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   Edd yawned, expecting to be in the arms of Matt, but was sad to see that he was nowhere to be found.
"Matt? Matt?!" Edd called out.
"Edd?! Are you alright?! Did something happen?!" Matt quickly came running from the kitchen.
"Oh... no, I'm fine, sorry for scaring you like that, I just didn't know where you were for a second... I guess I just panicked?" Edd shrugged.
"I'm the one who should be sorry, I just wanted to look outside and the window in the kitchen is bigger," Matt explained.
"It's fine, does the weather look any better?" Edd asked.
"A little, man... how much longer can this storm go on?" Matt sighed.
"Well, at least we're stuck here together," Edd grinned. Matt laughed and sat next to Edd, lightly kissing him on the cheek.
"Mm-hm, it seems nice and bright in here with you," Matt chuckled. Edd blushed and laughed.
"That was so cheesy!" Edd almost snorted. Matt laughed along with him. After a good minute or two, their laughter died down and they simply listened to the pouring rain outside.
"Hey Edd?"
"Yeah Matt?"
"Um... are we dating now?"
"What? What kind of question is that?! Of course we are!" Edd frowned.
"Thank goodness, sorry, just wanted to make sure," Matt giggled. He then leaned over and gave Edd a quick kiss on the lips.
"I find it a little funny that it took Tom getting kidnapped to get us to confess to each other," Edd sighed.
"Guess we'll have to thank Tim next time we see him eh?" Matt replied.
"It just sucks that we can't do anything right now, not in this storm anyways," Edd shrugged.
"Wait until he finds out we're out of cola as well," Matt meant to whisper to himself.
"WE'RE OUT OF COLA?!" Edd gasped.
"Oh... didn't realize you heard me..." Matt laughed awkwardly.
"Everything is terrible," Edd groaned, shoving his face into a pillow.
"Look, this is going to sound crazy, but do you want me to try going out and getting some?" Matt suggested. Edd looked up at Matt with a look of surprise.
"What?! Matt! It's dangerous out there! I don't want you getting hurt!" Edd frowned.
"I'll be fine Edd, it might be raining pretty hard, but it seems like the wind has died down a bunch," Matt explained.
"Aren't the stores all closed?"
"I doubt ALL of them are," Matt sighed. He got up and started walking towards the door, when Edd grabbed his arm, preventing him from moving any further.
"Matt please... I can get more after this storm is over," Edd begged. Matt turned around and hugged Edd.
"Edd please let me do this for you," Matt mumbled.
"Fine, but at least take an umbrella," Edd finally gave up, Matt had a one track mind, and Edd knew there was no changing that.
"Alright, can I borrow yours?"
"Sure," Edd nodded and then went to his room, grabbing a dark green umbrella from his closet, and then returning to where Matt was waiting.
"Thanks," Matt smiled. Matt kneeled down and kissed Edd.
"Love you..." Edd whispered.
"Love you too," Matt chuckled. Edd refused to take his eyes off of Matt as he watched him leave. He then ran to the window and waited to see Matt walk out of the building. He looked down and saw his ginger boyfriend open the umbrella and begin walking into town.
"So far so good," Edd sighed, waiting at the window for Matt to return. Matt had to admit, the storm looked much worse from the window, when in reality it wasn't too bad. He walked down the pavement and desperately searched for an open store, when his eyes finally caught one across the street.
"Perfect!" Matt exclaimed, running towards the brightly lit store. He ran into the sliding glass door, it didn't open automatically like it was supposed to, and Matt simply stood there in disbelief.
"Oh! Sorry about that!" A muffled voice yelled from the other side. The doors opened and Matt walked in, rubbing the side of his face.
"My face..." He sighed. A woman walked out from behind the checkout counter and ran up to Matt, an apologetic look on her face.
"Sorry! I was told not to let those doors open unless there was a customer, and honestly I just got this job after I quit my old one so I always get the buttons mixed up..." The woman sighed.
"That's fine, I get it, hey... why are you still open?" Matt asked.
"Ugh, so my new boss is actually even more determined than my last one, well at least keeping a store like this open makes a little more sense, my last job was at an ice cream parlor," The employee sighed. Matt had forgotten that he even asked her a question, and began walking down one of the aisles. The employee glared at him for being rude, but she simply shrugged and went back to her work behind the checkout counter. Matt stopped in the soda aisle... his mind completely blanked.
