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  After a long walk, Tord and Tom had arrived at red base. Tord went on a walk just about everyday, so the long distance went unnoticed by him, Tom on the other hand, was desperately trying to catch his breath.
"Are you alright?" Tord asked, not really caring. He just didn't want Tom to die right now when there would be plenty of better chances to die later.
"Ugh," Tom gasped.
"Take a second to catch your breath, I need a second to open this door anyways," Tord barely got to the end of his sentence, Tom had already collapsed onto the ground, not unconscious, just tired... hopefully. Tord opened up a panel that was next to the two large metal doors leading into the base. He carefully typed in the code and patiently waited to hear a small clicking noise that would indicate the doors were unlocked.
"I swear to god if Paul changed the password again I will personally-" CLICK!
"Ow! My ears! I really need to get someone to fix that," Tord mumbled to himself.
"Alright Tom, we can go in now," Tord sighed. He looked over at the young child who was sitting absolutely still in the dirt. "I'm tired..." Tom yawned, rubbing one of his... 'eyes' with his sleeve, getting dirt all over his face.
"Well the sooner we get inside, the sooner you can sleep," Tord grinned as he tried to reason with Tom.
"Mister Tord, can't you just carry me?"
"Tom, you can walk,"
"I don't want to though,"
"Tom, I mean it, get up right now,"
"Please?" Tom begged. He held his arms out, oversized sleeves blocking where his hands would normally be.
"If I carry you, then you must promise, no more whining for the rest of the day," Tord groaned.
"I promise!" Tom smiled.
"Fine, now get over here you piece of crap," Tord sighed, carefully picking Tom up. He was actually lighter then Tord expected, either Tom barely ate as a kid or Tord just got stronger over the years, while Tord would've preferred the latter, something told him that the first possibility was more likely. He turned Tom around so that his head was resting on his shoulder, one hand on his back. This was how most people carried children... right? Probably, Tord thought as he walked into Red base. Unsurprisingly, there were only a few soldiers at the front entrance, fortunately they were smart enough to salute their leader the moment he walked in. A few of them shot a curious glance or two towards Tom, but none of them actually made their curiosity known.
"Paul!" Tord called out.
"I need to speak with you in private, now," Tord motioned towards a door that led into one of their storage rooms. Tord walked into the room, a soldier with brown hair, a cigarette, and spectacular eyebrows following not far behind him.
"You wanted to see me sir?" The man who was presumably Paul asked.
"Wait, where is Patryck?" Tord asked. If Paul was nearby, then so was Patryck, if Patryck was nearby, then so was Paul, this was common knowledge in the Red army.
"Sir, you sent him to do some recon earlier today, he should be on his way back by now," Paul replied.
"Right, I forgot about that," Tord sighed. An awkward silence lingered for awhile until Paul cleared his throat, successfully breaking the silence.
"Permission to speak freely for one second sir?" Paul requested.
"Granted," Tord nodded.
"What the heck did you get yourself into?" Paul sighed, pointing at Tom, who had fallen asleep on Tord's shoulder.
"Right, I suppose I should explain," Tord chuckled. Paul just crossed his arm's, waiting for a response.
"This is Tom,"
"Wait, Tom? As in shot you with a harpoon Tom?" Paul asked. Tord felt a little bit of anger starting to rise up within him, but managed to hold it back long enough to reply.
"Yes that one,"
"What happened to him?"
"I'm not sure, but I plan to keep him here until I can find out how to turn him back,"
"Oh, I get it, we'll already have him captive,"
"Exactly," Tord nodded, relieved that he wouldn't need to explain too much to Paul.
"Wait, why are you only telling me this?" Paul asked.
"I've decided to only tell you and Patryck because I believe that you two are the only soldiers I have that can help me with this," Tord explained.
"What exactly do you mean by that sir?"
"You two have... you know! Parental instincts!" Tord laughed nervously.
"Parental instincts?"
"I don't know! I just think that sometimes you two act like... parents?"
"And you think that we would be able to help you look after a child?"
"It's not a suggestion, it's an order!" Tord growled, nearly waking up Tom.
"Why do we need to be nice to him if we're just going to imprison him later?" Paul muttered.
"He might try to run away if he feels threatened, Edd and Matt are looking for him, and if they end up finding him, it'll all be over! So, you and Patryck WILL help me out when I ask, you WILL make Tom think he's welcome, and you WILL follow my orders, am I clear soldier?" Tord scowled.
"Yes sir," Paul replied, saluting.
"Good, when Patryck comes back, I want you to explain the situation to him,"
"Yes sir," Paul continued saluting.
"Alright then, I'm glad that we're on the same page, now if you'll excuse me, my arm is getting tired," Tord sighed. He left the room, being extra careful so as not to drop Tom.
"Said the man with a robotic arm," Paul chuckled to himself, stomping out his cigarette and reaching into his pocket to light another one.

Well that happened I guess, sorry if Paul seemed a little out of character, I've never really written anything with him in it, so fair warning, when Patryck shows up, he might be a little out of character as well, sorry! Also I would love to thank those who have supported this story so far, seriously, I didn't expect this to get any reads at all! So once again, thanks for reading!... god that was cheesy...

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