Parental Instincts

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   Tord lead Tom down a long corridor until they got to the barracks. Since they weren't in any serious danger at the moment, Tord could only assume Paul was taking a nap while Patryck was probably being forced to keep watch just in case anyone tried to wake Paul up. This little theory of his was confirmed after they rounded a corner and saw Patryck standing outside of the door that lead to the barracks.
"Patryck!" Tord shouted, scaring Patryck.
"Oh! Red leader! My apologies, I didn't see you there! What is it sir?" Patryck asked.
"Where is Paul?" Tord already had a pretty good idea of where he was, but he figured he'd still ask.
"He's... uh... cleaning one of his guns?" Patryck shrugged, trying his best to come up with a lie. Clearly, Tord wasn't buying it, heck it even seemed like Tom didn't believe him.
"Whatever, look I need to speak with both of you, it's about Tom,"
"Yes, wait... did Paul not tell you?"
"Sir, he's barely said a word to me since I got back from doing recon," Patryck sighed.
"Why do I trust him with anything?" Tord mumbled to himself. Patryck's eyes suddenly shifted to Tom.
"Hey! That's the kid Matt was looking for!" Patryck exclaimed. Tord was slightly startled at the sudden mention of Matt's name.
"What?" Tord asked. Patryck reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper, holding it out to Tord. On the paper was a surprisingly well drawn picture of Tom as a child, there were a few small details written on the poster, but the only one Tord could really focus on was the fact that the reward was only fifty bucks... seriously?
"Some guy named Matt was handing these out, I assumed he was just looking for his son... who you kidnapped?" Patryck was clearly confused.
"Patryck, Tom isn't Matt's child, he's a 'friend' of his, and Tom here somehow reverted back into a child and now Matt and his other 'friend' Edd are looking for him," Tord tried explaining.
"Okay? Wait, why do those names sound familiar?"
"I've told you about them before, it's just been awhile, Edd and Matt are... old friends of mine, but as for Tom?" Tord leaned over so Tom couldn't hear what he was saying.
"He's never been my friend, he said so himself, he's the reason I had to go through all of those stupid surgeries, and now I'm trying to get revenge on him," Tord whispered.
"I get it, you captured him while he was vulnerable so that you can torture once we turn him back to normal," Patryck finished Tord's thought for him. Tord was a little proud, Patryck was able to figure everything out pretty quickly and so was Paul, they were his most dependable soldiers for a reason.
"Exactly, now will you please tell Paul to wake up?" Tord smirked, crossing his arms. Patryck wanted to slap himself, he should've known their leader would see through such an obvious lie. Rather than slap himself, he quietly snuck into the barracks.
"Mister Tord, who was that Matt person Patryck was talking about?" Tom asked.
"Don't worry about him Tom, he isn't important," Tord replied.
"Well then what about that Edd person you mentioned? And what was that about them looking for me?" Tom asked again.
"Seriously Tom, you don't need to worry about either of them, they are..." Tord trailed off. He had to think of a lie, something that would get Tom to stop asking about them, something that would keep him from looking for Edd or Matt.
"Are they nice? Or are they mean?" Tom asked. Perfect.
"They're mean Tom, very mean, they want to try and take you away," Tord lied.
"What?! But I don't want to leave! I like it here!" Tom cried. That was admittedly the first time Tord had ever heard someone say they actually liked their red base.
"Don't worry Tom, you're safe here," Tord had to bite his own tongue to keep himself from laughing.
"Yay!" Tom cheered, hugging Tord.
"Thomas, rule one around here, no hugs," Tord growled.
"No hugs? Why not? They're hugging!" Tom whined, pointing to something in front of them. Tord looked up from Tom. Paul looked like he was about to fall over, he had his arms around Patryck, and it seemed like Patryck was the only thing keeping him up at the moment.
"Sorry sir, Paul isn't fully awake right now," Patryck sighed.
"And that's my problem?" Tord narrowed his eyes.
"Paul, wake up!" Patryck desperately tried to shake Paul awake.
"Not right now Pat... I'm too tired..." Paul mumbled.
"Paul! This is serious! Red leader needs us!" Patryck whispered harshly.
"Nope," Paul mumbled once more.
"Paul I swear if you don't wake up right now, I will hide all of your cigarettes from you again,"
"I'M UP! I'M UP!" Paul shouted. He quickly pulled himself off of Patryck, saluting.
"Good to see you're finally with us Paul," Tord chuckled.
"Sorry Red leader," Paul shrugged, pulling a cigarette from his pocket.
"Patryck, yesterday I had a discussion with Paul that he apparently forgot to mention to you, I have work I must attend to, but I can't get anything done if I'm watching Tom," Tord began.
"Alright?" Patryck patiently waited for Tord to continue.
"Until we can turn him back to normal, I will need somebody to watch him while I'm working, I've decided that those two people will be you and Paul," Tord finished.
"Oh, okay," Patryck shrugged.
"Now I know you may- wait... really?" Tord couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had to argue with Paul to get him to agree, but Patryck didn't even hesitate.
"Sir, it's not like we have anything else to do around here, it's been relatively quiet, not to mention it only makes sense for you to choose us, we've been in this army the longest," Patryck explained.
"Oh, well in that case I need you to watch him now," Tord shrugged.
"Yes sir!" Patryck saluted. He looked over to see Paul about to light his cigarette. Patryck quickly slapped the cigarette out of his hand and stomped it out.
"Hey! Pat why?!" Paul shouted angrily.
"You shouldn't smoke in front of a child," Patryck smiled, putting his hand on Tom's shoulder.
"Ugh," Paul whined. Tom and Patryck giggled at how distraught Paul looked.
"I'll leave you to it then," Tord nodded and left them alone with Tom.
"Bye mister Tord!" Tom yelled. Unfortunately for him, Tord was already too far away to hear him.
"Mister Tord?" Paul asked. Both Paul and Patryck knew Tord's real name, they were just never allowed to say it in front of him, but someone calling him mister Tord was definetely new.
"Mm-hm!" Tom grinned.
"So Tom, why don't you tell us a little more about yourself?" Patryck gave Tom a warm smile, he was always told he was good with kids.
"Okay! Y'know, I like you a lot more than that mean old medic!" Tom giggled.
"Heh, that wimp? Can't say I blame you for not liking him," Paul chuckled.
"Paul!" Patryck sighed.
"What? It's true!" Paul argued, giving Tom a small high-five.

That's right! Two chapters in two days! Fortunately my schedule has been pretty clear, and for once I didn't have writer's block! Also, I figured it was the least I could do since... I have two thousand reads! I had one thousand two chapters ago, and once again I can't express how grateful I am for your reads, comments, and votes! I appreciate all of your support and I hope to keep this story going strong. I hope you all enjoyed this little two day update, thank you for reading!

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