Makes Sense... Not Really

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   Tord walked over to his office chair and took a seat, Paul standing to the right of him and Patryck to the left. One of the Red army's soldiers stood in front them, the medic standing behind her. Tord wasn't the best with remembering names, he barely remembered any of his old soldier's names much less any of the new ones, so the only soldiers that ever really went by their names were Paul and Patryck, the others preferred to go by their actual titles. The medic secretly hated it, but he was too timid, and refused to say anything in fear of getting executed. The soldier that stood in front of them was known as the researcher, she was an expert in retrieving information about the enemy, she was also very knowledgeable when it came to science and mathematics, which was exactly why Tord had put her in charge of a small group of soldiers to find a cure for Tom.
"Red leader, it is a pleasure to speak face-to-face with you sir," The researcher saluted.
"Likewise, I will say that you're at least slightly more tolerable than some of your colleagues," Tord sighed, glaring at the medic.
"Anyways sir, as you know, we have been working diligently on finding a cure for Tom, and we think we have finally found one," the researcher began.
"Well, out with it then, I want to get this over with,"
"Sir... there's just one tiny thing you have to know..."
"What is it?"
"The cure isn't something we can really make using chemicals or medicine, so applying the cure could be very difficult,"
"Ugh, please tell me this isn't some princess and the frog type of crap,"
"No sir, however you are kind of on the right track,"
"We've managed to piece together a very solid theory as to what made Tom revert back into a child, we were able to figure out that it was magical in origin,"
"Yes sir, we believe he was hit with some type of potion, perhaps some type of time reversal potion,"
"Wait... Oh my god I'm an idiot," Tord mentally slapped himself. He thought back to the day he found Tom in an alleyway, he had been walking when he was interrupted by Edd and Matt running out of a shop, the magic shop. It actually made a lot more sense when Tord really thought about it. Tom did say the last thing he remembered was standing in a puddle with a bunch of people staring at him... Wait, and that must have been where the glass in his head came from! Wow... He got hit in the head with that?
"Sir, is something wrong?" The researcher asked.
"I'm fine, sorry, continue," Tord sighed.
"Right, well magic is obviously a little out of my comfort zone, but solely based on past reports of magic gone wrong, I believe that it all has to do with his memories," The researcher motioned for the medic to walk forward, he was holding an illustration of Tom, one of him as an adult, and one of him as a child.
"Memories?" Patryck spoke up.
"Yes, of course we already know that the potion was able to change his physical form, and judging by his actions, it has changed his mental state as well, however we still do not know how much his mental state has deteriorated," The researcher was making hand motions towards the illustration, as if it would get her point across better.
"Okay, but what do memories have to do with the cure?" Paul asked. Rather than scold him, Tord stayed silent, the same question was on his mind.
"The potion doesn't seem inherently harmful, it's only purpose seems to be turning back the clock, I doubt something like that would be created with the ability to erase entire memories, it more than likely stores them away deep within the mind,"
"What's the point of that?" Patryck asked. Tord was starting to become irritated with them for not letting him speak, but he managed to keep his anger in check just long enough to listen to the researcher.
"The potion is supposed to recreate time reversal, a young body isn't truly young with an old mind, think about it like this, if you suddenly became a child, you'd freak out a little right? In fact you could even end up hurting yourself since your younger body isn't as strong as your older body, however if you don't remember ever being an adult, then there's no reason to freak out," The researcher replied.
"Exactly!" The medic chimed in, wanting to be a part of the conversation. He only received several glares sent in his direction.
"Anyways, all memories are associated with an emotion, so if we can figure out the main emotion associated with the memories he lost, then we have our cure,"
"What?" Tord was completely lost.
"The potion has a fail safe, if memories start to resurface, the potion starts to reverse itself, since we cannot recreate full memories, I believe that the emotions associated with those memories will work just fine," The researcher concluded.
"Hm... It's a decent theory, and we don't really have any other options... alright, good work," Tord nodded.
"Thank you sir," The researcher saluted.
"However, there is still work to be done, I will have you talk to Tom tomorrow, that way you can maybe figure out which emotions we need to recreate, as for you medic? Just report back to your station, Paul and Patryck, I need you two to work the armory today," Tord announced.
"No offense sir, but wouldn't it be better to let the researcher interview Tom now?" Patryck asked.
"It would, however it just isn't possible right now, he has other plans today," Tord explained. Paul had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing, Tord, their leader, was taking his worst enemy out for ice cream. Tord left his office and was pleased to find that Tom was still quietly sitting. One of his soldiers must have brought him something to eat judging by the plate of fruit sitting on his lap. Tom apparently didn't notice Tord, he was too busy poking at a pineapple that was sitting next to an assortment of other fruits.
"Dad?" Tom whispered under his breath, staring at the pineapple.
"Um... Tom?" Tord was admittedly a little disturbed at the scene unfolding in front of him.
"Mister Tord!" Tom squealed, dropping the plate of fruit. Tom looked down at the mess, a guilty look on his face.
"Don't worry Tom, I'm sure someone will clean this up," Tord sighed.
"Sorry mister Tord... wait, can we go get ice cream now?!" Tom grinned.
"Sure Tom," Tord smiled.
"Yay!" Tom cheered, skipping down the hall with Tord.

Yay! Another update! I've begun to notice that I say this about nearly every chapter, but this one might've been lacking, I wrote most of it in class... I am not ashamed. You have all been so kind, seriously all of your kind words from the last chapter really made my day, and I hope you all realize how much I really appreciate everything you have done to support this story so far! Also, yes, I realize it's incredibly long, but I just want there to be A LOT of build-up, so please bear with me! (Also sorry if this sounded a little far-fetched, I like to think that the laws of physics don't really apply in Eddsworld) Thank you all for reading!

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