Interventions Rarely Have Cola Cake

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   Tom had been sitting on Edd's couch, eating cola cake, and listening to Matt go on and on about him and Edd's relationship for at least an hour now. He didn't mind it of course. In fact, he actually kind of liked getting to waste some time with two of his closest friends, especially after the whole Tord ordeal. Oddly enough that entire situation gave him a new appreciation for Edd and Matt's company. He wasn't thankful for the experience, far from it, he's just happy he managed to get something out of it that benefited him. Tom became lost in thought, completely unaware of Matt's long verbal pause.
"Tom? Are you alright?" Edd asked. Tom managed to snap out of it long enough to answer Edd.
"Uh yeah! Sorry Edd," Tom apologized. Tom's answer did little to actually ease Edd's concern. Matt tried to continue his previous rant, but Edd motioned for him to stop.
"Just one second Matt," Edd sighed.
"Okay!" Matt nodded. Tom had a confused look on his face.
"Tom, tell us the truth," Edd frowned.
"What?" Tom's confusion had only grown.
"I'll ask again, are you alright?" Edd asked. So that's what this was about. Honestly? Tom wasn't alright, not in the slightest. He knew it would take time to come to terms with what had happened, but he didn't think it would be this difficult. The shifting bipolar nightmares, the wandering thoughts, the constant feeling of dread mixed with the strange sense that none of it was over... It was overwhelming.
"I think that's a no," Matt whispered to Edd, noticing the look of fear on Tom's face.
"Guys I'm telling you, I am perfectly fine!" Tom argued. Clearly Edd wasn't buying it. He got up and took Tom's cake plate away from him.
"Nope," Edd exclaimed, walking to the kitchen and setting the plate down.
"Hey! Edd! I wasn't done with that!" Tom whined. Edd walked back into the living room, hands on his hips and an irritated look on his face.
"We're your friends Tom! We're worried about you! Clearly you're still having trouble adjusting back to life as usual, and that worries us... Or... It worries me at least!" Edd protested.
"Hey! I'm worried too!" Matt added. Tom looked down at the floor, not entirely sure what to say. Edd sat down next to Tom and gave him a small pat on the shoulder.
"Tom, maybe you should get some fresh air or something, I mean, how long has it been since you've gone outside?" Edd sighed. Oh no, there went Tom's brain again, going into overdrive to try and remember his last outdoor experience. When was that anyway? Tom had still been trying to piece together his missing memories, yet another horrible side effect of his time with Tord. Despite his best efforts, he could only remember the moments leading up to his loss of memories.
"I think the last time I went out was when we went to that dumb magic shop," Tom replied, making sure to emphasize the 'dumb' part of his sentence. He was still admittedly bitter. Edd got up from the couch, holding his hand out to Tom.
"Alright, come on," Edd smiled. Tom wasn't entirely sure what it was Edd was trying to accomplish, but he didn't see any reason not to just go along with it. It was Edd, not someone he wouldn't trust. Tom sighed and took Edd's hand, getting himself boosted off the couch. As Edd began leading him towards the front door, Matt excitedly trailing behind them, Tom suddenly remembered why he had come over in the first place.
"Oh! I almost forgot!" Tom exclaimed.
"What is it?" Edd asked, pausing their mystery excursion for a second.
"I think I left my hoodie here yesterday, I actually came over to ask for it back, but I guess I forgot since you two scarred me with your making out," Tom chuckled. Matt and Edd noticeably blushed.
"Well I can assure you I haven't seen it," Matt mumbled, a bit embarrassed.
"Tom, you didn't exactly walk around a whole bunch, you sat on the couch, listened to Matt, and then walked out, I'm sure if you had dropped your hoodie here, we would've seen it," Edd explained. Tom was now having a mental panic attack. He didn't drop it at Tord's base did he?! Edd could see the clear look of concern on Tom's face. He sighed and continued their walk to the front door. Edd opened it and quickly shoved Tom out of his apartment, slamming the door shut behind him and locking it.
"Edd! What the heck is wrong with you?!" Tom shouted from the other side of the door.
"Go take a walk Tom," Edd sighed.
"What?!" Tom was honestly in disbelief.
"You heard him! It's not that we don't care, in fact we're doing this because we care!" Matt chimed in, making this whole situation sound more like an intervention if anything.
"You need some alone time to clear your head, your thoughts are toxic to your state of mind right now!" Tom could practically hear the worry in Edd's voice.
"I've had time!" Tom growled, referring to his unpleasant nap.
"Without alcohol Tom!" Edd groaned. Oh... He must still have some traces of Smirnoff in his breath.
"FINE!" Tom finally shouted, stomping away from Edd's apartment door. A few of their neighbors had poked their heads out to see what all of the, bordering on deafening, commotion was about. All of them glared at Tom, something Tom could practically feel. He could feel each and every one of their stares burning into the back of his neck, sending chills running down his spine. He quickly rushed out of the apartment complex, a horrible mixture of panic and dread seemingly filling his head to the brim. The moment he got out of the complex, he felt an odd sense of relief wash over him like a tidal wave. It was actually nice to be able to take a deep breath of fresh air- it was raining. Edd had neglected to tell Tom it was raining... Wow. Tom groaned and began to sink back into a dark corner of his mind, when he was snapped out of it by a sudden large thump. He looked to his left to see that something had fallen from a window into a bush. He looked up to see where the object had fallen from, only to see Matt sticking his head out of... Wait... That was Tom's apartment window! How did Matt get in?!
"Sorry Tom! We forgot it was raining! Edd asked me to drop down your umbrella!" Matt yelled to the streets below.
"How did you get into my apartment?!" Tom yelled back.
"What was that? Sorry Tom I can't hear you!" Matt shouted, shrugging and retreating back into Tom's apartment. Tom had a very unamused look on his face as he searched through the bushes, finally finding his checkered umbrella amongst the foliage. He opened his umbrella and looked down the long and seemingly dark sidewalk. There was a strange feel to it, the rain darkening it and making everything around it seem a bit more gray if that made sense.
"Guess I'm going for a walk," Tom sighed.

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