Astraphobia (Fear Of Thunder)

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   Tom sat down on the cold concrete floor of the building, while Tord decided to look around a bit. There wasn't much to see, but it was evident that someone had come here before them, multiple times by the look of it. Tord could only assume it was Tom since pictures of him and his friend's littered the walls. Upon further inspection, Tord found multiple guitar picks scattered around the place, he also noticed several empty vodka bottles near the stairway leading to the second floor. Yeah, it was definetely Tom. However, Tom seemed to be completely oblivious of his surroundings, as if he didn't recognize anything around him, which given his situation, he probably didn't. Tord finally sighed and sat down next to Tom, listening to the heavy rain pelting the windows, lightning occasionally lighting up the room, followed by the expected clap of thunder.
"Mister Tord?" Tom stuttered. Tord looked down at Tom. He was physically shaking, and he seemed pale... well more than normal.
"What's wrong Tom?" Tord sighed.
"When will the rain stop?" Tom asked. Tord gave him a look of disbelief.
"How could I possibly know that?" Tord rolled his eyes.
"Oh..." Tom seemed to be getting scared. Tord got up and brushed some of the dirt off of his pants.
"Well, want to explore the second floor with me?" Tord suggested, holding a hand out to Tom.
"Sure!" Tom grinned. He grabbed Tord's hand and pulled himself up off the ground. Tord wasn't stupid, he knew being on the second floor was dangerous in a storm this strong, but Tord was worried that Tom might have a panic attack, distracting him seemed like the best solution. Tord led Tom upstairs and was surprised to find that the lights were on. The building must've been abandoned recently, otherwise Tord was certain the power company would've cut off the power awhile ago. There was actual furniture on the second floor, just a few chairs and a table or two. There was also a checkered print sleeping bag folded up on one of the chairs... Tom had slept here before?! Tom let go of Tord's hand and instantly ran to the sleeping bag, quickly rolling it out.
"Tom, I'm not sure that's such a good idea," Tord chuckled.
"I don't care! I'm cold and tired!" Tom whined, snuggling into the sleeping bag.
"Whatever, it's your call," Tord eventually gave up. Much like the first floor, various pictures were taped to the walls. Tord rolled his eyes as he scanned over some of the pictures, there were barely any with him in them, and if he was in one, his face was crossed out with what looked like a red marker. He found a desk set up in the corner, a few papers were scattered around the desktop. Most of it was sheet music, some of the songs Tord recognized while others were obviously written by Tom. Tord scoffed once he realized most of them were about Tord's recent failure. The first one was titled, "Unwelcome," the second was "The truth," the third was, "Good Riddance," and the last one was... Wait what? Tord was able to guess what the first three were about, the first was probably about Tord showing up, the second was probably about Tom confronting him, and the last once was more than likely written some time after Tom had shot Tord's robot down, but the fourth and last one was called, "Could've been different." Tord wasn't sure whether or not he was reading into the title too much, so he decided to read some of the actual lyrics. The phrase "If only," was repeated several times throughout the unsurprisingly angsty song. From what Tord could tell, the song was about Tom once thinking that him and Tord could've been friends at one point, and Tord wasn't sure how to feel about that. Halfway down the page, there was a sticky note that read, "dear future me, I swear to god if you even think about finishing this song, I will know, and I will find a way to make your life a living nightmare, signed, past Tom." Hm, seems like future Tom had listened so far. Tord's hands moved on their own, folding the sheet music and stuffing it into his pocket.
"What is wrong with me lately?" Tord asked himself, putting his head in his hands. Tord was brought out of his self pity trance by a loud squealing noise, Tom? Tord watched as Tom had hid himself further into the sleeping bag, the thunder outside getting louder.
"Mister Tord? I'm scared..." Tom's voice was muffled from the sleeping bag covering his face.
"Scared of thunder?" Tord asked. He walked to where Tom was hiding, kneeling so that Tom could see him. Tom peeked out from the sleeping bag and nodded, confirming Tord's train of thought.
"It's loud..." Tom whispered. Tord was admittedly a little curious about whether Tom had always had this fear or if it was just something he was scared of as a child.
"It's alright Tom, thunder might be loud, but it can't hurt you," Tord shrugged. 
"Yes really, you're fine Tom," Tord sighed. Another loud clap of thunder decided to fill the room. Tom screeched and jumped into Tord's arms, visibly shaking.
"I don't wanna die!" Tom cried. Tord was going to pry Tom off of him, but unfortunately his grip was just too strong. He sighed and began comforting Tom, petting his surprisingly soft hair.
"You're alright Tom, everything is fine," Tord was mentally scolding himself, he felt like a mother bird, and that just wasn't natural. Tom was softly crying, his face pressed against Tord's black hoodie. If someone had told Tord he'd be in this situation, he would've called them crazy and probably would've shot them in the head.
"Thank you mister Tord..." Tom mumbled. Tord's eyes shifted towards some of the pictures on the wall, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to get some research done.
"Tom, can I ask you something?" Tord asked.
"Hm?" Tom looked up at Tord, his face stained with tears.
"You have to let go of me first," Tord chuckled.
"No," Tom squeaked. Tord rolled his eyes and stood up, Tom still clinging onto him. Tord managed to stumble over to the wall with Tom still hanging off of him.
"I want you to look at these pictures and tell me if you recognize anyone," Tord explained. Tom hesitantly released Tord and carefully examined the pictures.
"He looks like me!" Tom laughed, pointing at a picture of himself.
"Yeah, he kind of does," Tord smirked, trying to hold in his laughter.
"Hm... I can't really see who that is," Tom sighed, referring to one of the photos where Tord's face was crossed out.
"Mm-hm," Tord patiently waited for Tom to continue.
"Hey! It's Edd and Matt!" Tom gasped. Tord's eyes widened.
"You remember them?!" Tord exclaimed.
"They were the guys you warned me about! The ones who tried to take me away from you yesterday!" Tom frowned. Tord let out a sigh of relief, he didn't remember them as his friends, but as the people who tried to take him away... wait, yesterday?
"They tried taking you away yesterday?" Tord asked.
"Yeah! I was asleep with Paul and Patryck, and they grabbed me and tried to run out the window!" Tom explained.
"I told those two to watch you! Ugh, I swear the next time I see those idiots-"
"It wasn't their fault mister Tord! Please don't be mad at them, I like them!" Tom whined. Tord was honestly a little surprised that Tom had managed to bond with them so quickly, guess Paul and Patryck weren't that incompetent after all.
"Fine, but I'm still going to talk to them about it when we get back," Tord growled.
"Yay!" Tom grinned, hugging Tord again.
"Tom, did someone forget the hug policy?"
"What? But we're not at the base!"
"I win!" Tom cheered.
"What am I going to do with you?" Tord frowned.
"Heh," Tom laughed and hugged Tord even tighter. Tord gave him a warm smile, he ended up catching himself and mentally slapped himself. He doesn't have the capacity to care! He can't afford to! Especially not for the enemy. Tord eventually gave into the hug, which just made Tom's smile grow wider. Both completely forgetting about the horrific storm raging outside.

Oh well would you look at that? :D Before anyone asks, no, this isn't going to turn into some creepy pedophilia fic, this is really just Tord realizing that it's okay to care for other people. Anyhow, sorry this chapter took so long, busy as usual! Honestly though, I wasn't 100% satisfied with how this chapter turned out, but I'm just glad I got it done. Seriously though, all of these reads, votes, and comments boggle my mind to no end, thank you all for reading!

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