Lost Child

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Edd and Matt had practically searched the whole town top to bottom for Tom. They ended up going door to door asking if anyone had seen the small and probably scared child, but they had no luck there either.
"Edd, I hate to say it, but I think we've lost Tim," Matt sighed.
"Tom," Edd corrected.
"What? My name is Matt!" Matt replied.
"Nevermind, so what do we do now? We can't just stop looking for him, but we aren't making any progress this way..." Edd looked completely distraught. Matt saw this and his brain immediately went into overdrive to try and think of something, unfortunately for both him and Edd, his brain didn't have a lot of power to begin with.
"I've got it! Remember when we lost Ringo? We put up all those lost cat posters and eventually someone found him and called us, maybe we can do the same thing with Tim?" Matt suggested.
"Tom, and he's a person! We can't just... actually you know what? Let's just do it, it's not like either of us can come up with anything better at this point," Edd shrugged.
"Hooray! You can make the posters, and I'll put them up around town! We'll find Ted in no time!" Matt cheered.
"Tom," Edd corrected again.
"Him to!" Matt shouted as he ran towards their apartment complex.
"I just don't get how a child with no eyes and a hoodie that could be worn as a dress just disappears without anyone noticing," Edd said quietly to himself. He followed after Matt, carefully looking around just in case Tom was nearby. What was it the owner said he got hit with? Time reversal potion? Wait... time reversal... maybe Tom didn't just look like a child, maybe he was a child, mentally and physically.
"Edd! Up here!" Edd heard. He looked up at the apartment complex to see Matt hanging out of Edd's apartment window.
"Matt! Be careful! You don't want to end up like our phones! Wait, how did you even get into my apartment when I have the key?!" Edd shouted up at Matt.
"I opened the door!"
"Okay but how?"
"By turning the knob of course!"
"But- y'know what? Nevermind! I'll be up in second!" Edd sighed. He climbed up the concrete stairs that led to his apartment, greeted by Matt, who was standing in the doorway with a wide smile.
"Hey, do we have any photos of Tam that we can use for the posters?" Matt asked as Edd sat down at his computer.
"Tam? Okay that's a little far, even for you, anyways, let me check to see if I have anything saved on here..." Edd began. Matt hovered over his shoulder, humming a song that Edd was fairly certain he had heard Tom sing before, something about harpoons?
"Huh, that's odd," Edd shrugged.
"What's up?"
"I don't have any pictures of Tom on here, well I do, but they're all group photos where Tom's face is blocked for some reason,"
"Although we should probably use a picture of him from when he was a kid, otherwise they'll be looking for an adult Tom," Edd explained.
"Do we have any pictures of him as a kid?"
"I doubt it, well I suppose I could just draw a picture of him,"
"That should work! You are a pretty good artist, you practically breath paint!" Matt grinned.
"Thanks Matt, but I'm pretty sure breathing paint isn't too healthy," Edd chuckled. He began sketching a picture of a young Tom based off of his memory. Matt propped his head on top of Edd's shoulder, kneeling behind him and still humming the familiar tune. Edd chuckled, he knew Matt had no real concept of personal space, but he had never experienced this lack of knowledge firsthand. It took Edd no time at all to finish the sketch, attaching it to the document they were going to use as a template for the posters.
"Looks great so far!" Matt complimented, giving Edd a thumbs up and a big, toothy grin.
"Thanks Matt, so what exactly do we have as a reward?" Edd sighed.
"Hm... fifty bucks,"
"What? Where did you get-"
"Tom left his wallet at the Magic Shop!" Matt smiled, holding out Tom's checkered wallet.
"Whatever, he'll thank us later I guess," Edd shrugged. He finished up the posters and began to print more than enough.
"I'll go around and hand these out to people!" Matt announced.
"Here, put some up as well," Edd tossed Matt a roll of tape.
"You got it!" Matt saluted. He grabbed the posters from the printer and literally skipped out the door, practically running into someone.
"Sorry! Didn't see you there!" Matt apologized.
"It's fine," the man in front of him sighed. He had long brown hair and he seemed to be wearing some type of military coat over a red turtleneck.
"Oh! Have you seen a child with no eyes running around perhaps?" Matt asked.
"No eyes?"
"Yeah, he looks like this," Matt grinned, holding up one of the freshly printed posters.
"Sorry, I can't say I have," the man sighed.
"Alright, here, have a poster just in case you see him later," Matt handed the man a poster with a smile.
"I'll be sure to give you a call if I see him," the man nodded.
"Thank you so much! My name is Matt by the way," Matt held his hand out for the man to shake.
"My name's Patryck," the man replied, happily shaking Matt's hand.
"See you around Patryck, I have to get the word out," Matt waved as he walked away.
"Bye, I'll try to spread the word as well so that you can find your son," Patryck smiled, walking off. What? Tum wasn't his child! Matt was fairly certain of that, but then again Edd kept making up a mysterious person named Tom, so who knows what's real?

Hello! Sorry that this chapter is much shorter than the last one, I don't really plan these things out, I just write until I can't think of anything else. I just wanted to check back in with Edd and Matt, don't worry! Tom and Tord will be back in the next chapter! Thanks for reading!

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