The "Mishap"

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   Edd woke up on the couch. He was cuddling with Matt and felt sick to his stomach. He ate WAY too much cola cake. He heard what sounded like groaning from Matt.
"Matt? Are you awake?" Edd mumbled weakly. Matt rolled over so that he was facing Edd. Geez, how much cake did they eat? Matt looked almost as bad as Edd.
"Muh," Matt groaned. Edd chuckled a little at Matt's sort of response.
"Matt scoot over," Edd sighed, wanting to sit up. Matt let out what sounded like a whine before slowly scooting over. If Edd didn't feel so sick, he would've laughed at Matt. He looked like a drunk caterpillar trying to inch his way across Edd's couch. Edd sat up straight and stretched, taking a deep breath to try and help relieve some of his nausea.
"I blame you for this," Matt chuckled.
"Me?! You were the one who wanted to see who could eat the most! This is clearly your fault!"
"Yeah, and you won," Matt smirked. Edd sighed and leaned on Matt's shoulder, pouting and crossing his arms. 
"You're mean," Edd teased.
"And you're cute," Matt giggled. Edd looked up at Matt with a smile. They were both tired and suffering from sugar crashes, but it was still a sweet moment nonetheless... No pun intended. Unfortunately, something... More bitter was happening a few doors down from Edd's apartment. Tom was still asleep. He had been exhausted from yesterday's events, so waking up early was definitely not on his to-do list. However, he was finding it hard to stay asleep. His mind was being assaulted with nightmares that kept transitioning to normal dreams, then going back to nightmares. It was a strange and displeasing constant shift that just wouldn't end. His current dream took place in an alleyway. He had just ran from a bunch of tall, dark shadows that were looming over him and saying nothing. Just staring at him until it made him uneasy. What really startled Tom was how vivid the nightmare had become thus far, it was almost like he was experiencing it for himself in 4D. He could clearly see the graffiti scribbled on the alley walls, the water damaged posters barely hanging onto the mostly cracked bricks around him, the garbage can that was leaning against the wall seemingly falling over from something or someone sleeping in it... Why was this all so clear and familiar to Tom? He curled up into a ball, unable to stop crying. Wait why was he crying? Tom hardly ever cried! The darkness of the alley seemed to be closing in on him, attempting to swallow him until there would be nothing left. Tom leaned back against the disgusting wall, crying and letting the darkness consume him, he just wanted this nightmare to be over with. Suddenly, the darkness cleared, being wiped out in a bright flash of light that hurt Tom to look at directly. He managed to adjust, but still couldn't see much through the bright yet calming light that slowly surrounded him. The only thing that he could really see forming through the light, was an arm... Wait... Someone was reaching out to him. They had a black hoodie sleeve and their arm looked almost... Robotic? Tom hesitantly reached out and grabbed their hand, feeling an odd sense of happiness. The mysterious arm helped him off the ground, and the light cleared. Tom immediately looked up at whoever was holding his hand. Huh... Tom just realized how close he was to the ground. Tom had always been pretty short, but it was almost like he was a child. He froze when he saw who it was he was holding hands with. Tord?! Why was he here?! Why was he holding his hand?! And why wasn't Tom pulling away?! He felt... Safe but he didn't know why. Tord was his sworn enemy. He had blown up their house, killed one of their neighbors, and even kidnapped him! Safety was not something Tom should feel around that norwegian monster. Tom couldn't take the conflicting emotions anymore, and he managed to shake himself awake. He shot up in bed, trembling. He felt... Empty for lack of a better word. Ow, why did his head hurt so bad? Tom looked around his dark room and saw a few empty Smirnoff bottles scattered around the floor. Ah, so that's why. Tom got up and walked over to the bathroom to get ready for another hopefully uneventful day. He was finding it a little hard to get over what had happened, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to at least try to move on with his mostly normal life. He finished getting freshened up, and trudged out of his apartment. He was still tired and wanted nothing more than to get his hoodie back from Edd. Tom sighed and walked over to Edd's apartment door. He knocked once, but there was no response. Huh... Maybe he's still sleeping. Tom shrugged. He figured Edd wouldn't mind if he just popped in for a second. It's not like he was planning on staying, he only wanted to grab his hoodie. Tom put his hand on the knob and was surprised to find the door was unlocked. Hm, Tom made a mental note to remind Edd to lock his door at night. Normally it wasn't a problem since they lived in a relatively safe area, but now that they know Tord is alive and on the loose, that might have to change. Tom opened the door and quietly took a few steps into the apartment, not wanted to wake Edd up. He stopped in his tracks. Was... Was that Matt on the couch? And Edd? AND WERE THEY MAKING OUT?!
"GUYS WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Tom shouted, shocked beyond belief. Edd and Matt quickly separated, staring at Tom with wide eyes and blushing faces. Edd shot up from the couch.
"Tom! We can explain! Ow!" Edd groaned, sitting back down. Tom walked over to them and sat down in one of the chairs next to them.
"Please do," Tom sighed.
"Um... Matt and I are dating," Edd mumbled.
"Since when? I mean, I'm not against it or anything, I'm happy for you two, but when did this happen?" Tom asked.
"Well... While you were gone Edd was having a hard time trying to deal with your disappearance and so I decided to comfort him, I guess it kind of dug up some old feelings?" Matt chuckled.
"Wait, while I was missing? So basically while I was being held captive by a crazy man, you two were here making out?" Tom frowned.
"No! Tom we never stopped looking for you! Matt was just there for me and I didn't know what else to do! Tom I'm sorry, but please don't get mad, Matt and I really love each other," Edd began tearing up. Matt quickly reached over and tried to comfort Edd as best as he could. Tom couldn't help but smile at his two friends. He was happy for them, and Tom always thought they would make a cute couple, they just realized it at a weird time, so really Tom had no reason to be angry in the first place.
"It's fine guys," Tom smiled.
"Thanks Tom, oh! Wait! We managed to save you a piece of cola cake!" Matt smirked, jumping up and running to the fridge, ignoring the sudden pain. Edd got up and hugged Tom.
"Thank you for understanding Tom," Edd grinned.
"Don't worry about it Edd," Tom nodded as they separated.
"Wait did Matt remember your name?!" Edd gasped.
"Huh, I guess he did," Tom chuckled.

