Oncoming Storm

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   Tord walked down the familiar sidewalk, holding Tom's hand, making sure he wouldn't run off.
"Mister Tord? Why are you wearing that hood again?" Tom asked. Tord was wearing the same outfit he wore everytime he went out, his black hoodie with the hood up.
"I have to Tom, there are people around here who don't exactly like me," Tord explained.
"What? Who wouldn't like you mister Tord?!" Tom gasped. Tord chuckled at that, he was pretty sure no one liked him.
"Quite a few people, but that's a long story, and if I decided to tell you it, we'd never get our ice cream now would we?" Tord grinned. Tom squealed excitedly when the ice cream parlor came into view.
"Come on!" Tom squealed, practically dragging Tord behind him. Tord found it odd that Tom had so much strength, maybe the potion couldn't change everything? Or perhaps Tom was just a strong child to begin with? Tord wasn't completely sure, so he just made a mental note to tell the researcher about it before she interviewed Tom. They walked into the ice cream parlor to find that it was surprisingly empty, wasn't it a Saturday? Before Tord could get too deep into his thoughts, Tom dragged him towards the counter, pressing his face up against the display case. The employee behind the counter had a confused look on her face, her eyes going from Tord to Tom.
"Your son?" She guessed.
"Oh! No!" Tord replied. The employee patiently waited for Tord to explain, when he didn't, she slowly reached towards the phone on the wall. Seeing this, he quickly spoke up.
"He's not my son! He's my friend's son, I'm just watching him for the day!" Tord lied. The employee let out a sigh of relief and crossed her arms.
"Thank goodness! Sorry, but when a man in a black hoodie walks into an ice cream parlor with a poorly dressed child, there are going to be some questions," she laughed. Tord nodded in agreement.
"Poorly dressed?" Tom looked up from the display case, pouting.
"Oh uh... sorry! Anyways, what can I do for you?" The employee smiled. Tord looked down at Tom, who excitedly pointed to one of the tubs of ice cream.
"One cookies n' cream," Tord replied.
"Alrighty! What size?" The employee asked again.
"Mister Tord? Can I get a large? Pleeeeeease?" Tom begged.
"You know you can't eat that much Tom, how about a small?" Tord sighed.
"What?!" Tom had an offended look on his face.
"Fine, let's meet halfway, does a medium sound alright?" Tord suggested.
"Mm-hm!" Tom grinned.
"Alright, you heard the kid," Tord sighed. The employee giggled and began to scoop Tom's ice cream from the tub.
"And would you like anything else?" She asked.
"No, I'm good," Tord shrugged. Tom looked up at Tord.
"Come on mister Tord! I think you deserve some ice cream!" He laughed.
"Yeah mister Tord," the employee mocked, laughing along with Tom. Tord felt the need to punch someone, preferably the employee, but he managed to hold in his anger for Tom's sake.
"Fine, chocolate for me, just a small," Tord finally gave up.
"Here you two are!" The employee cheered, handing Tord the ice cream. Tord gave Tom his and politely asked him to find them a table. Tom nodded and walked off.
"How much do I owe you?" Tord asked, pulling out his wallet.
"Y'know what? It's on the house," the employee laughed.
"Um... what?" Tord asked.
"Look, I'm quitting tomorrow, so I could honestly care less, and you seem like a nice guy who's apparently great with children, even if you do seem a bit grumpy, I can tell you care," the employee nodded.
"So that warrants free ice cream?" Tord frowned.
"Well, you're cute, so that certainly helps," the employee winked. She handed him a random slip of paper and then went to clean the glass on the display case. Tord scowled and walked towards the table Tom had picked out. He was a bit worried when he saw that their table was near a window, but it quickly went away once he saw that there was barely anyone on the streets... wait, no one out on a Saturday? Tord was seriously confused. He sat down across from Tom, who was practically inhaling his ice cream.
"Tom, you're going to give yourself a freezy headache," Tord sighed.
"I am not! I- ow!" Tom grabbed his head.
