What Is Love?

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The medic stepped into Red leader's office, his nervousness growing as he heard his leader lock the door behind them. Okay, he was definitely going to die, no doubt about that. He was going to be shot in the head or something and no one would ever know. Or worse... Maybe Red leader would send him to be tortured by the ripper! Oh god just thinking about Jack torturing him... Gah! The medic was noticeably trembling.
"Stop shaking like that, have you not learned anything about being in this army? We are supposed to show no weakness," Tord growled, quietly realizing he was contradicting himself.
"Y-Yes sir! Sorry sir!" The medic saluted, his arms feeling heavy. The medic watched as his leader sat down behind his rather large desk, motioning for the medic to pull up a chair. The medic quickly grabbed a chair, plopping down in it and noting how uncomfortable it was in the back of his mind. Red leader noticeably flinched as he saw which chair the medic had picked. The medic also noticed this, and flipped out a little. "Oh! My apologies sir! I can pick a different chair if-"
"Don't bother,"
"I-I'm sorry?"
"I said don't bother, I just had that chair moved from my room, it was uncomfortable anyways, so it really doesn't matter,"
"Y-Yes sir," The medic stuttered.
"Now, do you have any guesses as to why you are here?" Tord asked. The medic was currently screeching internally. Maybe this wasn't just about the seamstress... Maybe Red leader had found out about the soldier the ripper had tortured! Oh no... This was worse than the medic had thought!
"I am so sorry sir! Jack just started cutting into him and I didn't know what to do and I don't want to throw Jack under the bus! You can do whatever you want to me, just please don't hurt Jack!" David squeaked. Tord went silent, confusion very visible in his working eye.
"What?" He asked. The medic's eyes widened. That... Isn't what this is about? Oh crap... If he wasn't dying before, he definitely is now. He'd never even get to say goodbye to anyone, he at least wanted to say bye to the researcher. Ugh why did he even have to open his dumb mouth?!
"Um... Nevermind?" The medic chuckled nervously.
"Look, I don't even want to think about the crap you idiots have messed up while I wasn't present, I already have enough on my plate, and frankly? I could care less if you all end up dying due to your high levels of idiocy," Tord scowled.
"Understood sir... Wait, then what is this about?" The medic asked. His leader seemed... Off. He wasn't as confident as usual.
"Do... Do you remember the rant I made you listen to?" Tord mumbled. Oh right... The rant. The medic distinctly remembered that his leader was confused as to whether he should just kill Tom or not.
"Yes sir, I do," The medic replied.
"You said you could relate?" Tord frowned. The medic did say that didn't he?
"Yeah... Sort of... I know how it feels to feel one way about someone only to realize that your previous feelings are dumb," The medic explained. Tord chuckled. Well that was oddly specific, although it admittedly fit his situation.
"Medic? How does someone know if they're in love?" Tord suddenly asked. The medic stared at his leader in shock. Okay, why the heck was he asking him that?
"I'm sorry?" The medic stuttered.
"You heard me, now answer the question," Tord sighed. Did Red leader hit his head or something?! Maybe all of that smoking while he was still recovering finally caught up to him? Tord continued glaring at the medic, impatiently waiting for a response.
"No offense sir, but why are you asking me this?" The medic asked.
"Everyone else is either unavailable or not highly experienced with this kind of thing," Tord explained.
"Why would I be?!" The medic exclaimed.
"Well compared to everyone else here, you appear to be the most emotional, I figured you'd know how it felt," Tord shrugged. Times like these made the medic wish he was being executed instead. He knew nothing about love! All of his past relationships normally ended before they even started. In fact, he hasn't dated anyone in several years. Every guy he liked said they were disgusted by him, and every girl just downright despised him. After awhile the medic just tried only dating girls, but that didn't work either. Now he considered himself bisexual in the hopes that someone, anyone, would come along and sweep him off his feet... No such luck. Heck the closest thing he had to a "significant other" was the ripper... Actually nevermind, the medic didn't even want to think about that, they were forced friends and nothing more.
"I hate to tell you this sir, but I don't think I do," The medic sighed. He watched as his leader got up from his desk, walked up to him, and held a very large knife to his throat.
"Are you sure about that medic?" His leader chuckled. Oh god oh god oh god oh god! This was it, this was the imminent death he had been dreading. Okay, now the medic just had to think, he has friends who were or are in love, how would they answer this question?
"S-Sir please take the knife away from m-my throat so I can answer," The medic mumbled. His leader did as he requested, however not before leaving a small cut on the medic's neck. Fortunately it wasn't deep enough to scar.
"Out with it then, and know that if I don't like your answer, well... I'll let you fill in the blanks on that one," Tord grinned maliciously as he waved his knife around. The medic was shaking and sweating profusely due to nervousness at this point.
"W-Well sir, love is kind of hard to define since it's different for each person, but in my experience..." The medic trailed off, trying to come up with something to tell his leader.
"Go on," Tord sighed impatiently. What the heck could he say?! Wait... The answer hit the medic like a ton of bricks.
"In my experience, love is about realizations," The medic nodded.
"Realizations?" Tord needed some type of clarification.
"When you love someone, sometimes it can be hard to realize what you're feeling is love, sometimes it can be hard to realize your feelings have changed, sometimes it can be hard to realize that you could never see yourself without that other person," The medic continued.
"How does one feel after these realizations?" Tord asked, sort of understanding the medic's description.
"Once again sir, this is purely my experience, but it's one of the worst feelings in the world, you begin to question and doubt yourself, you end up questioning your entire life leading up to the realization, and all you want to do is pretend that you never felt a thing," The medic replied.
"Oh," Tord didn't know what else to say at that point, the situation the medic was describing... Seemed to fit his current situation perfectly.
"However... Realization isn't everything," The medic continued. Tord continued to stare at the medic. "It isn't?" This love thing just sounded dumb and overly complicated... Why did he have to be stuck with it? The medic lightly shook his head.
"Nope, in fact the good part of realizing you love someone doesn't start until you manage the acceptance part, and everything that comes after it should be mostly smooth sailing with some occasional hurricanes," The medic grinned.
"I don't... What?" Tord asked, he just wasn't getting it.
"Sir, what I'm trying to say, is that love isn't perfect... Well... Most of the time it isn't, more than likely there are going to be hardships and fights beyond imagining, however if you truly love the other person, and the other person truly loves you, then both people should be able to get through it as long as they talk it out," The medic explained once more.
"Sounds tiring, is it really worth it?" Tord sighed. The medic found his mouth moving on it's own, forgetting everything his friends had told him about love, and instead using... Something he didn't realize he had felt in the back of his mind.
"It's always worth it sir," The medic nodded.
"That settles that then," Tord mumbled.
"What was that sir?" The medic asked after hearing something from his leader.
"Nothing, it is irrelevant, you can head back to the infirmary now," Tord replied. The medic got up out of his leader's chair, silently relieved that his back could relax. He gave his leader a salute before walking towards his office door. However, just as he was about to walk out, he heard Red leader mumble something he never thought he'd hear from his leader. "Thank you," He mumbled. The medic nodded and walked out of the office, still completely and utterly confused, but the slightest hint of joy wormed it's way into his brain.

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