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The rain wasn't as bad as it was five minutes ago. Or at least that was Tom's opinion. He never had much of a problem with rain in the first place, just thunder. He honestly didn't know why, there were much more destructive things that came with storms, and yet he only feared the loud noises storms brought. A fear of thunder was a natural thing for a child, they typically don't understand that it can't hurt you. Tom's fear of thunder was dreadful as a child... It still is even though he's an adult... Why can't he let go of something so stupid? On the bright side, Tom hadn't heard even a small bit of thunder. It was rather odd, but Tom didn't mind one bit, in fact he was overjoyed. Or at least he was until an all too familiar sound echoed through the sky. He immediately began running to find shelter. He had been walking on the opposite end of town to avoid the red army base for obvious reasons, but he began running towards it for some reason. He froze. Why was running to the red army base?! He was supposed to be free from Tord! Why would he even entertain the thought of going back?! He looked around and noticed a familiar abandoned building. Huh, he had almost forgot about his little isolated paradise. Another loud crack of thunder interrupted Tom's nostalgia. Tom was in the building in a matter of seconds. He sighed as he looked around the familiar room. The empty vodka bottles were a welcome sight, although the guitar picks made him miss Susan. When were those people down at the music shop going to finish fixing her anyways? He walked over to a wall with dozens of pictures on it. Smiling at the memories of him, Edd, and Matt getting up to all kinds of things. He never thought he'd miss those times so much. He scanned over each picture, freezing as he saw one with Tord in it. Tom decided to be petty and cross out Tord's face in every picture with a red marker. Yet this one... This one had no mark. It was a picture Tom had secretly took one day when Tord had sat down with them to watch a scary movie. It was one of the only good memories Tom actually had when they all lived together. Matt was being a huge baby during the whole thing, Edd had tried acting brave in front of Matt but failed when the first jump scare rolled around, Tom was making fun of how irrational the movie was, and Tord was agreeing with him. Matt and Edd got mad at them multiple times for their commentary being louder than the movie. At one point Tom had cracked a joke about Matt being the annoying blonde that gets killed in the beginning, and it got a laugh out of Tord. A genuine laugh. Tom, wanting to use it as blackmail against Tord later, snuck a picture. Now that Tom looked at it... Wow... Tord looked so happy. To think, the entire time it was all just a ruse to gain their trust. Tom quickly looked away from the picture. He was already missing a good chunk of his memories, he didn't need something else to make him depressed. Maybe he needed a nap or something? Yeah, that might help. He didn't get a lot of non alcohol induced sleep last night anyways. Tom went up to the second floor, where he knew he kept a sleeping bag for days he was too tired or drunk to get home safely. He was happy to see that the lights were still fully functional on the second floor. Tom had stumbled upon this building one day while he was heading home from a bar. It was abandoned after whatever company that was holed up there went out of business. Tom ended up, quite literally, crashing there for the night. He didn't actually realize how cool the building was until he woke up the next morning. The entire first floor was empty, the only light illuminating it coming from the windows, however that still wasn't a lot since a considerable amount of dust had collected on each window. The second floor had a few pieces of furniture still in it. Either the furniture had been faulty in some way, or they just didn't need it and decided to leave it there rather than throw it out. Tom was pleased to find that it was the latter. They left behind a couple of tables, a few chairs, and a desk. There was also some furniture in the basement of the building, but Tom preferred not going down there unless he had to. The lights were all still fully functional on the second floor, and they made up for the lack of windows up there. Tom had realized a long time ago that the power company actually shut off the power to the building immediately after it was abandoned. He had discovered an almost silent generator in the basement that kept all of the lights running. It was so quiet, that Tom had just assumed the company forgot it was even there when they left. Tom, upon realizing what an awesome secret hangout the building could be, decided he would fill the generator with gas each week. It didn't seem to use too much at one time, so filling it to the brim would keep it running strong for an entire week. This thankfully meant Tom had a week before he had to go down to the creepy basement again. Tom walked over to where he kept his sleeping bag, only to find that it was unrolled. He was certain he had rolled it up before he left the last time. Did someone come in?! No, he shouldn't be so paranoid. It probably unrolled itself. Tom never was very good at rolling that thing up anyways, it normally came undone after the first twenty seconds. Tom still felt a bit of paranoia in the back of his head though. Not a lot but... It was enough to make Tom feel apprehensive about taking a nap. Maybe he'd just walk in circles for a bit until the need for sleep came back to him? Seemed like his best bet right now. He decided to walk over to an old desk he considered his writing desk. Tom didn't play a lot of original music on Susan, however he still wrote a lot of it. He mostly wrote when he felt some type of overwhelming emotion, leading to some emotion filled lyrics that would probably embarass him if they were ever sung out loud. He kept most of it either inside or on top of his desk. He noticeably flinched as he saw which songs were on the top of the pile. He referred to them as the songs he'd rather forget about. The songs about Tord. Tom meant to throw them out, he just never got around to it. Now, even though he desperately wanted to chuck them outside and watch them dissolve in a puddle or something, he couldn't bring himself to do it. In fact, he could barely look at the sheet music in front him without wanting to cry... But why?! Why was Tom so sad?! He found himself picking up a few songs and reading them quietly to himself. He remembered each by name. There was "Unwelcome," "The truth," "Good riddance," and the one Tom was most ashamed of, "Could've been different." Tom sighed and put the sheet music down, walking back over to his sleeping bag. Tom suddenly froze. Wait... Tom didn't see "Could've been different." It wasn't on his desk anymore. Could he have moved it and forgot? There's no way. There's no way he'd move that trash. Oh god oh god oh god where did he put it?! Tom began frantically searching the desk, finding nothing.
"YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" Tom shouted, horrified.
"I thought someone was secretly living here!" A voice gasped. Tom whipped his head around to see a lady standing behind him, wearing what appeared to be a convenience store uniform.

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