Hurricanes And Confessions

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   Edd was sleeping soundly on his couch. Rather than bother him about the now raging storm outside, which ended up waking Matt up, Matt decided it would be in his best interest to let Edd finally get some sleep. Matt managed to shift just enough so that he could get off the couch without disturbing Edd. He grabbed a pillow from Edd's room and brought it towards the couch, carefully propping Edd's head up. Matt decided to go back and grab a blanket as well, tucking Edd in. Matt just couldn't help but stare. Edd snuggled into the blanket further, smiling in his sleep with a small blush covering his face.
"Adorable..." Matt smiled. He was glad his friend was finally letting himself relax a little, Matt was honestly starting to get worried about Edd and his shrinking sanity. Matt's eyes were suddenly drawn to the window closest to him, watching as raindrops pounded against the window. He had completely forgotten about the oncoming storm, even though it was all the news would talk about lately. Matt simply shrugged, he never really payed any attention to the news anyways, too many boring facts and big words that confused Matt to no end. He knew that Edd would occasionally watch the news, but he wasn't one of those people that would sit in front of the screen and watch nothing but the news for hours upon hours. Matt chuckled, his thoughts always seemed to lead him back to Edd, no matter what he was originally thinking about. Matt took another look at the fascinating chaos happening right outside the window. Matt was never afraid of storms, well no, if there was a tornado warning or something like that, then Matt would probably panic, other than that however, Matt was completely unafraid. According to Edd, he used to be afraid of lightning, but got over it as he got older... huh, Matt was pretty sure he knew someone else who was actually petrified of thunder... who was that again?
"Hm? Matt? Wait, is it raining? Oh right! The storm! Wow, I completely forgot about that..." A tired voice yawned. Matt turned around only to be met with a heartwarming sight. Edd was sitting up on the couch, rubbing his eye with his long sleeve, Matt's long sleeve technically.
"Sorry Edd, I didn't mean to wake you up," Matt sighed.
"You didn't, I'm pretty sure it was the rain that did it, man, that is loud," Edd chuckled.
"Right? I'm surprised it didn't wake you up earlier," Matt grinned.
"What can I say? I was tired," Edd smiled.
"Hey Edd?"
"Yeah Matt?"
"Do we know anyone who's afraid of thunder? It seems to have slipped my mind..." Matt trailed off.
"Oh yes, you may not remember him, but Tom is terrified of thunder, always has been! I thought it would've gotten better with age like my old fear of lightning, but if anything it's just gotten worse," Edd replied.
"Really? Huh,"
"Yeah, I remember when he was a kid, he'd hug the life out of his bear! Don't you remember? Our teacher always had to give us surprise sewing lessons during thunderstorms,"
"Can't say I do,"
"Well... maybe that's a good thing, Tom thinks it's an embarrassing fear, I know that now whenever Tom hears thunder he hides in some really weird places, I found him in the fridge once, and when I asked him what he was doing, he said that he was 'pulling an Indiana Jones' and then slammed the refrigerator door in my face," Edd laughed and Matt just couldn't help but laugh along with him, Edd really did have some contagious laughter.
"That sounds hilarious! I wish I would've been there for that," Matt grinned.
"Uh... you were," Edd frowned. Matt silently cursed himself for making Edd frown, why couldn't he remember anything pertaining to Tim?! Tom! He meant Tom!
"Oh... sorry," Matt awkwardly laughed.
"I hope Tom isn't freaking out right now, although I guess since he's only a child right now... he's probably looking for something to hug to death," Edd sighed, quickly changing the subject.
"If we're lucky it'll be that Tord guy," Matt chuckled.
"Ha! If only it was that easy! Child or not, I'm pretty sure Tom would rather die than hug Tord,"
"He might, you never know, based on what happened last night? I'd say his memory is almost as bad as mine right now,"
"Right..." Edd's face fell once again. Seriously?! Again?! Matt actually wanted to punch himself.
"I didn't mean anything by it! I was just... y'know, stating the obvious," Matt mumbled.
"I know you didn't mean anything by it, it's just a sensitive topic for me right now,"
"I'm so sorry Edd, I know you and Tam are close," Matt tried comforting Edd, putting his hand on his shoulder.
"It's not just that... Matt, I know you don't remember, but Tord was a good friend and he betrayed us and left us, after awhile I finally came to the realization that it was probably for the best, but it still hurt, and now Tom's gone and... I just don't know what to do anymore! I refuse to lose anyone else!" Edd began shouting. Matt's arms moved on their own, grabbing Edd's hands and intertwining their fingers. Edd looked up at him in shock.
"Edd, I promise you that I will not give up on looking for Tom with you, I will stay by your side until we find him, and I promise that as long as I am around, you will never lose another friend again!" Matt declared, nothing but sincerity in his eyes.
"Why?" Edd asked.
"Why are you so determined on helping me?! Tord is dangerous whether you remember it or not! You could walk away right now and never face any consequences! So why? Why are you so intent on helping me of all people?!" Edd shouted in Matt's face, tears falling faster than the raindrops outside. Matt's instincts took over, he leaned closer to Edd until the space between them was non-existent, pressing his lips against Edd's surprisingly soft ones. Edd was of course surprised, but soon melted into the kiss, tears still streaming down his face. It was in that moment that Edd felt fireworks, as if all of his worries had just been blasted away into one beautiful fireworks display. Meanwhile, Matt had forgotten everything that he had ever known, the only memory his mind felt was important at that moment? This, him and Edd, and he made sure that this was the one thing he'd always have seared into his mind. They pulled away from each other after what felt like a millennia, but in reality it was probably about fourty seconds or so. Edd's fireworks managed to keep themselves in check, and most of Matt's memories came flooding back to him.
"Why? It's because I love you Edd, I think I always have," Matt smiled. Edd chuckled and wrapped Matt up in a warm embrace.
"I love you too," Edd mumbled. Matt smiled and opened his mouth to say more, but stopped once he realized Edd had actually fallen asleep again. He really needs more sleep.
"I promise to always stay by your side," Matt sighed, kissing the top of Edd's head.

Yeah, that was a thing. I've been having writer's block for Matt and Edd's side of this story, so I figured if I gave you guys some quick Matt and Edd action there wouldn't be any complaints? Mostly because it might be awhile before I transition back to them, sorry! Also, yet again we got more reads and votes, ghajhaiidb as jdj I'm dead on the inside :D! Oh! By the way, shout out to Andrew-Teriek for making this lovely piece of fan art for me! I hope you all love it as much as I do!

 I've been having writer's block for Matt and Edd's side of this story, so I figured if I gave you guys some quick Matt and Edd action there wouldn't be any complaints? Mostly because it might be awhile before I transition back to them, sorry! Als...

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GAAAAAAH! Sorry, I actually cried when they said they'd make me fan art, sorry! I'm an emotional person! I would also like to give a shout out to Zagitariuz for sending me this to potentially use as a cover, I decided to keep the one I have now, but I'd still love to acknowledge it at least!

GAAAAAAH! Sorry, I actually cried when they said they'd make me fan art, sorry! I'm an emotional person! I would also like to give a shout out to Zagitariuz for sending me this to potentially use as a cover, I decided to keep the one I have now, b...

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Thank you to both of those lovely people! And of course, thank you all for reading!

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