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  It had already been a day since Tom had vanished, and Edd was seriously freaking out. Matt tried his best to help his friend, but it had gotten to the point where even Matt was failing to cheer him up. Matt knocked on Edd's apartment door and was unsurprised to hear no response.
"Edd? Are you alright in there?" As expected, no response there either. Matt sighed and decided to go with plan B, well technically it was plan C, but plan B was to try climbing through Edd's window, and Matt didn't feel like pulling his ladder out at that moment.
"Edd! I brought you some cola!" Matt heard footsteps quickly making their way toward Edd's front door. Edd yanked the door open.
"WHERE?!" Edd shouted excitedly. Matt smiled, it was nice to see his friend so full of energy again. As promised, Matt held up the six pack of cola he had lying around just in case Edd ever ran out. Matt's smile grew wider, he could see pure joy practically shining through Edd's eyes. However, upon further inspection, Matt could see how bad Edd was taking Tom's dissapearence. Edd's normally neat hair was all over the place, he had bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, and his green hoodie had more than a few stains, wow... all of this in just one day. Before Matt really had any time to react, Edd snatched the six pack of cola from Matt, hugging it close to his chest.
"Mind if I come in for a bit?" Matt asked. Edd simply nodded and held open the door to let Matt in. Fortunately, Edd's apartment didn't look nearly as bad as Matt thought it was going to look. Although, Edd probably locked himself in his room for the rest of the day, so the majority of the mess was probably confined to that one room, Matt shuddered just thinking about it.
"Are you alright Matt?" Edd asked, breaking Matt out of his trance.
"Oh! Yes! Sorry Edd!" Matt chuckled. He had a tendency for zoning out... a lot.
"It's okay, thanks for bringing me cola by the way, I was started to think that I'd run out!" Edd laughed. Matt watched as Edd opened his fridge to put them in, Matt also watched as Edd pulled another one out. It didn't matter how much cola Edd had, to him, he was always running out.
"So..." Matt began. He wanted to make sure Edd was alright, but he hadn't really planned this far ahead.
"I know, you're worried," Edd sighed. Matt silently blessed Edd for being able to see through his act.
"Well... can you blame me?" Matt frowned.
"No, I get it, and for what's it worth, I'm doing alright," Edd shrugged.
"Edd, no offense, but you look terrible, and trust me, I know what I'm talking about when it comes to looks," Matt posed for dramatic effect.
"It's just... Tom's our friend, and him disappearing is one thing, he does it all the time, but he's... not himself right now," Edd began to tear up slightly. Matt began to panic, both him and Edd were normally very easy going, but Edd let things get to him much easier.
"Edd it's... It's my fault, I was the one who tripped over you, I was the one who ran into that wall, I was the one who ended up knocking that potion over... It's my fault that Tim got hit..." Matt mumbled. Edd looked up at Matt, he was no longer crying, but tears were still falling.
"Matt, it's isn't your fault, in fact I don't think it matters whose fault it was," Edd began. "The important thing now is that we find him," Edd grinned. Unsure of what to do, Matt instinctively hugged the shorter man in front of him, making Edd giggle in response.
"Hey, do you think maybe that mean manager lady at the Magic Shop has seen anything since yesterday?" Matt suggested, still not releasing Edd.
"Maybe, it's worth a shot I guess," Edd shrugged. They sat in a comfortable silence for a while, until the awkwardness of the situation finally caught up to Edd, blushing a little once he realized how long Matt had his arms wrapped around him. "Um Matt? If we're going to go question the manager, then you'll have to let go of me," Edd chuckled.
"Oh! Right!" Matt panicked, snapping out of yet another trance. He let go of Edd, but before he could say anything else, Edd had already begun to walk out the door. "Now just wait one second!" Matt grabbed Edd's arm before he could get any further.
"What's wrong?"
"Edd, your hoodie is barely green anymore,  and it looks like Ringo's taking a nap on your head, all together, it looks like you got hit by a truck,"
"Hey! I'll have you know that Ringo's fur is always nice and neat! I treat that cat like royalty!"
"That's not what I meant, what I meant was, I refuse to let you go out looking like that,"
"My hair is an easy fix, but I don't know what you want me to do about my hoodie, all of my other ones are dirty,"
"All of them? You have twelve of the same hoodie, but not one is clean?"
"I was going to do laundry yesterday, but..."
"Here," Matt sighed. He pulled off his hoodie and handed it to Edd. "You can wear mine today! Give me a second so I can grab another one of mine real quick," Matt smiled. Now that he knew Edd was okay, he felt like he could go back to being his childish self, which he was honestly thankful for. He skipped to his apartment to look for another hoodie, leaving behind a very flustered Edd. He slipped on the light purple hoodie, only to find that it was much too big for him. The sleeves were much longer than his short arms, and it draped over his legs like a dress, not to mention that since Matt had just been wearing it, the hoodie was still warm in a way that made Edd feel a strange mixture of fear and comfort. Despite it's flaws however, Edd kept it on, only because he had to, right? Right, he just had to keep telling himself that.

Hey guys! Sorry this update took so long, I have been insanely busy lately, and yes I'm aware that this was a MattEdd chapter, but I just couldn't help myself! Anyways, the next chapter will probably be Matt and Edd going to the Magic Shop, just a heads up! Thank you to those who have been so patient up until now, I really appreciate it! Thanks for reading! <3

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