Apologies Could Mean Less To Me

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   Tord stomped down the hallway until he reached the entrance. Paul seemed to be having a heated argument with the medic, while Patryck seemed like he was trying to break it up.
"It was my fault Paul! I admit that, so why can't you forgive me?! How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?!" The medic shouted.
"You don't have to, save your breath! It doesn't matter how many times you say it, I'll never forgive you!" Paul screamed.
"Guys please! That's enough! Paul, the medic saved a lot of lives that day, he had a lot on his plate and it's a miracle that anyone made it out alive!" Patryck cried out.
"Ahem," Tord cleared his throat. All three soldiers saw him and immediately stopped fighting, all three of them stood up straight and began saluting.
"Sir!" Patryck exclaimed.
"What are you idiots doing now?" Tord asked.
"Nothing sir, nothing important," Paul frowned.
"Sir... is something wrong? You seem a little down," Patryck asked.
"Everything is fine, Paul, Patryck, I need to talk to you two in private, the medic can temporarily guard the entrance," Tord replied. The medic was mentally panicking over the thought of actually having to guard something, but simply just nodded and continued to stand at attention.
"What's up?" Paul asked as he followed Patryck and Tord.
"Listen, the researcher says that the only way for us to turn Tom back to normal is to get him to hate me again," Tord explained.
"What?! No offense sir, but considering how much Tom likes you right now, that's going to be pretty difficult," Patryck sighed.
"Ha! I guess bonding with him actually backfired on us," Paul laughed.
"Ugh, yes, it appears it did, anyways, I need your assistance," Tord began.
"What can we do?" Patryck asked.
"Well... what could I do to get him to hate me?" Tord asked.
"I honestly have no idea," Paul shrugged.
"Really? Come on, you have to give me something," Tord sighed.
"Sir, when it comes to torture, we're more than a little inexperienced," Patryck explained.
"Great, guess I'm on my own then," Tord scowled.
"Hey, where is Tom anyways?" Paul asked.
"I had the researcher take him to a cell," Tord replied.
"Wow, and he doesn't hate you yet?" Paul chuckled in disbelief.
"Apparently not, he's probably in shock right now, hey... is the storm getting worse?" Tord asked. Everyone stayed silent for a moment, listening to the rain outside. It was much louder than before, and thunder could be heard in the distance... that's it!
"Oh wow, it sounds like a hurricane out there!" Patryck chuckled.
"I'll be right back!" Tord exclaimed, running back down the hall.
"Looks like someones in a hurry," Paul laughed.
"Paul... what if he ends up going too far?"
"What do you mean? Tom's our enemy,"
"I know that! Still... he's just a kid,"
"Right now he is, look, I like the kid too, but it's Red Leader's decision and there's nothing we can really do about it," Paul shrugged.
"I guess..." Patryck sighed.
"Hey, while the meat shield is taking over for us, wanna go raid the mess hall?" Paul grinned.
"Heh, sure Paul," Patryck smiled.
"Alright! There's that spirit I was looking for!" Paul laughed, putting his arm around Patryck playfully. Patryck blushed and let Paul lead him to the mess hall. Meanwhile, Tord stomped down the stairs to the basement where they kept the cells. He was a little irritated once he saw that the researcher had put Tom in the cell closest to the stairs. If Tom ever found a way to break out, he'd have an easy escape route.
"Mister Tord? Mister Tord?!" Tom shouted, squinting in the darkness.
"Hello Thomas," Tord replied coldly.
"Thomas? Mister Tord... Why? Why did you hit me? Why did you tell Caroline to put me in this scary place? Why are you calling me Thomas?" Tom asked.
"Look, I don't have to answer to you," Tord growled.
"Why are you being so mean Mister Tord?" Tom sniffled. Tord was thankful for the lack of light, otherwise Tom would've seen the broken look on his face.
"Garbage should be treated as such," Tord chuckled in a dark tone.
"What? Garbage?" Tom sounded scared.
"You heard me," Tord replied. Before Tom could get another word out, the sound of thunder filled the room.
"AH! HOW CAN I HEAR IT?!" Tom screamed. Tord had purposely left the door to the basement open so that the sound of thunder could make it's way down to the cells.
"Glad to hear it worked," Tord mumbled.
"Mister Tord! Help! Please! I'm scared!" Tom cried, gripping onto the bars. Tord could see Tom a little better now that he was standing right behind the bars. As he expected, Tom had tears running down his face and dripping on the concrete below him. Tord had to physically bite his own tongue to keep himself from showing any emotion in front of the frightened child. Tord tore his eyes off of Tom for a second, effectively keeping him from crying out. Tord's eyes spotted something sitting on the ground. He walked over to it and picked it up, holding it so that Tom could see it through the darkness.
