like that. Tord really didn't care what they did with him, he was happy as long as they kept him from getting hurt in any way. Tord's thoughts were interrupted by the seamstress running towards him, flailing her arms and screaming.
"Get ahold of yourself seamstress! What's wrong? You did sew Tom's bear as I requested correct?" Tord asked.
"Yes sir, however there were some uh... complications," The seamstress chuckled nervously.
"Define complications," Tord growled.
"Not with the bear just... um... I think you need to see it for yourself,"
"Seriously? This isn't something you can just tell me about while we're standing here?"
"I could, it's just that... I'm a little worried about how you'll react..." The seamstress admitted.
"That makes no sense whatsoever, but fine, whatever, if it'll get you to stop freaking out," Tord rolled his eyes. The seamstress nodded and began leading Tord down the stairs to the basement, a worried look on her face. Tord was able to see much better this time around since someone, probably the seamstress, had lit some candles within the dark space. His first instinct was to look into Tom's cell, but he quickly regretted it. He stared in complete shock at Tom's original form, passed out on the floor of his cell. He couldn't release him now... had he released Tom while he was in his younger form, he could've used some excuse, for example, Tom could've managed to squeeze himself through the bars or something. Now? Now any excuse Tord could possibly use would sound more than a little farfetched.
"Um... Red leader? Sir? Should we get the ripper?" The seamstress quietly asked. The ripper... He was a truly horrible man, if he could even be called that anymore. Tord was the one who normally tortured the prisoners, but for extreme cases, Tord would stand off to the side and call upon the ripper for assistance. Tord thought back to when he first imprisoned Tom. Originally he had planned only to allow Paul and Patryck to know about Tom, now more than a few soldiers knew about him and his situation. According to the seamstress, the news had gotten to the ripper as well, and he was just dying to rip into Tom. Tord managed to calm himself down long enough to give the seamstress an answer. This is what Tord had wanted, and perhaps now that Tom was back to normal, Tord would be able to watch him suffer in peace.
"Yes, go retrieve him," Tord managed to croak out.
"Yes sir!" The seamstress nodded in agreement and ran off to go find the ripper. Tord simply stood in front of Tom's cell, still mentally arguing with himself. He decided to distract himself by visually examining Tom to see whether or not he had been harmed during the change. Tom's clothes fit him normally now, and aside from passing out, the change didn't seem too harmful. However, Tord couldn't really see his face, so he couldn't really make any assumptions. Tord grabbed the cell's key off of a nearby shelf and unlocked Tom's cell, walking in and kneeling down next to Tom. He carefully turned him over, desperately trying not to wake him up. Fortunately, there didn't seem to be any wounds. Tord quickly felt the back of Tom's head, huh, the stitches were still intact, Tord made a mental note to compliment the medic on his work later. Tord couldn't take his eyes off of Tom's face. He did look older, his once rosy cheeks had long since faded away and were replaced by slight bags under his... uh... eyes? Yeah, sure. Anyways, even though Tom looked older, he still had this strange childlike feeling surrounding him. He was cute when he slept, Tord found himself thinking. Tord quickly shook his head to try and get rid of these thoughts, but was unsuccessful. He noticed that Tom began looking extremely uncomfortable, mumbling something under his breath. Tord had seen this before, Tom only ever did this when he was having a nightmare of some sort. Tord quickly grabbed Tomee bear and gently sat him down on Tom's chest, effectively calming him down.
"Even as an adult you find some way to still look cute Jehovah," Tord chuckled, leaning over and kissing Tom's forehead. Tord was silently hating himself.
"Ahem, uh... Red leader?" A voice Tord recognized as the seamstress chimed in. Tord looked up and saw her standing in front of the cell next to a tall man wearing an all black uniform.
"Red leader," The man greeted, his voice low and gravely.
"Ripper," Tord nodded, a lump growing in his throat.

Updaaaaaate~! I would first like to thank  a_fangirl_mess for making some great fan art, unfortunately my profile keeps crashing every time I try to link you all to their profile, so I can only write their name normally for now, however I'm still grateful for this fan art!

Updaaaaaate~! I would first like to thank  a_fangirl_mess for making some great fan art, unfortunately my profile keeps crashing every time I try to link you all to their profile, so I can only write their name normally for now, however I'm still ...

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Nice right? Once again, they're screenshots, so sorry for poor picture quality, however they're still great! A big thank you to a_fangirl_mess for those! And thank you all for freaking two thousand votes, and thank you all for reading!

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Nice right? Once again, they're screenshots, so sorry for poor picture quality, however they're still great! A big thank you to a_fangirl_mess for those! And thank you all for freaking two thousand votes, and thank you all for reading!

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