"And there it is," Tord chuckled. He quietly ate his ice cream, it had been awhile since Tord had so much as looked at ice cream, he hated to admit it, but it was a nice change of pace.
"Are you alright mister Tord?" Tom asked after recovering from his headache.
"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"
"I dunno, you just seem sad," Tom shrugged.
"Well I can assure you I'm not,"
"Hey, what's that?" Tom pointed towards the slip of paper in Tord's hand. Tord had honestly forgotten the employee had even given it to him. He unfolded it and revealed that there was a phone number on it. Tord glanced at the employee who was silently watching him from the counter. She gave him a wink and then went back to cleaning.
"Ugh," Tord rolled his eyes, clearly he wasn't interested.
"Oh! I think she likes you!" Tom giggled.
"Really? What was your first clue?" Tord asked sarcastically.
"You don't like her?"
"Nope, she's not my type," Tord took a second to silently ask himself why he was having this conversation with a child.
"Mister Tord? Your phone's ringing,"
"Hm? Oh, so it is, thank you, give me a second," Tord picked up his phone and answered it, Patryck's concerned voice came through from the other end.
"Red leader sir?! Are you there?!" Patryck panicked.
"Patryck! Slow down! Get ahold of yourself soldier! What's wrong?!" Tord growled.
"One of the soldiers just reported a huge storm heading towards town, you need to get back here with Tom immediately if you don't want to end up getting caught up in it!" Patryck explained.
"A storm?"
"Oh yeah, the storm, it's been big news lately, most businesses are shut down today, but my boss was just too determined I guess, but since everyone's holed up at home, we haven't gotten a lot of buisness," the employee chimed in, apparently she had been listening in on Tord's conversation the whole time.
"Look Patryck, I'll try to get there with Tom as soon as I can, if I'm not there before the storm starts, then do not go looking for me, I'll try to find a place we can take shelter in until it passes over if we can't get there in time," Tord finally replied.
"Yes sir, I'll tell Paul as well, good luck out there," Patryck sighed, hanging up.
"Are you done with that ice cream yet?"
"What? Well yeah, why?" Tom had apparently missed Tord's entire conversation.
"We have to get going, otherwise we'll get caught up in the storm that's coming," Tord explained.
"Uh oh! Let's go!" Tom quickly followed Tord out the door.
"Call me!" They heard the employee shout. Tord had grabbed Tom's hand and was rushing towards the end of town, towards the base, unfortunately, it was beginning to rain, no, pour.
"Crap," Tord grunted.
"This way!" Tom pulled Tord over to a building, opening the door and dragging him in with him. It was abandoned by the looks of it, and yet it seemed like someone had practically been living there. Tord spotted a few pictures taped to the walls, recognizing the familiar faces of Edd, Matt, and of course Tom. Had this been a place Tom's adult self hung out?
"How did you know this was here?"
"I... I just did..." Tom seemed just as confused as Tord was. This was good, this meant memories were already starting to come back to Tom in small bursts. What wasn't good, was that they were now trapped in the middle of a storm. Tord walked over to one of the windows and wiped some of the dust off of it with his sleeve, watching the streets flood with rainwater. He squinted, focusing on a small slip of paper being washed away. Tord reached into his pocket, that dumb employee's phone number was gone... huh, maybe this wasn't such a bad situation after all.

Huh... Well I am currently in the fetal position, on my bed, writing this and realizing that I have TEN THOUSAND READS. I haven't updated in a week, and this happens, how?! I'm still sick, and yet I'm still screeching like a school girl... or a very feminine male, I don't discriminate. Anyways, take this trash as a token of my appreciation! Like I said, I'm just now starting to feel better, so thank you for being patient... on the bright side, I got pretty far on my Sims 3 game while I've been sick, Tom and Tord are married now in my game :D (also, chocolate, the delicious flavor of evil) anyways, as always, thank you for reading!

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