"Did you drop this?" Tord asked.
"Tomee bear! You found him! Thank you Mister Tord!" Tom cheered, trying to reach through the bars and grab the bear from Tord.
"I don't think so," Tord sighed.
"What?" Tom was horribly confused. Tord looked down at the bear in his hands. He had an idea, a horrible, malicious idea... but could he do it? Tord was admittedly scared, an emotion he never thought he'd feel ever again. He looked up at Tom, thinking back to the day of the 'incident', the day Tord had lost everything thanks to Tom. He decided to use these terrible thoughts to push him through what he was about to do. Tord rested his robotic hand on top of Tomee bear's head, gently petting it while looking at Tom.
"Tell me Thomas, what about this bear do you love so much?" Tord asked.
"Well... Tomee bear has always been there for me! Everyone around me always seems to change, but Tomme bear? He's always the same, he's always there, he's always by my side," Tom explained, temporarily forgetting about his current situation.
"Hm, very interesting," Tord nodded. He then increased his grip on Tomee bear's head.
"Hey! Careful Mister Tord! You're hurting him!" Tom shouted. Tord glared at Tom, quickly twisting his hand so that it seemed like he had just snapped Tomee bear's neck. Tomee bear's head fell to the ground, stuffing trailing behind it. Tord was still clutching onto Tomee bear's body.
"Huh, whoever stitched that on there must be really bad at what they do," Tord chuckled.
"TOMEE BEAR!" Tom screeched, shaking the bars.
"Here, you can have him," Tord bent down and picked up Tomee bear's head, chucking it into Tom's cell along with his body. Tom ran over to the bear's discarded pieces, letting out small noises that tugged at Tord's heart strings.
"He's gone... YOU KILLED TOMEE BEAR! Please Mister Tord! Please stop being so mean! Tomee bears gone now... I don't wanna lose you too!" Tom sobbed.
"I already told you, I don't have to answer to you, I don't have to answer to a waste of space," Tord hissed, stomping back up the stairs, trying to tune out Tom's wailing. He thought about leaving the door open so that Tom had no choice but to listen to the thunder, but he decided he had broken the boy enough for one night, and closed it. Tord stared at the basement door for awhile before falling to his knees.
"This is what you wanted... stop feeling bad for him!... I'm sorry Tom... I'm so sorry..." Tord whined. Needless to say, tears managed to break through the emotional barrier Tord has so carefully put up.
"Red leader?" A red soldier who was passing by asked.
"You're not the waste of space, I am," Tord whispered, pressing his forehead against the door.
"Red leader? Are you alright?" The red soldier asked again. Tord quickly stood up and turned around, not even bothering to wipe any of the tears from his face.
"You there! Go get the seamstress!" Tord shouted.
"The seamstress? You mean the chick who made all of our uniforms? What for sir?" The red soldier was curious.
"Are you questioning a direct order?" Tord growled.
"No sir! Sorry sir! I will go get her for you!" The soldier quickly saluted before running to get the seamstress. Tord sighed and snuck back down into the basement. Tord was surprised to see that Tom had actually cried himself to sleep in such a small amount of time. Tord grabbed the keys to his cell off of a nearby shelf and quietly unlocked the cell door. He managed to pry Tomee bear's pieces out of Tom's hands without waking him up. Tord put his non-robotic hand on top of Tom's head.
"It'll all be better in the morning Tom... I promise," Tord smiled, leaving Tom's cell.

Ah, I can hear the screeching of random readers already... thank you all for allowing me to take a break for the week, I'm still exhausted, but the less stress the better! Here's a weekend update to reward you all for your patience. Also, I want to give a shout out to HawtDoggo for making me this fantastic fan art! Warning, this a screenshot, so sorry for the poor quality! The fan art is great though!

Thank you to them! I'd like to give another shout out to, and in any other context this would sound rude, A-peice-of-shit for making me THIS fan art! No joke, they made this right after I had written the part about Tord and Tomme bear and I had to...

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Thank you to them! I'd like to give another shout out to, and in any other context this would sound rude, A-peice-of-shit for making me THIS fan art! No joke, they made this right after I had written the part about Tord and Tomme bear and I had to bite my tongue to keep myself from saying anything, nice prediction powers! (This is also a screenshot)

Once again, thank you for being patient and not freaking out about me needing a break, I promise you that I still tried working on this bit by bit during my break, I just had to slow down. Thank you all for reading!

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