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   The medic stood in front of the basement doors, a sad look on his face. He didn't want to think about the researcher, he didn't, but it was kind of hard considering they worked together.
"MEDIC!" The medic heard someone shout his name... An all too familiar voice.
"Red leader?" The medic stuttered, turning around slowly. His leader towered over him, well technically everyone did. He was growling and baring his teeth, resembling a feral dog.
"You have about twelve seconds to explain," Tord growled.
"Sir I don't know what-"
"YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" Tord shouted, completely interrupting the medic. The medic cowered, scared for his life.
"My apologies Red leader, I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about," The medic squeaked, trying to find his voice.
"LIES!" Tord screamed. He pulled back his robotic arm, ready to punch the medic. The medic's eyes widened to an incomprehensible size. He saw what his leader's robotic arm had done to the wall of the infirmary, he didn't even want to think about what it could do to him. The medic took a deep breath and closed his eyes, giving up and accepting his fate. Tord grabbed the front of the medic's uniform, pushing his fist forward. The medic braced himself, but never felt a thing. He opened his eyes to see the ripper standing next to him, Tord's robotic fist in his hand. Did he just stop Tord's punch with just his hand?!
"Red leader," The ripper nodded. Tord let go of the medic and managed to shake the ripper loose.
"Out of the way ripper," Tord replied in a cold tone.
"I must apologize for my rude behavior sir, but I can assure you that David did not spread the rumour in question," The ripper sighed.
"Rumour?" The medic asked, completely lost.
"It is none of your concern David, trust me," The ripper rolled his eyes.
"Wait... You've heard the rumour?!" Tord panicked.
"Do not worry sir, it has not spread too much, I was actually walking back to the barracks after talking to Paul and Patryck about getting rid of a different rumour, however it seems you have already taken care of it," The ripper shrugged.
"What?" Tord asked.
"Sorry sir, got a little off track, the point is, I witnessed you about to harm David for something he did not do, and I had to come correct this," The ripper clarified.
"David? Why are you using the medic's real name?" Tord asked.
"No offense sir, but that is irrelevant, I happen to know who spread the rumour, and I was wondering if you would allow me to handle them myself," The ripper said with a malicious smile. Tord knew that smile, everyone at red base knew that smile, it was only ever seen if the ripper was thinking about torture. Hm... Well... Tord did want whoever it was to suffer.
"I'll allow it," Tord nodded.
"Thank you sir," The ripper saluted.
"You're off the hook for now medic," Tord glared at the medic.
"Yes sir! Thank you sir!" The medic joined the ripper, saluting.
"I will be in my office," Tord sighed, beginning to walk away to his office.
"Oh! Sir! I almost forgot!" The medic exclaimed. Tord turned back around, an angry look in his eye.
"What is it?" Tord sneered.
"It's about Tom, you wanted me to check on him once he woke up remember?" The medic began. Tord noticeably softened at the mention of Tom.
"Ah yes, so he's awake?" Tord asked.
"Mm-hm, and from what I can tell he's alright, or at least that's what he told me," The medic shrugged. Tord stomped back towards the medic, getting angry again.
"You didn't even bother checking?! You just took his word for it?!" Tord scowled. The ripper knew better than to put his hands on his leader when he wasn't posing an imminent threat, so instead he tried making himself seem taller. He was already tall and intimidating to begin with, therefore many people, mostly the medic, referred to this standing position as his attack position. Tord noticed this and backed up slightly, since when had the ripper become so protective? Especially of the medic?
"I'm truly sorry sir, I just didn't want to risk an escape, if I had opened his cell he could've easily overpowered me and ran," The medic explained. Tord sighed and nodded, walking away. He found himself hiding around the corner rather than going to his office. Why? He honestly had no idea.
"Are you alright?" He heard the ripper ask.
"I'm fine, thanks Jack! I would've been a goner!" The medic laughed.
"Yes, more than likely," Tord could practically hear the ripper roll his eyes.
"Hey! Shut up!" The medic chuckled.
"Would you like some assistance in getting back to the infirmary unharmed?" The ripper asked.
"I can get back just fine," The medic sighed. There was a pause that Tord couldn't identify the origin of.
"I insist," The ripper replied.
"Fine, but if we see the researcher... Can we try avoiding her?" The medic asked in a soft tone.
"Of course David," The ripper sighed. Tord waited until he heard their footsteps disappear into the distance. He snuck out from behind the corner. Huh, he didn't know they were friends, since when? Maybe there was something to that rumour... Nah, no way, ew. Tord brushed off the thought, walking towards the basement doors. He shouldn't be doing this, he knew that. Tom hated him, and Tord hated him back.... Right? Right! So what if he had gotten to know Tom before he was such a cynical jerk? It didn't make a difference. However... Tord just couldn't help but wonder what it was that had made Tom turn so sour compared to his old sweet self. Did... Did Tom have any of his old self left in him? No, he couldn't think like that, he had to stick to the mission at hand! Tord opened the basement doors slowly, their squeaking and creaking echoing throughout the halls. He took a deep breath and descended the stairs, seeing a small light at the bottom, huh, one of his soldier's must have lit a candle. He got to the bottom, a vanilla scented candle burned brightly on a shelf nearby, and Tord could just barely make out Tom's silhouette from within his cell.
"Are you actually awake? Or was that just another lie?" Tord asked.
"Ugh, hello Commie," Tom growled.
"Would it be cliche' if I said hello old-"
"Yes, it would," Tom began baring his teeth.
"Someone's hostile," Tord chuckled.

Sorry! This took a bit to get out! I was focused on some uh.... Other things.... Heh.... Anyways, I decided I could get a chapter out, I mean, why not focus on two things? Anyhow, enough of me obsessing over people, y'all don't want to hear that. I've got some fan art!

This spectacular work of art was by dearstarboy and I honestly love this drawing of Jack!

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This spectacular work of art was by dearstarboy and I honestly love this drawing of Jack!

BorkIamTheShiba made this recreation of this scene from my story, 10/10 fantastic! XD also, sorry if Ask Jack and David updates seems wonky, that book is hard to handle :P (ps this one is #148 in fanfiction as a write this :0) Thank you for reading!

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BorkIamTheShiba made this recreation of this scene from my story, 10/10 fantastic! XD also, sorry if Ask Jack and David updates seems wonky, that book is hard to handle :P (ps this one is #148 in fanfiction as a write this :0) Thank you for reading!

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