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   Tom glared at Tord from within his cell. He hated the norwegian man, more than he hated anything, and he pretty much hated the world.
"Oh, I'm sorry, did I offend you your highness?" Tom mocked, silently growling.
"Good to know you see me as royalty Thomas," Tord chuckled.
"It was sarcasm," Tom scoffed.
"I am aware," Tord scowled. Tord stepped closer to the cell, trying to get a better view of Tom, but he was unsuccessful, it was just too dark to see much past a certain point, at least the candle helped a little... Sort of.
"I suppose you want revenge?" Tom mumbled, leaning against the back of his cell with his arms crossed.
"Impressive Thomas, it would appear that you have managed to gain some brain cells since the last time we met," Tord smirked.
"If you want your revenge so badly, then why did you tell your medic to patch me up?" Tom asked, ignoring Tord's insult. Tord had caught himself about to say something sappy. He bit his tongue and cleared his throat, mentally reminding himself to show no mercy.
"Well it wouldn't be very fun if you just bled out, I want to take my time so that I can savor every cry of pain," Tord replied.
"Really? Is that why you got some other guy to torture me?" Tom chuckled.
"I'll have you know that the ripper is a very ruthless man, and his job is to get you to a point where literally everything is painful, then I can swoop in and torturing you becomes much easier," Tord sighed. Tom was hardly scared of Tord, but the ripper... He was another story. From what Tom had seen thus far, even Tord seemed to be scared of the ripper, at least a little. Tom had experienced first-hand what the ripper could do, and it wasn't pretty.
"You do know torturing me isn't going to help you right?" Tom frowned.
"What do you mean?" Tord asked.
"It's not going to help you achieve whatever it is you made this army for, I can only assume... World domination? Heck if anything you're making it harder for any of your soldiers to succeed, you keep telling everyone to pay attention to me rather than their work, pretty sloppy move," Tom teased. Huh... He was actually right, Tord would never admit it outloud though.
"You don't know what you're talking about," Tord growled.
"I don't? Commie, you may think I'm retarded, but it doesn't take brains to see that you're clearly a terrible leader," Tom laughed, making fun of his captor. Tord became enraged. How dare he accuse him of being a bad leader?! Tord felt that he was a spectacular leader! Tord was going to respond with a clever insult, but he managed to think of something even better.
"That's quite rude Thomas, I suppose this means you don't want any of your memories back? The ones you lost in between getting hit with that bottle and being tortured? That's a shame," Tord's evil grin grew wide. Tom had a mental freak out. Tord could be bluffing, but then again... Tom had always been able to get a read on Tord. He could always sense certain things about the other man that most people wouldn't have ever noticed, this second sense helped him figure out Tord was evil in the first place! Well... that and a wanted poster. The point was, Tom didn't feel like Tord was lying about having his memories, and he normally trusted his instincts but... This was just another situation altogether.
"You're bluffing, I was probably in a mini coma the entire time," Tom replied.
"If that's what you want to believe, then go for it," Tord shrugged. Tord turned around and was about to head back up. He only wanted to make sure Tom was okay, and judging by Tom's sarcastic comments, he was just fine.
"What? You're just going to fail at being intimidating and then walk away?" Tom chuckled. Tord thought back to the time he had spent with Tom's younger self. Tord reached over and blew the candle out, picking it up and smashing it onto the floor. The room was now pitch black.
"Y'know, I heard there was going to be a huge thunder storm tonight," Tord hummed, an evil grin returning to his face. Tom was horrified. He hated thunder, but the only one who really knew that was Edd, he had told Matt, but Tom highly doubted Matt would be able to remember. He had never told anyone else, especially not Tord!
"Wait! Don't go mister Tord!" Tom cried out, running towards the front of his cell. He stopped himself and smacked his hand over his mouth. What the heck brought that on?! Tord whipped his head around, facing what he could only assume was the cell.
"What did you just say?!" Tord gasped. Those words brought something out in Tord, and honestly? He kind of liked the feeling. Tom had shouted his old nickname while the ripper was torturing him as well, but that just brought a feeling of fear and guilt... There was something different about this time. Tom quietly shook his head, disturbed by his own actions. Why did he just call Tord that?! And why did it come out so naturally?!
"I... I don't know," Tom replied, barely above a whisper. Tord's heart sank for no explainable reason, Tom didn't remember... It was just an unconscious response.
"I should've known," Tord gave a small, heartbroken chuckle. Tom was incredibly confused at this point, why the heck did Tord sound like he was the one in pain? Tom had just been tortured and knocked out! Twice!
"What's wrong with you?" Tom frowned, not really caring. Tord didn't respond. Tom heard the sound of heavy boots running back up the stairs, ah, guess getting answers from him would be harder than Tom first thought. Tord got to the top of the stairs and slammed the doors shut. The researcher and the lead scientist stood there, surprised to see their leader running out of the basement with an expression similar to one who had seen a ghost.
"Red leader? Are you alright?" The lead scientist asked. Tord looked up at the two women, they had very concerned expressions on their faces. This was bad, rule one, don't show signs of weakness in front of your soldiers, and guess what Tord was doing? Tord straightened himself up, taking deep breaths and gaining some color back to his face.
"I am fine, lead scientist, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in the lab?" Tord asked, glaring at the auburn haired woman.
"My apologies sir, I was helping Caroline- THE RESEARCHER! Do some... extra work," The lead scientist lied, sweating bullets.
"She was indeed," The researcher nodded, she was much better at telling lies.
"Whatever, just get back to your post," Tord sighed. The lead scientist saluted before running in the direction of the lab.
"Sir, I hate to tell you this, but I believe things are changing quite a bit around here, and it would be best if we all got accustomed to these changes... ALL of us," The researcher mumbled, glaring at her leader as she walked past him. Tord gave her a confused look. What was she talking about?

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