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Tord knew he was supposed to be focusing on the meeting he was currently being forced to sit through, but he just couldn't. Not when he knew that the only one keeping Tom from running away was their wimpy medic. Tom was a pretty decent fighter as an adult, and while Tom may be younger now, something told Tord that he still wouldn't back down from a fight so easily.
"Red leader? Red leader?! Are you alright?" One of Tord's soldiers whispered. Tord was able to snap out of his trance, looking around to see if anyone had noticed he was mentally absent from their meeting. Fortunately, the only one who had noticed was the soldier sitting next to him. He felt a small wave of relief wash over him once he realized the soldier that was currently leading the meeting was still talking, disregarding Tord's obvious cluelessness. Tord looked over to his left, only to see a worried expression on the soldier sitting next to him. Oh right, she asked him a question.
"I am perfectly fine," Tord whispered back. The soldier had a look of uncertainty on her face, but she only received a glare in response. She sighed and turned her attention back to the meeting. Tord hated these new soldiers sometimes. Half of them were weak and pathetic, while the rest were either too nosey, too concerned for his well-being, or they were just complete and utter suck ups. His old soldiers weren't like them at all. They kept to themselves, they could stand their ground, and they never asked Tord about his health or personal life, well... most of them didn't. Paul and Patryck did cross that line on occasion, but Tord had always been able to put up with them since they were good soldiers. Unfortunately, most of the old red soldiers were killed in their most recent battle against a group of rebels that fought against the Red army. They managed to keep them from completely obliterating their army, but not without a large amount of casualties. On the bright side, most of these new soldiers were scared of him, which was a good place as any to start, fear lead to obedience. Wait, what was this meeting about again? Tord tried to focus on the meeting once again.
"And that is the latest update we have," The soldier that was leading the meeting finished. He sat back down and turned to Tord. In fact, everyone in the room turned to Tord.
"Sir, is there anything else that we need to discuss? We've already gone over the basic topics," A soldier with blonde hair cleared his throat.
"Oh um... no, that will be all, return to your stations at once," Tord replied. The soldiers complied and left one by one. Tord stayed put, waiting for everyone to leave. Once they did, he practically went limp in his chair, his muscles still ached from sleeping in that uncomfortable chair, not to mention he was already tired again. He couldn't imagine how Tom would've felt if he had slept in the chair instead, he'd probably be in just as much pain as Tord was in, dang it... that would've been perfect. Tord stood up and stretched, his bones cracking slightly.
"Better check on the brat," Tord sighed, referring to Tom. He walked down the corridor towards the infirmary to see if the medic had gotten all of the glass out of Tom's head. He opened the door and was immediately greeted with a shout.
"Mister Tord!" Tom shouted gleefully. Tord didn't have time to react before Tom ran up to him and hugged him.
"Um hello Tom, where is-" Before Tord could finished his sentence, he was interrupted by some muffled shouting coming from behind Tom. The medic was tied down to a chair with bandages, some of them covering his mouth.
"Be quiet meanie!" Tom yelled. Huh, Tord felt an odd sense of pride. Tord sighed and walked towards the medic, removing all of the bandages.
"Thank you so much sir!" The medic smiled nervously.
"Thomas, why did you tie up the medic?" Tord asked.
"He was mean! He hurt me!" Tom replied, pointing to the back of his head. Tord looked at the medic, silently asking him a question.
"Don't worry sir! I managed to get all of the glass out before... well... you know," the medic sighed.
"Thomas, let me see the back of your head," Tord began.
"Only if you stop calling me Thomas!" Tom argued.
"Thomas..." Tord growled, losing his patience.
"Mister Tord," Tom replied, crossing his arms. Clearly there was no arguing with this kid, Tord didn't remember Tom ever having this much sass as a child.
"Fine, but just for now, let me see the back of your head Tom," Tord sighed.
"Okay!" Tom smiled. Tord couldn't believe it, but he was pretty sure adult Tom was easier to handle. Tom turned around so Tord could get a clear view of the now healed wound. From what Tord could tell, the medic managed to clean all of the blood out of his hair and remove the glass. Tord moved some of Tom's hair out of the way to reveal a few stitches, wow... was it that bad?
"I didn't get to do many tests, but based on the fact that he managed to overpower me and tie me to a chair only using a roll of bandages, I'd say his brain his functioning well," the medic sighed.
"I wouldn't have done it, but you hurt me!" Tom stuck his tongue out at the medic.
"So how exactly did you get the procedure done?" Tord asked.
"I promised him a lollipop," the medic shrugged.
"I never got one either..." Tom pouted. Tord tried his best to hold back his laughter from Tom's little tantrum.
"I got through it, but once he realized I didn't actually have any lollipops, he freaked out," the medic explained.
"Mister Tord, you're much nicer than this liar!" Tom exclaimed. Tord had to hold back his laughter again, nice? Him? Now that was laughable.
"Whatever, good work soldier," Tord nodded.
"Thank you sir!" The medic saluted, feeling pretty proud of himself.
"However, next time? Try not to get overpowered by a child with no eyes," Tord chuckled.
"Of course sir..." The medic frowned.
"Hey! I might not have any eyes, but I'm not blind!" Tom whined. Tord chuckled and lead Tom out of the infirmary.
"While you're at it, go help the guys in the lab with the cure to Tom's situation," Tord shouted towards the medic on their way out.
"Can do sir!" The medic shouted after them.
"Hey mister Tord, where are we going?" Tom asked.
"We're going to visit some... 'friends' of mine, they'll probably have to watch you whenever I'm busy, so I think it's important that they meet you," Tord explained.
"They aren't mean like that guy in the lab coat are they?"
"Only if you do something bad,"
"What are their names?"
"Paul and Patryck,"

Rude medic, you can't just promise someone lollipops and then not give them any like that! Once again, this update took awhile, and it sucks, but at least it's something! Also, all of this support just completely boggles my mind and I am super grateful for all of your reads, comments, and votes, so I shall once again conclude this chapter with the usual, thanks for reading!

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