"Wait... what was I supposed to get? Ugh! Man, how does Edd put up with me?" Matt frowned.
"I'm just saying, going out right now was just a bad idea!" Matt heard a voice shout.
"Relax David, we're fine aren't we? Besides, you didn't have to come, I was going out on my own anyways," Matt heard a deeper voice reply. Matt's curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to peek out from behind one of the aisles to see what exactly was going on. Near the entrance stood two men, they both had accents, so Matt ruled out them being foreigners. One was short with messy blonde hair, green eyes, and a whole mess of freckles, he also seemed to be wearing... Wait... Matt had seen that uniform before... but where? Ugh! Matt rolled his eyes and continued examining the two men. The shorter one had a stethoscope around his neck, and he seemed to be absolutely soaked. The other man was VERY tall, perhaps an inch taller than Matt, although he seemed well built unlike Matt. He had mostly neat black hair, icy blue eyes, and Matt noticed a few scars littering his face. He had on the same familiar uniform, but it was actually black and gray, and he appeared to be perfectly dry. Matt also noticed that the taller man had a... oh god was that a knife in his pocket?! The shorter man grabbed something from the taller man, upon further inspection Matt could tell it was actually a gray umbrella.
"Y'know, I gave you this to keep us BOTH dry," The short man sighed.
"My apologies David, however it was just a tad difficult considering our height difference, not to mention you refused to stay very close to me," The tall man retorted.
"You have a knife in your pocket Jack! How did I know you weren't going to stab me with it?!" The short man whispered. Hm, so the short one was David and the tall one was Jack, duly noted.
"Honestly David! I would never stab you... with my knife," Jack mumbled that last part.
"Oh nothing! Anyways, I'm curious, why did you come with me?" Jack asked.
"Well, it has to do with why I was so upset earlier, let's just say it was either be stuck at red base where everyone around me reminds me of my broken heart, or go out in dangerous weather conditions with by far the most intimidating man I've ever met... so yeah I went with fear rather than depression," David sighed. Wait... red base? Hm... that sounded WAY too familiar to Matt.
"You think I'm intimidating?" Jack asked.
"Are you kidding me?! Jack, you're twice the height of everyone, you rarely smile, and have you looked in the mirror lately?! Oh, and you torture people!" David nearly yelled.
"Oh," Jack replied, face dropping slightly.
"Wait no! Crap! Sorry Jack I didn't mean for it to come out so rude! It's just... you really did a number on Tom, and I know he's an adult now and that he can probably take more pain but... it still feels wrong to watch him get hurt so badly," David explained, a sad look on his face. Wait Tom? Tom?! As in the very same Tom him and Edd were looking for?! Matt was overjoyed, and judging by what he was listening to, Tom was an adult now! Maybe he'd be more reasonable this time around! Matt had to bite his tongue to keep himself from screeching, he simply kept listening to the conversation in front of him to try and get more information.
"Well if I'm so scary David, then why are you here huh?! I guess I'm just a monster to you aren't I?!" Jack growled, looming over David. The cashier had slowly sunk behind the counter to hide, and Matt wanted to run, but he knew that would just give him away. He noticed that David began trembling.
"N-No! Jack please calm down! I honestly didn't mean to offend you, it all just kind of slipped out!" David stuttered.
"But you meant it right?! Well medic, I'm sorry I'm so tall, I'm sorry I don't find joy in everyday life, I'm sorry that my appearance is apparently so frightening, and god forbid I actually do my job! I'm sorry that I'm nothing but an emotionless monster to you medic!" Jack shouted.
"Oh I'm sorry, I'm just a monster, monster's aren't worthy of calling people by their real names, didn't you know that medic?!" Jack mocked.
"Jack please I'm sorry I-"
"SHUT UP!" Jack growled, baring his teeth and punching David across the face so hard that he actually collapsed onto the ground. Matt heard a small gasp behind the checkout counter that he could only assume was the employee. Jack looked at his fist and then back down to David, who was still on the ground, a bruise already forming on the side of his face. Jack felt a sick thrill flood through his veins, and he hated it. Had he punched anyone else, he would've been alright with the sudden feeling of happiness, but not this time, not when it was David. For him David was the only beacon of light he had ever seen in this twisted up world... and now he had just quite literally punched his beautiful light out. David finally looked up at Jack, tears filling his eyes.
