You Had One Job

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Matt looked down at Edd, who was walking side by side with him. Only now did Matt realize how much taller he was than Edd, they rarely stood next to each other like this, and it made the difference much more apparent, no wonder Matt's hoodie looked so big on Edd. He refused to let Matt mess around with his hair, so Edd's hair was still a little out of control, Matt didn't care what Edd would say when they got home, he was fixing his hair.
"Here we are," Edd exclaimed. Matt looked up to see the Magic Shop, he always forgot how close they lived to it.
"Alright! Let's go find that manager!" Matt cheered, practically running through the entrance.
"Careful Matt!" Edd shouted after him. After yesterday's incident, Edd had hoped Matt would be a little more cautious, then again, it was Matt.
"You two!" Someone shouted. The manager from yesterday stomped up to them, holding a worn broom in one hand.
"Oh uh... Hey?" Edd chuckled awkwardly.
"You said you were going to pay for this mess!" The manager growled.
"And we will! Promise! We've just been a little preoccupied looking for our friend," Edd sighed.
"You mean the eyeless dude from yesterday? Ugh, because of him we've barely had any business, everyone thinks we're dangerous," The manager scoffed.
"Um... but haven't there been more than a few accidents here?" Edd asked.
"That's not the point!" She yelled. Matt had long since lost interest in Edd and the manager's conversation, and was sort of just wandering around the very empty store.
"Look, I promise that the moment we find our friend and get him back to normal, then we'll pay," Edd sighed.
"You better," She mumbled.
"We were actually wondering if you've seen any sign of our friend since yesterday,"
"Can't say I have, then again I haven't really been looking,"
"Wait, are you two talking about the guy who got hit with that time reversal potion?" An employee asked.
"Yes, why?" The manager replied.
"Well, I was off yesterday, so I only know what everyone else told me, but I think I actually saw that guy, he became a kid right?" The employee asked.
"He did! Where did you see him?!" Edd smiled.
"I was at the cafe down the road, I saw him run into an alleyway across the way, I was actually going to go see if he needed any help, but someone else beat me to it,"
"I'm not too sure, some guy in a black hoodie ran in after him, I thought it was his father but... I guess I was wrong,"
"Did you see any noticeable features on the guy?"
"I did get a small glimpse of his face when he was walking out with your friend, he had an eyepatch, one visible silver eye, and this weird bandage thing on his cheek," The employee finished.
"Any of that sound familiar to you?" The manager asked, not really caring.
"The eyepatch no, but the silver eye and bandage... no, there's no way... Did you see which way they went?" Edd sighed.
"They went towards the other end of town, towards all those abandoned warehouses... y'know now that I'm saying it out loud, that does sound pretty suspicious," The employee chuckled.
"Perfect," Edd sighed.
"Why didn't you say anything yesterday?" The manager scolded.
"It was my day off! How was I supposed to know he was the one who got hit?"
"Whatever, look, your friend could be in serious danger, he doesn't just look like a child, he has literally reverted back into a child," The manager explained.
"Yes really, he probably has no memory of you or... Hey, where did your other friend go?" Both the manager and Edd suddenly realized that Matt was nowhere to be found.
"Matt? Matt?!" Edd shouted, getting no response from the tall ginger man.
"Is that him outside?" The employee asked. Sure enough, Matt had left and was walking down the street.
"Yep, thank you again!" Edd waved, running to catch up with Matt.
"I have an idea! How about we put that time reversal potion up on a high shelf since it's not selling! Ugh, that's the last time I take suggestions from a custodian on minimum wage," The manager whispered under her breath, returning back to her sweeping. It took a minute or two, but Edd finally caught up to Matt, who was leaning against a brick wall.
"Matt!" Edd gasped, desperately trying to catch his breath.
"Oh! Edd!" Matt grinned.
"Why did you leave?"
"Sorry, I zoned out and forgot why I was even there, so I left,"
"Why am I not surprised? We were there to ask about Tom remember?"
"Oh right, so did they know anything?"
"They saw him leave an alleyway with some random guy towards those abandoned warehouses outside of town,"
"Huh, that doesn't sound creepy at all,"
"What's worse is... I think I know who it was... but he's dead! Or at least I thought he was,"
"Who died?"
"Matt, he had silver eyes, a bandage on his cheek, and a black hoodie, you do know what this means right?"
"That the kidnapper is probably emo?"
"What? No! Well... a little I guess, ugh, why do I even try to explain these kinds of things to you?"
"I don't know,"
"Matt, I think Tord was the one who kidnapped Tom!"
"What?! Oh my god!... Who's Tord again?"

I don't know why, but I'm really not proud of this chapter, I feel like I could've done a lot better... anyways, I'd just like to thank everyone for reading, voting, and commenting! Seriously, I wasn't really paying much attention to how many reads I had, but over 400?! How the heck?! I can't believe it, thank you all so much! I'll try my best to update as soon as I can, sorry that this chapter was severely lacking, thanks for reading!

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