Not What He Seems

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   Tord couldn't help but stare as he watched the medic clean out Tom's wounds. He was admittedly grateful that Tom had passed out, otherwise he'd probably be in immense pain right now.
"Tom should be fine," The medic finally declared.
"What?" Tord had zoned out.
"He'll be fine, although I wouldn't advise trying to wake him up just yet, if he wakes up and panics, he might end up reopening some of his wounds," The medic explained.
"Got it," Tord nodded.
"Sir, would you like me to stay in the infirmary and watch Tom until he wakes up?"
"Hm, no, I'll do it,"
"Are you sure sir?"
"Yes, I'm sure, go find Paul and Patryck, tell them to get back to their posts so the seamstress isn't stuck doing their job," Tord sighed.
"Yes sir!" The medic saluted, giggling on the inside at the thought of their leader guarding Tom. The medic left the infirmary and began his journey to the entrance. The warehouse was big, and it didn't help that the infirmary was all the way in the back, so getting to the entrance was definitely a challenge.
"Hello David," A voice greeted. The medic turned around and saw the ripper.
"Oh uh... Hello ripper," The medic nodded, clearly afraid of the tall man in front of him.
"Oh David, I thought I told you to call me Jack," The ripper sighed.
"Sorry, I guess I just forgot," The medic shrugged, still scared beyond all comprehension.
"I'm curious, did someone get hurt? I couldn't help but notice that you just came out of the infirmary," The ripper asked. The medic knew Tom getting hurt was the ripper's fault, so he decided to puff out his chest and man up so that he could scold the much more intimidating man.
"Yes actually, Tom got hurt, by your blade no less," The medic tried his best to seem taller, but he was failing miserably.
"I do not see what the issue is, Red leader gave me my orders, I was just following them,"
"He said to torture! Not to kill!"
"I don't recall ever killing him, besides, I know that you're truly a brilliant man, I'm sure his injuries were a piece of cake compared to some of the other injuries you've treated,"
"THAT'S NOT THE POINT!... Wait what?" The medic tried replaying what the ripper had said in his head, did he just call him brilliant?
"You heard me, I said you were a brilliant man, Red leader doesn't hire slackers, well besides Paul I guess, you're medical skills are second to none," The ripper complimented.
"Oh uh... thank you?" The medic replied.
"You are quite welcome,"
"Still, you need to cut back on the suffering, Red leader is making me wait outside the torture room everyday while you're torturing Tom," The medic sighed.
"Ah, so I get to see your lovely face everyday?"
"I must thank Red leader later on, however for now I must go into town and retrieve more items to use in my work, I think I have found a way to be more.... creative," The ripper chuckled.
"Oh..." The medic was not entirely sure how to respond to that. The ripper suddenly took the medic's hand and kneeled down slightly.
"Until then David," The ripper nodded, gently kissing the top of the medic's hand and walking off. The medic stood completely still, staring at his hand and blushing a red that was bright enough to make Red leader proud.
"What's with him? One second he's torturing people, the next he's an absolute gentleman," The medic whispered to himself.
"Yeah, my big bro is kind of a weirdo, not to mention a jerk," A soft voice sighed behind the medic. The medic nearly jumped four feet in the air, whipping around and coming face to face with the seamstress.
"You scared me!" The medic sighed, trying to calm himself down.
"Sorry! Just couldn't help but notice how my brother acts around you~!" The seamstress replied in a singsong voice.
"What does that mean?" The medic asked.
"Well, it's almost like my brother was born without feeling anything, the only time he ever smiles is when he's torturing someone! However... I saw more than a few smiles during your conversation with him," The seamstress grinned wickedly.
"Okay, and?"
"Oh come on! Really? You haven't noticed the constant compliments? The gentlemanly behavior? The staring?" The seamstress sighed.
"The what?" The medic clearly wasn't getting it.
"Ugh! Y'know what? I'm not even going to bother, my brother needs to learn how to admit these kinds of things on his own," The seamstress rolled her eyes.
"Wait... Why aren't you guarding the entrance?! I was just going to tell you that you were off duty!" The medic exclaimed.
"I left, "
"I got bored,"
"If Red leader finds out, we're both dead!" The medic panicked.
"Oh don't worry about it! We'll just blame it on Paul and Patryck," The seamstress shrugged.
"Ugh, you and your brother are going to be the death of me," The medic sighed.
"Heh, sorry~!" The seamstress sang.
"Where's the researcher when you need her?" The medic asked himself. He had always respected the researcher. She was wise and great at keeping people from getting too out of control, in fact the medic would go as far as to say he had a bit of a crush on the researcher.
"The researcher? Oh, she's in her office working on a collaborative project I think, that pretty lady who always smells like bleach came over," The seamstress replied, answering the metaphorical question.