Well this update took way too long to get out, and I'm truly sorry for that. I was going through a bunch of emotional and technical obstacles, but I finally managed to get this chapter out and I am so sorry to those who panicked because they thought I was done with this story. I promise you all I'm not, it's just getting a bit difficult to frequently get updates out. Oh hey wait... I got fan art.

Adorable David made by the most fabulous kiwi Blue_Lightbulbs Bulbs I don't care what you say this drawing is fantastic kiwi child

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Adorable David made by the most fabulous kiwi Blue_Lightbulbs Bulbs I don't care what you say this drawing is fantastic kiwi child.

*le sigh* Do I remember who made me this fantastic art with Jack and David? No, unfortunately I don't

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*le sigh* Do I remember who made me this fantastic art with Jack and David? No, unfortunately I don't. And I honestly hate myself for that. If the person who made this for me sees this, I am so sorry, and please tell me so I can give you proper credit for this amazing piece or artwork.

Finally we have this hilariousness made by DayStreams I love this so much XD The seamstress is me though, and Jack and David just

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Finally we have this hilariousness made by DayStreams I love this so much XD The seamstress is me though, and Jack and David just... Beautiful lol. If anyone made me fan art and I didn't put it here, I give you my sincerest apologies, I honestly was hella flustered with trying to recover as much fan art as I could. However I would like to thank each and every one of you for eigthy thousand reads... That is just... Holy crap. I was re-reading a few older chapters on my book and when I read the author's notes at the end, I was thanking you guys for 400 reads... I don't know why but I actually started crying when I realized how far this random little fanfiction has come thus far. Thank you all for reading.

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