Not Very Observant

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  Tord woke up feeling horrible. Every bone in his body ached from sleeping in his chair. He flipped himself over so that his face was pressed up against it, trying desperately to stretch out his back a little. Only then did he realize what Tom meant when he said that the chair smelt funny, it smelt strongly of smoke. Considering how long it had been in his room, it only made sense. Tord had been trying to quit smoking, according to the Red Army's medic, Tord's lungs had become very weak as a side effect to all of his surgeries, and smoking wouldn't help them get any stronger.
"Ugh," Tord groaned as he got up and stretched, today was going to be a long day, he could already tell. It took him a second to remember why he had slept in that dumb chair in the first place, but his memories came back to him as he saw movement in his bed. Tom hadn't woken up yet, which wasn't very surprising considering how busy his day was. Tord walked over towards Tom and pulled down the covers just enough to see Tom's face, he wanted to make sure he was sleeping soundly so that he could maybe get some work done today.
"Thank goodness," Tord sighed. Tom was peacefully resting, but... something seemed off. Tord saw something red on the tip of Tom's visible ear, wait... was that blood? Tord walked over to the other side of his bed to get a better view of the back of Tom's head. Tom had glass shards sticking out of his head, his hair was messy with dried up blood, and Tord grimaced when he saw that his bedspread was slightly stained with blood. He mentally cursed, he had completely forgotten that Tom was even injured! His thoughts flickered back to when Tom had first showed him the horrifying injury in the alleyway. Tord had been so focused on literally everything else, that it had completely slipped his mind.
"I swear, if he has a concussion, I'm actually giving up, I will straight up walk to Edd and Matt's apartment, drop him in front of them, and run in the other direction," Tord mumbled to himself as he carefully lifted Tom off the bed and carried him towards the infirmary. He knew it was early, and that the chances of their medic being fully awake were slim, but he really didn't care. He was their leader, and either they work when he tells them to work, or they can be tortured and executed in front of the entire Red army, it was their choice, Tord was generous like that.
"Good morning Red Leader sir!" Their medic saluted, you could see the drowsiness in his eyes.
"Get that sleepiness out of your eyes right this instant soldier!" Tord growled. The medic noticeably panicked.
"Yes sir, sorry sir," The medic apologized. The medic's eyes were suddenly drawn to Tom, specifically, the disturbing wound filled with glass on the back of his head.
"You're lucky I need you right now, otherwise... there would be consequences," Tord glared at the medic.
"Yes sir, won't happen again sir!" The medic quickly replied, his attention shifted towards Tom.
"He was hit with a glass bottle I think," Tord shrugged. He could only assume that was what happened solely based on the shape of the glass.
"Sir, do you happen to know how big the bottle was?" The medic asked, genuinely concerned. It had to have been huge to have left this much glass in that poor child's head, the medic thought.
"I honestly have no idea, I wasn't there," Tord shrugged. Tord wasn't born yesterday, he could easily tell that their medic was curious as to whose child he had kidnapped. Tord thought about telling the medic for a moment, if Tom were to get hurt again in the future... dang it.
"Sir I hate to inconvenience you but... uh..." the medic didn't finish his sentence, but rather held his arms out, implying that Tord hand over Tom for a second. He carefully handed Tom over to the medic, but he'd never admit how apprehensive he was to do so.
"Listen soldier, I'm going to share some classified information with you, and you may share what I tell you only with Paul and Patryck, understand? If I find out that you told anyone else, then I will personally make sure that you'll never be able to tell anyone anything ever again, do I make myself clear?" Tord grinned menacingly.
"Yes sir! Of course sir!" The medic tried to salute again, but he found it to be a little difficult with Tom in his arms. Tord sighed and proceeded to explain yesterday's situation to him.
"Now, are there any questions?" Tord asked once he had finished his explanation.
"Um... just one, if you don't mind sir!"
"I wouldn't have asked you if you had any questions if I did!"
"Oh right... Um... are you sure that those two guys won't find him here? I mean... shouldn't we at least hide him somewhere a little... farther away from town?"
"Are you questioning my decisions?"
"No sir! Not at all! I was just trying to offer some help..."
"Hm, well you know I asked you for questions, but I don't recall asking for your opinion," Tord's evil grin became even more sinister.
"Please don't hurt me Red leader! I'm so sorry sir! So sorry!" And there he goes, begging on his knees again, Tord made a mental note, as soon as the red army could recruit more soldiers, he simply had to choose some that actually had spines.
"Stand up soldier, you're embarrassing yourself at this point, just tell me if Tom is alright," Tord sighed.
"Hm, just let me check to see if his eyes are dilated," the medic grabbed some type of medical tool off of his table, and tried to lift Tom's eyelid without waking him up.
"Oh! Wait!" Unfortunately, Tord was just a little too late. The medic screamed and threw his medical tool towards some random corner of the room.
"He has no eyes!" The medic shouted. Tord silently scolded himself since he had neglected to mention that one tiny detail.
"Alright, this is getting annoying, all I want is for you to remove the glass that is literally embedded into his head, and clean the blood off of his hair, that's literally it,"
"What if he has some kind of brain damage?"
"He went from being a grown man to a child in one day, if that didn't give him brain damage, then I'm pretty sure nothing will,"
"Um... okay sir, I'll try my best to make sure Tom stays asleep during the procedure-"
"I heard my name?" The medic nearly dropped Tom when he started talking.
"Thomas, how long have you been awake?" Tord asked.
"Thomas? Aw, you only call me that when you're angry," Tom pouted.
"Uh oh, sir I hate to say it, but we don't have the right materials to put him back to sleep, our budget just doesn't support that kind of thing,"
"Ugh, you have got to be kidding me, alright fine just do the procedure while he's awake, the little brat could use some pain, maybe it will finally make him behave," Tord rolled his good eye.
"What? Pain? I don't want that!" Tom panicked.
"Just make sure not to hurt him too much, he'll feel plenty of pain once we turn him back to normal," Tord chuckled as he began to leave the infirmary. Tom was a little too busy trying to escape, he hadn't heard a word Tord said.
"Sir! I could use a little help!" The medic shouted after him.
"You're on your own soldier, man up!" Tord laughed as he left.
"I don't like you! Where is mister Tord going?!" Tom complained.
"Now now, just stay calm, you don't want that glass to stay in your head all day now do you? I'm sure we can come up with some sort of agreement-"
"WHERE'S MISTER TORD?!" Tom screamed.
"Oh dear..." Tord was right, today was going to be a long day, just... perhaps not just for him.

Aaaaaand this chapter is garbage, complete and utter garbage, sorry for the long wait, but WOW did you guys support the last chapter! Seriously it was insane! Thank you so much! I'll try to update soon since this chapter is so terrible, I just have a lot of schoolwork, but hopefully the next one doesn't turn out as bad as this one, thanks for reading!... like, seriously, thank you! (Also... 1443 words long... wow 0-0)

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