"The lead scientist is here? Huh, maybe I should pop in and say hello," The medic smiled. He had only met the lead scientist a few times, but she was nice, and based on what the researcher has said, she's a mad genius.
"Can I come?!" The seamstress asked excitedly.
"Um... sure?" The medic shrugged.
"Yay!" The seamstress squealed dragging the medic along with her towards the researcher's office. As they got closer to it, they could see that the door was open, and that for whatever reason, The hallway smelled like rotten fruit. They got to the door and were shocked. The lead scientist and the researcher were standing in the middle of the office, hand in hand kissing. The seamstress seemed overjoyed at this sudden development, while the medic felt like he had just been crushed to death. The researcher and the lead scientist pulled away from each other for a second.
"I love you just the way you are Caroline," The lead scientist laughed. The seamstress couldn't help it anymore, she let out a loud, excited screech. The researcher and the lead scientist quickly turned to face the doorway, clearly surprised.
"Uh... Hello?" The researcher waved awkwardly. The medic was still frozen, he had no idea that the researcher preferred... it all made sense now!
"I am so happy for you two!" The seamstress cheered.
"Medic? Are you alright buddy?" The lead scientist asked, noticing the medic's lack of movement. The medic just didn't understand. It had only been a small crush, not full blown love and yet... it hurt... a lot.
"David?" The researcher became concerned for her friend as well. The medic finally regained the feeling in his legs, immediately using them to sprint back down the hallway towards the entrance, only wanting to run away and never come back.
"Davey! Come back!" The seamstress shouted, her request falling on deaf ears. Meanwhile, the ripper was just about to leave. He was at the entrance, but decided to pause for a second to listen to the rain, which was somehow still going strong. The ripper shrugged, he had been through worse weather conditions. Before he could do anything else, he heard a sound that stopped him in his tracks, screaming. The ripper grew a wide smile, physical pain was one thing, but emotional pain was spectacular. He turned around to find the source of the screaming, but once he did, his face completely dropped. Among the darkness of the warehouse, he could see the medic, quickly running towards him.
"David? Is that you? What's wrong? Whoa wait! Slow down!" The ripper shouted. The medic ended up charging into the ripper, knocking him over and landing on his chest.
"Ow," The medic mumbled. 
"What's wrong?" The ripper asked, sitting up slightly. The medic looked up at the ripper, tears were streaming down his face and he seemed very embarrassed since he was basically lying on top of the ripper.
"Sorry... I just..." The medic trailed off, sniffling. The ripper desperately tried to hold in any cries of joy, seeing someone in so much pain was exhilarating for him, but he didn't want to upset the medic since he was probably the only person he actually kind of liked. He sat up fully, the medic involuntarily shifting so that he was sitting in the ripper's lap, facing him. The ripper wrapped one arm around the medic while using the other to lightly pet his hair.
"It's alright David, take your time, you don't have to tell me right away," The ripper whispered as he attempted to comfort someone for the first time. The medic was shocked, but he was honestly too depressed to react negatively in any way. He simply wrapped his arms around the ripper and buried his head in the ripper's chest, crying even harder.
"I'm so sorry Jack, I'm so sorry," The medic cried, apologizing for putting the ripper through all this, the medic knew the ripper had never comforted anyone in his life.
"It's fine David, really, come now, dry those tears, they don't suit you," The ripper sighed, making the medic look up at him. The ripper nearly melted at the beautiful sight that was the medic crying, green pools seemingly pulling him in, he never thought he'd see anything so lovely.
"Thank you Jack," The medic smiled.
"You're welcome David," The ripper sighed.

Hopefully I satisfied you Medic and Ripper shippers! Now don't freak out, they're not in a relationship right now, they're just "bonding"... Before any of you get mad because this chapter revolved around the red army ocs, I did warn you guys in the comment section last chapter... Sorry. So yeah, Tord is watching Tom, The researcher and the lead scientist are a thing now, The seamstress is a hyper little nugget, Ripper may or may not have a crush on the medic, and the medic is questioning his sexuality... y'know,  usual fan fiction stuff. One more thing, I am SOOOOO sorry to those of you who sent me fan art, for some reason it won't let me clip it on here, but I already promised I'd publish the chapter the moment I was home from school, but hopefully I can squeeze your amazing art in next chapter! I'm so sorry, just know that I still love and appreciate every single one of you and everything you do, thank you for reading!

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