"Jack... I'm sorry," He said, barely above a whisper.
"What?! No! You shouldn't be the one apologizing! I... I... Ugh!" Jack exclaimed, trying to run out of the store but instead ramming his face into the sliding glass doors.
"Sorry..." The employee mumbled from underneath the checkout counter. The doors slid open and Jack sprinted out. Meanwhile, Matt couldn't believe what he had just witnessed. On the bright side, he managed to remember that he needed cola. He grabbed a six pack of cola and began walking towards the checkout counter, noticing that David was still on the floor. He put the six pack down for a second and held out his hand so that he could help David up.
"Need some help?" Matt chuckled. David sighed and grabbed Matt's hand, boosting himself up.
"Thank you... I'm guessing you saw all of that?"
"No offense, but it was kind of hard to miss," Matt shrugged.
"Seriously, you and your boyfriend have some serious problems," The employee sighed as she slowly got up from behind the counter.
"What? Boyfriend? What are you... Oh! No! He's not my boyfriend!" David stuttered.
"Huh, really? Hm," The employee chuckled.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" David was now a blushing and stuttering mess.
"Nothing," The employee grinned. David sighed and reached for his umbrella, only to find it was gone.
"He took my umbrella?! Ugh! Well... I guess I deserve to go home wet at this point," David sighed. Matt felt pity for the man in front of him, Matt had been punched in the face before, and it wasn't exactly a fun experience. Although, Matt couldn't remember who had punched him, he only knew that it was someone he didn't really have any connection with, so he could hardly imagine how David felt to be punched by someone he was clearly friends with.
"Here," Matt grabbed Edd's umbrella and held it out to David.
"What? Oh no! I couldn't! I'm already wet anyways, there's no need for both of us to be!" David protested.
"Don't worry about it, I have a hood," Matt explained, motioning towards his purple hoodie.
"I don't even know your name," David chuckled.
"My name's Matt, and I heard that guy from earlier call you David?"
"That's me," David sighed. Matt handed him the umbrella and nodded.
"Here, you probably need it more than I do, my apartment isn't too far from here," Matt shrugged. David looked at the umbrella and then up at Matt, a grateful look on his face.
"Thank you so much Matt! I promise that I'll find some way to return it to you!" David smiled.
"Here, I'll open the doors for you," The employee chuckled, lightly tapping the button, opening the sliding glass doors.
"Thank you once again," David bowed slightly, opening the umbrella and running after Jack.
"Hm, nice guy, so, will that be all?" The employee chuckled, pointing towards the six pack of cola Matt had set down earlier.
"Yep," Matt nodded.
"Alrighty then," The employee smiled as she began ringing Matt up. Matt stood there for awhile, suddenly realizing something.
"CRAP!" Matt shouted.
"What?! What's wrong?!" The employee panicked, startled by Matt's sudden outburst.
"That was my boyfriend's umbrella," Matt sighed.

Um... so I may or may not have gone a little overboard heh... more than 2300 words 0-0" Although, you guys deserve an extra long chapter, this is almost at thirty thousand reads! Alright, so let's see if the fan art will work this time around:

 more than 2300 words 0-0" Although, you guys deserve an extra long chapter, this is almost at thirty thousand reads! Alright, so let's see if the fan art will work this time around:

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I think that's all of it? I am Sooooo sorry if I forgot to put your art in here! I've been really stressed lately and I just can barely deal right now, and I honestly lost track of these things

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I think that's all of it? I am Sooooo sorry if I forgot to put your art in here! I've been really stressed lately and I just can barely deal right now, and I honestly lost track of these things.... anyways, both of these drawings of David (medic) were made by RaNd0mTrAsH you guys should check out some of her art, she's amazing and she managed to hold an extended conversation with me without going insane! Anyways, thank you all so much for putting up with me, you all never cease to amaze me with your patience, remember that you are all loved! Thank you for reading!

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