To The Rescue

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The ripper and the instructor sat in the infirmary, chatting and trying to keep their minds off of the current state of their loved ones. Unfortunately, the ripper just couldn't help himself. He was seriously worried. He looked down at the half eaten red velvet doughnut in his hand. He didn't eat sweets that often. He wasn't all that good with sweet things. Yet at this point he found himself craving the attention of some other sweet thing.
"Red Leader does not normally waste so much time on a scolding," The ripper mumbled, not even caring about showing weakness at this point.
"I hate to admit it, but you're right, I thought we would've heard at least some kind of yelling by now," The instructor sighed. The ripper quickly stood up.
"That is it, I am going to go check on him," The ripper declared.
"You go right on ahead, I don't blame you, I'll be watching Cathy," The instructor explained. The ripper nodded and left the infirmary, taking the route he knew the medic would've taken while trying to get to Red Leader's office. The medic was pretty predictable. At least he was to the ripper. He got halfway down the hall and froze. Something was wrong. Very wrong. There were scuff marks on the floor, as if someone had been dragged and their feet were dangling. The ripper had seen this kind of thing before, but he just had to confirm his suspicions. He began sprinting down the hallway, finally getting to Red Leader's office. He knocked on the door a couple of times.... There was no response. He was so going to regret this later. The ripper rammed his shoulder into the door, slamming it open. Empty. No sign of anyone. Did Red Leader drag the medic away? No. He couldn't have.
"Ripper? What are you doing? Did you break Red Leader's door down?!" A voice asked. The ripper turned to see Red Leader's right hand men.... Or.... Right hand man and left hand man? Ugh what did it matter?!
"Where is Red Leader?" The ripper asked the bushy browed man.
"Haven't seen him, how bout you Pat?" He asked his partner.
"I was told he went out," His partner replied.
"Was the medic with him?" The ripper asked, clenching his fists. His patience was beginning to wear thin. Both men looked at each other for a second before turning back to the ripper, both shaking their heads.
"No one was seen with him, Red Leader tends to take walks alone to clear his mind, although he really should stay inside, it's still pouring," The long haired man sighed. The ripper pushed past them, stomping away.
"Where are you going?" The shorter man shouted after him.
"The armory," The ripper growled in response. He stopped for a moment. Wait... He had no idea where the medic was, much less who took him. Ugh, this was going to be harder than he thought.
"Bro!" A voice shouted. The ripper looked up to see the seamstress limping over to him, her arm clutched at her side and the instructor running after her.
"Cat! I told you not to get up!" The instructor exclaimed.
"What are you doing?" The ripper asked, not at all surprised by his little sister's actions.
"I heard you break the door and- ugh ow," The seamstress cut herself off.
"You need to lay back down," The ripper rolled his eyes. The seamstress pouted and used her free hand to point to the ceiling.
"Cameras," The seamstress explained.
"Cameras... Right! You have cameras everywhere!" The ripper gasped as the realization dawned on him. At least one of the cameras must have caught the medic's attackers.
"What are you two going on about?" The instructor asked, only worried about the seamstress at this point.
"Monitors are behind an ammo box in the armory," The seamstress managed to stutter out.
"Thank you Catherine, now you should really go rest up, I have it from here,"
"By yourself?"
"I do not trust anyone else to do it, everyone else will simply try replacing David with a new medic,"
"...Fine," The seamstress sighed.
"Instructor, please, take care of my sister in case I do not come back," The ripper asked, his focus shifting towards the dark skinned woman trying to help the seamstress stand up straight.
"Look, I don't know what it is either of you are talking about, and I'm not sure what all this about not coming back is about either, but taking care of Cathy? That's something I can do," The instructor grinned, kissing the seamstress on the cheek. The ripper nodded and began storming down the hallway once again. As ironic as it was, the armory wasn't too far from the infirmary, so it didn't take long for the ripper to find it. It had been awhile since the red army had gone to war against another army, some of the shelves of weaponry had begun collecting a thin layer of dust. The weapons however were spotless. Every week someone gets the tedious job of cleaning each weapon, a job the ripper had never gotten. The ripper looked around a bit. Couldn't she have been more specific when she said behind an ammo box? There were at least twenty ammo boxes, and all of them were scattered around the armory. The ripper approached a large one sitting in the corner of the room. Ah, this box stored only emergency ammo, so it was rarely used, and yet, not one trace of dust on the box itself. This had to the one his sister was talking about. The ripper slid the box away from the wall, revealing more than a dozen mini monitors. The ripper knew the seamstress saw just about everything, but wow. He fiddled around with the settings on each monitor. There didn't seem to be a camera in Red Leader's office for obvious reasons, so he was only able to see the hallway leading up to the office. The ripper carefully began rewinding the footage, stopping once he saw the medic on-screen. He seemed like a nervous wreck coming out of Red Leader's office, but he also seemed a bit relieved? Well at least he seemed relatively unharmed, although there did seem to be a mark on his neck he would have to ask Red Leader about later. He chuckled a little as he watched the medic walk back to the infirmary with a pep in his step. The ripper could just imagine the small man humming a little tune to himself. Ugh, focus Jack! Wait what's that? A short figure and a much taller one seemed to come out of nowhere, sneaking up behind the medic. The shorter of the two pulled a syringe out of their pocket and stabbed it into the medic's neck, the medic helplessly squirmed around a bit before falling unconscious. The ripper was paying close attention to the two attackers. They both had hoods covering their faces, and one had an indigo colored arm band on with a white medical cross on it. Judging by their figures, they were both women or... Maybe really feminine men, but the ripper's best guess was women. The shorter one took off the band on her arm and wrapped it around the medic's eyes as a makeshift blindfold. The ripper turned up the volume, hearing their quiet whispers.
"I didn't bring anything to tie his hands or feet with!" The shorter one sighed.
"Seriously? Ugh, no matter, we'll just do it on the plane, now come on, I doubt the lieutenant likes to wait," The taller one replied, grabbing the medic's arms and dragging him off into a camera's blind spot. The ripper turned off the monitors. He had seen enough. Two women, the color blue, and another medic? This had to be the work of the blue navy.

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